Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1914

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1884 _ IND EX. Indian DeparIm.ent—C0utinu•d. Page- Indian ])cpartnzent—Contiuucd. PWS- uppropriatiou for miscellaneous sup- 36 apipropriaticu for J . l\éo11tgome£y Smgth 90 ports . ..,,,... -... 77 584 9 or subsistence use to purc asa s 0c for general incidental expenses 78; 938 I etc . . . 91, 595, 946 for sqpport, of schools ,... 79, 587, 942 * deficiency appropriation for removing pohcy declared not to support secta— Southern Utes, ctc - ... . 128 rian schools .. . . . . .. : . 79, 942 J for damages to settlers for removing when contracts may be made \Vlth sec- I from Crow Creek and Wmnebagc 128 tariau schools .. . . 79 587 942 5 reservations ... for school buildings, sites, etc . 79; 587; 942 I for schools, Tomah, Wis .. . . . . . . 129 for transportation of pupils, etc. . - 83, 590, 945 E for transporting pupils . . 129, 144, 147 employment of Indians . -. . .. 83 g for cxpcu cs, superintendent, Indian school expenditures to be under Com- f school . _ . 1 , . , . . . 1;%) missioner . .. . . -.- . 83, 590 946 or transporting supp ics. . . . .. . for commission to negotiate with Five i144, 149, 675, 676, 123·£ Civilized Tribes .. -. .. 83, 591, 939 for ixmcidontals in Idaho . . . . . . 129, 147 expenses of cxcrk detailed as disbgqrym 939 ::0; suppgt, schools for Pawnee5M 1I1g8g0I]- 0 0.. . . . ---- 0 , 0 8g6D . .. ..-. for dom- mi1l,%I’in:, Agency .. - . 84; 591, 939 ;`0r interpreters . ... . . , 3 , ggé for mills Flat an Agency . .-- . 84 or inspectors .,.. . .. 144 675 676, 1 1 for nawngnills, Nez Porcc Reservation,for school superintendent . - .’ 144; 675, 713; 1233 ,~ ‘£‘*‘*°- ‘‘‘‘ le ‘ ‘ ·g;a‘" ··‘‘‘‘ S? @3}* $$3 ] f-3i “t‘“}““ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 1;11a,a‘am1;·, éié or p ymcum, cw or gcncy- .. a sc oo s ..,... for surveying and allotting agriculturail, ’ for Mission Indians, support .,. . . .’. .. .,. . . , 144 atc., lands in sevcmlty."; . 85, 591, 940 'for Sioux of Devils Lake. .. 144 for irrigation, tools, etc ... 85, 591, 940 for Sioux, Modawakauton Band. .. . . 144 for telephone to White Earth Agency . . . 592 for Yakimas, ctc .. . . . . . 144 for Crow, Flathead, etc., Commission; I for incidentals, South Dakota and Washreport .. . .. 592 ingtcu .. _ .. .. 145 150 for electric lightinf, ctc., ut Oneida In- { for surveys of reservations, etc . ,145, dustrial Schoc , Wis . .-. ... 84 I 149, 238, 1235 for survey and subdivision of roserva- I for pay of judges, Indian courts .. .. 147 tions and allotted laude, atc-- - 85, 592, 940 I for sqhcol buildings - - .. 150 for rosurvcy, boundaries Klamath Rosen- [ for surveying lands, Indian Territory. 238, 711 vaticn, negotiation for reliuqui h-for expenses of Ute Commission 238 handzutfotghurmuk .. . . 592 { ;_‘or genry Strong . . . . . . 675 0 ic ssaw ation . 86 595 - or . V. V. Smit ...- . .,... 675 for survey of lands Cheyenne River and ’ E for commissioners .. . ... 675 Standing Bock reservations, ctc . 