Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1890

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1 860 INDEX. A Dunsmuir, Joan Olive, Page- Eastern Band of North Carolina Cherokee In- Pass. deficiency appropriation for paying judg—· diana, _ _ _ ment against Charles M. Bradshaw, dehciency appropriation for expenses of etc .. . ... . . .. .. 110 litigation .,. 680 1237 Du Pont, Henry A., Eastern Branch, Potomac River, y deficiency appropriltion for expenses con- deficiency appropriation for bridge ... 707 tested election -.- - . 239 Eastern Dispensary, D. C., Du b- G , L_ _ appropriation for maintenance 511,1062 plsigioueiiigiessta . . - . . . . . - .. 1459 Enmnn Shawnee Indians, _ _ nqpuriug uw 8,,8,,,0,,}:: appropriation for fnlnlling treaty with- . . 73, to mean 4 months or 121 days . . .. 282 _ _ 581, 934 to mean 209 days- ..._,. , .,_ . .,,.. 852 L‘;)8;;;*i0·i17’L”'Ca1 1__71 Dnvvcldvrf, E,,,, p,,,,,,` "j` ‘``' -'‘‘``° ‘‘°``‘``‘‘ ° . . gon a Miss. allpropmatwy for consul‘`` '’'` 26S' 829 de uty collector of; port oi, located at D°}t°°° (ie? Tami of 1897% . . . P Scranton Miss . . . . . 838 ‘mP°“g;g’;,;;B;’j:,‘;f,§1e2fS"**6 *"““ °f ’°°" 203 East River and mu cna, N. Y., . ¤ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ '.f f ·' t f 1134 .fBusp8nSl0Db?)nybb° Swokgd _ _ U 20, E zpligppu ici} .,01 improvemen o 0* Il I`0( - . . ,. . . ‘ ‘ “"‘¥i2“6?“f·»¤%“»5¥F's» S'? 222:2:.:;;*;.:,*;,;z;;::.%2;1;a;-i.;.;.;t;.g“;,$*,?2»M ¤¤¤v<>¤¤··<1» sm ------ —-—- .— 20* Swarm, . .. 1246 °“ g°(;S_%c§€yl;‘;_e;';;’£§; as ¤r•¢<n¤·=<1 m mm` 204 preliminaryexaniination of Diamond and additional imposed on goods upon which . C°°PU€s_r°(if° to b° m°'d° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1159 bumities am bestowed abroad 205 East Sade Constr uctwn Company of Toledo, . ‘ - Ohio ` on uneuumerated articles .. . . 20:) . ’ · . if two or more rates are applicable, to pay E£;H(;%l;i¥n&€,£:°Pr1atl°u for ‘°°`’‘`‘661 the highest , . .. 205 ’ tg * 1180 <~¤ nw 0* ¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤*=··=*·n¤•1 =·¤·i¤1¤¤» mn E.}l‘?"f€.'Ltt. 2.;;.‘1i.;m;‘ ‘r;.;at:,;.°’it,22;.;.;t1 enumerated - ... 205 C gan g on manufactures, in whole or part not pro- inc,) Oraésouyéf 478 vidcdfm- °‘'`'` " '`‘'‘ “ ’'‘'‘ 205 Eatonr§lvahA ---··_`--··--··---.-`---- on reimportatiou of articles of domestic Pengion mcréésgd 1479 growth etc .. . . ..-- 210 . '`' ""7' ``'‘ "" on merchandige, etc., not entered or entered Egggéizznggzligwd 1490 without paying . . . . 213 E C, . W. ‘‘ T' '’'‘'`'‘‘‘ . h h b d . ht an an-e, _ es., _ _ _ _ m 1;:1:, ;’::;s£0vL :31 wagsghggtlgzga oi. Ezppxg/papaflion for public buildrng . 997, 1070 entry-- -... - -.. 213 ’ ’ . . .. . . . . payment to ndminmtrator of . -.