Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1926

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1896 INDEX. Landrum, Sarah A. (widow), _ Page- Lawson, W. G., Page. pension .- . ..-.-.. --. . -- .. 1426 payment to administrator of . . .. . ,.., 1162 Lands, etc., United States, Lay, John W., appropriation for custody, ctc .. 30, 616, 1093 pension .____ , ____,__ _ ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 1553 to distinctly dc ignato parcels of, in Dis- Layne Elizabeth p_ trict of Columbia for assessment and payfmmt to admiflistmtor of ______ _ _____ 1168 taxation .. . . . .. 1376 Law"", John M_ L“”d’D-C- t t f ... couécmnaéiou of, for street extensions- 1344, 1345 Loggi Igwbcgt "· ```` Lando, Public (see Public Lands). ’ - " Land Titles, D t t f C 1 b 13 Lgfffaihé ········ ···· ·········· 1*92 To quiet in is tic 0 0 um ia 79 3 m L . .8 Lane, 1c1sz¤§be¢h<wmow>, 9 LGQJ, f§¥$$’m,d‘“‘"‘ “"‘*°' °f ············· 1*98 _ L£::S5;:;;§:°“°d ' "" `‘‘'‘ 14"5 ; Lcgzyment to ndmi11istrat0r of . .. , ,,,,_ 1197 L‘g”;zi°l;i;‘;_(;I‘ ``’''''’'°'°' 1416 été, entered for refining, etc., in bond, 9 y’ ’ ,. f mota.1 to be reexported or duties payment to . . . . .--. . . 1144 * aid etc ,,11 Lagvmaggnyram E-, 1177 Lead,.",}: Cajon ‘‘' f' ‘‘`' ‘ ‘‘‘‘' ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " L,g,;;umc. RFQ.; 1];.,;.:, '’‘‘ ‘ ‘'`“` ‘ `' I apprcgrggggg for Hshwnlture statiouéizénio 1088 L;g§j°g"g*’°“ f°' ““¥"°'°“’°”* °* ~··· -- -- mz { r01·_p¤1m¤ 1,{1ii.i{¤§gZZZI .ZZZZZl I ZT ’sm§1o1s payliwnt {6 administrator of ______ _ _____ 1181 { d65C10g0g app1é0pr1at1o11 for iish-cultural Lamum, Miclnacl, { L F Rive: Agp: ‘ "" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘'‘‘· 1219 pension . . . ... .-.- 1563 ‘ at · I t." . f La Pointe Agency Wh. Y ppr0pr1a..1on or 1mprovement 0 1140 appropriation for Iuzlian agent at . -- 63, 572, 925 § L"!"' Id?"?, P *-1 N¤¤’?I·Y¤*`d, Lap,,;,,;,, Lgght, g approprxahon for clerk at ...__.,____ __ __ 374, appropriation for moving and rebuilding. 15 _ 1028, 1030, 1031, 1039 Larche, Adeline N., §_°!' g1'6d§l¤g, gv1d5i ctct. .. 377, lg? tm ________________ __ ____________ 1188 0I' Ty 0c 0 0 ocae at _,,____ Lf3i::;, N. Y., fol‘ clerks ixfgousrul storehouse , .,,, 381, 1037 appmpl-mm for improvement ¤r harbor. 1124 for r¤1>¤¤·¤, vw-, to ¤<>¤¤¤r¤¤ti<>¤ plant-- 353;%, Lard D. C., * 1 9 mélmrand, sale, ctc., forbidden - 247 [ for clvfk to rvwal constructor . . 383 Laredo, Tex., E for clerk to steam sngineemng branch. . 384, terms of United States courts at .. - -- - 1002 ’ _ 1040 Land, Helen (widow), I for 1‘¤pmrs, GtC.,_HlilI'i118 barracks 388, 1043 pension increased ._____ _ _____ _ _ , , ,,,, . , , , 1426for 0:dD$l;C0b};\l11ding , . _ , _,_. , _,_, _ 1028 La Rqchgllg OY S HUH i°’ 01* --,_ ___, , __,____ __ _ 1028 upprupriétion for cgugu] _ _ _ ___,,, , _ ,_,, 269, 830 deficiency 3p;l‘0]I!.