592,940 5 for Apaches, Kiuwas, and Comanchcs - -- 675 Rosebud Indian Reservation. ... . 85 for Apaches, Kicwas, Ccmauchcs, and Cheyenne River Indian Reservation- 85Wichitas . ..,...,..,. 144, 147, 675 lauds in Indiau’Tan·i|;0ry , _ _ , , . . . 85 1 for Fiqkapnos .,__,_,_,,_, _ ____ _ ____, 675, 713 fo1‘ John; T. Oglcsby . . . . 86 1 for inc1dcutaIs, Colorado , .. 675 for Dnvngl F. ay_ .. . . . ._ . . . . 87 for schoqs, Flsudreau, S. Dak., etc .. 675 for rlgpmr $5 budge across Bxg Wind 8 { · gm- supplm .-.6H_, ,_,_,, , _____ 676,71:;,1234, war y0.. . . 7 · or surveown Reservation to rsimbéno Ormsby County, Nov, 87 Minn X?,, _ , ,, B? ,__,, , _ ___________ 676 for digest of decisions, utc - . . .. 87 for Walker River Reservation, Nov . 676 work may be poribrmed by clerk of . . 88 for J. Montgomery Smith - . - . .. 676 8<‘¤Q¤¤¢¤ of Kvlllwth S. Murchison and for iucideutals N. Mex , ,.. .,,_ , ,_,_ 676 Millard F. Holland, for services ou, i for school, Carlisle, Pa . . . .- . . 129, 676 to settled . . . . . .. 88 I for irrigation, reservations .. . .. 676 for paying attorneys forlcgal services to for commission Crow Flatheads atc 677 Old Settlers or Western Cherokee I fm Eastern Buid Norkh Car I' ’ Ch ‘ ‘ · o ma eroxndmm ’ ssl k . .. .. .. 680 for commissioner to sell lands, etc., Pu- for sa::};, different tribes -. .. 147, 708, 713 ynlluip Reservation . ... 87, 592, 940 I for contingencies ... 144, 147,708, 1234 fo1' t25U; BIND? doprcdation claims, re· < for inuidentals, Wgghingggh ______ _ _____ 713 vcr ing c c . .. .. 592 940 fo t t' u f the 1 fl d' for paying aegal services to Pqoblo In- v r ¥`:;1·?:0;·; .2... --.???;.?-.? IT 1233 duns, New Mczgxco ... . 594, 940 · for salari0s,0tc.,town-site commissioners 1233 for assembling Imhans at Omaha Expo- { for special agents ,,..,. . ..,,. . .,... ,___ 1234 8W0D ·-·--- · ----- - ---...--. . . 594for support of Indians .,,.,,_ _, 1234 for Sav:pnut_Rcwzuti0u, irrigation in- am for incidenta?1 in Territories . .. 1235 VSS 138 1011, 6 _ --_ _ t. " payment cf, bn nuce rcmainin to .-., 88 for Queen Creek irrigation mvontiga.- receipts to be in full for all clgms . .. . 88 §l0¤ . ._ -..- _ ---- i-: -7-- .-. .. 594 claim of Fond dn Lac Band of Chippewa for ;D{?BtlgItl!lg mjurnca to Seminole 62 indians of; Lxikc Superior, referred uq11n?.--.:..--:-. .: .. 5 to Courto C aims . -. .. 88 for putnslgng vnolatnons of nntcrcourggl 1113 report of grcaties, Iémnuities due, atc., San-

        • -0 --·---·-----·-----·- - ·--- , · t '¤ t' bska.udF1 d

for food! ctc., for Indians in emergencies- 938 S2211g0g? gout? gskcxisafl ji?]. -l;‘i£jl? 89 for-r%p?1rs,(¤;overumeut bridge, Liobrnm, qw with Sisscton and Wuhpoton bands of -eu·.ec .. . .., , . · Dkm 5* ______________ _ ____ 89 for aléogxxzéuts, rlgmgvation, Sioux Nation 940 I action 0}} ;>uu‘:sl;E1<;`;;uS€anwm, ew., relative <> ¤ uns a ·· - --------·---· · 1 d¤1¤¤¤¤ ’ -B·B kc, tificrl- 89 for site forinsrdxo asy1um,Ca.ut0u, S. Dak . 941 l limit 6;:4 for salsri: at agzzcigsin 90 for establishing agency, Leech Luke, ; salaries of pgcptg, Indiana, ctc., not in- Mmn . . . ... 941 , eluded m hmmstion .. . . 90