-..--. 1166 mS°ru::s;'{;§§{lS;gn§g381gu v°Ss°1B’ °t°" 214 Eckington and_SoIdiers’Home Railway Company, ·»=<¤·¤·n¤,» *;;,5,;;;,; nn <>-·nnn~ ‘~>==¤>·~¤nn¤ ,,3 £'2.“31,§2?tS§tL"§i;i1§f§r;;1;4‘.;1‘.,1,u;.;‘.,;;e.,;;,‘1 133 . · · '`' I '‘'’‘`'‘‘‘‘'` issue of stock, etc .. . - . ., . - 491. “"“”“T.i'1€{‘t’5"}§§Z i‘TY.’}?Y{‘T’T?i .‘iT’i‘?'TT?.‘1‘Y1f m ·=*n·¤¤·;, ·e§ yes *0 cnn ··¤·1 S¤*·¤¤~¤ ,9., , ,, mw -... -.,- .-.. .. .-..--. .. Dnn¤”» [dm G-: , , t to issue tree transfers ypod on \Vashington D1·¤,y¤¤¤¤;,¢<> ·¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤ new <>f ----------·-- 1176 and omysting airway ,_,,,____ _. 1375 “·" '"`yr , “?’·r , , Yenrollment of bill authorized, etc . 1801 appropriation for improving harbor .. 1122 L,,;,,,,g,,,,, pla", D_ 0_ D’ Wamish, etc., Indians, Wash., fm. Gxt,,,,si,,n’0f ____ I __ ____ _ ______________ 1381 ¤»ppr<>1>r¤¤§¤¤¤ f¤r ¤¤1>p<>r1. nw-, ¤f- -- 77,685. 937 i Economic Resources orarie mma swat, Dwyer, Patmck, i deticiency appropriation for printing DP:‘Y”¥::‘gt° ······ · ···············-···---- 1180 l papers on . - . ..-..-. 127 9 am} *****1% _ _ Ecroyd Edward d°H°¥°¤°5’ *PP!'°P¤*U°“ fm' Pm'ch8·¤° -··· 704 deiicie11cy)kappropri:;'tion forfreimbursing 112 l em yees or orgery o -... -. .. 1 Ecuador E' Eappropgriatéon for minister . ..,,, 263, S23 P denton . . E1:;:;,?;";;;;?-; u2_ | Eapproplpintioh for fish-cultural station -.-. 1089 _ * _ ····-· --· ··-·· ~· -·~- -··- 0 dinburg E“k"'»,C“”"”"""¤ _ appropriation for consul .,,,,,..,.,. , ,, , 268, 829 Penswu ···---·-···· · · - · ··~-—· · ··---- • ---- 1¤83 i for clerk hire ..--..,, . ,,_,,,,,___ 271, 832 Earl, Jenn O-; g salary, etc., appropriated for consul at to P**Ym*¤* *0 ——---- - —·-—··-——-·--·--—--- 1211 · be paid to, at Leith ..,.. ’ 221 Earle, tloseph, H., late_a Cenator, , Ed,,",,,,,,. 1;,.,,,;,,,,.8 J. Jacob,, d°U°l°¤‘}Y ¤PPI'°P¤“n°“ fm` P**5’m°¤t to 3 remission to, of tax on lost brandy, etc . .. 1550 W1d¤W ---------·-·-----—~—---- · ---- 136 l Eamonn., Wuuam, EGGZG1/, Uh¢l1‘l68F·, Q payment to . ..,,,.,,,,____ _ _,____ ____ 1180 deficiency appropriation for reimbursing. 128 1 Edsall, Thomas, Eason, Samuel S., } pension ,_,_ , _ __,___ _ ______ _ ______ _ _ ______ 1464 Epfgyllglgllt to · --..- - ---··----- - .-.. 1180 g Edson, Charles, 08 iM' pension increased -...,. . .,,,,,,..,,__ ,,.. 1554 P33’¤10¤l7 to . - - --.····-·-. . .. . 1180 $ Education, Bureau of, EM? AUHW9, VL, I appropriation for Commissioner, clerks, made subport of entry . .- .-.. 30 i etc __,, _ ___,_ _ _____ _ _____ ____ ____ 307, 880 ERS! Bay, Bayw, Terr., for collating, etc., agricultural statispre1im1nary_examination of, to be made .- 1160 i · ties _,__ ____ ________ _ _____________ 308, 881