‘i$ti011 for", _ ____ _ _ ____ 695 rm consulate az, to be in place or ... 270 1 Leaks Mvy T-, Ltwgh, Chqrleg M,, i Legaymgnz to .. .. .. , ,,___ ____ ______ _ _ __ 1174 pu,ymantto,_. ,., ,_,,, , _____ ,,...,.. ,,__ 12()8» my 0 W _ _ Larah, Mrs. Emrncn 1)., lwyliwllb $:1 admmtstrutnr of -- .. 1192, 1193, 1194 Lgraynneult tg . . . .., 1208 I Leary, Cathay-ine, finwf ¤ · -grunted pension as muse.. ..,,, __,_ __ 1423 deticisscy appropriation for contested elec- } Lease, f ¤°¤ ¤¤P¤¤¤¢¤ - ----· -- -----· · -.- 686 5 Stump wx on, or hire of land, etc-. .. 461 Lufimer, George. 011 assignment of, etc .. . ,,,,, , _____ 462 Lapuyngwnbw vaimiuisvmtor of .. 1194 * of ullnttco ofludiuu muds, for thm, years_ 85 veuuer aca • I L . th I- _ v¤v¤e·¤;·* ¢¤ ·?1¤¤i¤i¤=¤·=»·¤<·¤· of- ·-·-·. . . 1164 ZK€$m1u%a$X E£6xp¤¤¤“ v01..m.,, Sol- Law Lwrary if Congress: (ece Library of Con- _ diem, Home ______ ___’ _________ 53, 638 Hu grass _ I . . __ ( _ . . , — " Lawrence, Annie, i s;£;Fg;¥g£:§1‘§0£; °xP°¤B°S V °] 668 P**Y¤¤°¤'¤ °° ·-··-·-··--- — -—--- - ----- - ---·- 1181 · tents to bs issued Grand ,{1$.{1§1E{.},§,Q.}’l Lawrence, George TV., ment . .,,, P 223 IJ12Q3i2in?];‘;:£';;i¤i°**°V*T of ------ - -·-.. . 1205 · Lean-ee of Absence, ‘ . . ’ " . . ‘ ff t bl andehcwncy appropriation for paying judg. { PP g;¥:;t 1;;.;;?n;(§éc°t;;€;l;;gc2?_ 61 L my ······ · ····· · ··—·-· · -··------- 140 ¥ dcticicncy appropriation fm- uupgiiq], to “;"""°"· . ‘E"’·» ,_ _ ” Government Printing (mice emp‘111·0pr1ation for Illilhlll school - .,__ 81, 389, 9.13 plovms ____ _ ____ 135 0I erection of buildings , ..__ ____ ______ 81 to Guamé math] to é 'i' `'‘'``' Lawrence Maas · g K mp Oyws ‘ ‘ 2‘‘‘‘ 135 r , _ ·» _ _ _ to officmls of \Ve&tber Bureau outside of anppreprmtxon for public bmlding .____ 982, 1075 “·aShm,t0u 10 340 . Y _ 5 """'••··-··•··----· L*•l{°g·t=·· *5* Bw , , _ _ _ thxrty days’ annual, permitted ________ , 316 6 clowy approlmlnhcn for medical illd 680 extension fn- gigkuggs’ etc _____ _ _ _ _ _‘__ _" _ 317 ······ · ···········—-—--·---- - --·- I pay to stop on ex iratio f t d ] 317 L¤*¢'7'¢¤¢¢bQ"'Q, [Nd-, _ sick leave 110t tJ prc\*c:t gr§:::?u; off: L appr.•;1g·1at1nn for 1-1ver embankment at _ _ 1144 - mul, Bm __ ____ _ _ _ 653 °w°° '?'°VY°°“· ] tif b da ’a. QQ‘ . appropr1:1tm11 for editing, etc. , first session 106 i da;; ct;???: Tt .T. f${ - .Ti ? 390 m?°3d °°§“"n ···· · · ····~·~--··- - ---·-- 285 I Lmvill, George I., Lamm" A“*:::;“ ·--—- -·—-~· · ·-····-··-·--- 856 Lefor payment to ., , ,___ _ _________ __ ____ 1234 r “ r be Isaac P., Paym°¤tt0»•·•;-···· ··... -..,--,.,,_ l P.;-m°ntt0_________‘...--...'..'-·~•··~·