Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1947

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INDEX. 1 9] 7 Nary Departn1ent—Continucd. Page- Nebraska Kansas and Gul B 'l 1 Pa 6- approprmtion for books, ctc., for library. 304, 876 grantcil right of way tI1ro6iiéhaIn€'1‘i;11i‘;'nyd g for contmgcnt expenses . . 304, 876 Oklahoma. Territories . . 347

or nayal scrvicp . . .. . . 369, 1024 Neches River, Tex., - _ · . · - - l

or pF1D mg Zllll 1u in . 60 647 1119 appropriationf ri V · V ibr offico of Naval Intolggcnco . . 7. . . 1 874 pp {ctc .?. - gl if] survey , 1141 dciicicgcg appropriation for Charles D. "Necdham," Schooner, U I- · .-- ‘y nor .. . . 122 appropriatiou f r a *111` for llflllblllg`, ctc., naval records of the 1 pp ltion claim; ..1. .%-%,{8g(i1I-.SR?1j?i 1198 rebellion . . - . .. 123 Neeley, W. G., for printing and binding-- -. . N ggantcwrl honorable discharge .--- . 1566 _ , , , .4 be cy, . W., ior Stonogrwher, Scorstary's office . 422 payment to administratrix of . 1174 for emergency fund. . .. .. 439, 691, 779 Negotiable Instruments, D. C., for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. 439, 1249 gonsml provisions; definitions of instrufgr credit in aggguptg J_ J, Chggthem __ 668 ments in genera,] ___________ _ _ ______ 785 for Vallejo Land and Improvement Com- form and interpretation . --- _ 785 P¤¤Y -··- - · ·-·-----·--. 668 consideration . ..,..,__,__,_____ _ _ _ _ for contingent expenses . ... 691 negotiation ____ _ _____ _ _________ _ _______ _ for Hydroggaphic Offico . ... 691 rights of1w14m- ____ _ __________________ 790 fo!‘ PSY 01:1 avy ..»... .. .. -- 1249 liabilities of parties ._., _ ___________ ____ 791 {0I' I)0l1Dt18B to 868111611 - 1249 presenimgnf; for payment ____ _ _____ _ __ _ 792 for clothing destroyed . 1249 noting of dishougr ________________ · ____ _ 794 for bounty, destruction of onemics’ vos- discharge ofi¤gu·umgDt,S _________ _ ____ 796 8618- . .. .. . . 1249 bills of exchange; form, atc., acceptance _ 797 chief of bureau to rank as roar-admiral-- 1005 proscntment for acceptance . ... 798 payment to \Vi1liam P. Buckmastcr, ctc -- 1205 protest ..,._. __ _______,_______ ___ ______ 799 to Union Iron \Vorks, San Francisco 1205 acceptance for honor __,__________ — _ _ ____ 309 printing authorized of extra copies publi- ayment for honor ____ _ ________________ 80] cations Officc of Naval Intelligence. 1486 hills in sets ..._ _ ..,______ _ _____________ 301 Navy- Yard Bridge, D. C., promissory notes and checks ,,,,_._._ ____ 302 Ca.p1taI Railway Company may usc over- dcfimtrons; presontment, ctc .. 802 head trolley on, ctc .. . . 470 Neidlingcr, Charles V., Navy- Y ards (ace also cities where located), , payment to: ... .-.. .. .. -. 1167 appropriation for yards and clocks . 375,1032 { Neilson, Thomas, for repairs and preservation . -. . . 379, 1035 ; payment to .. . --.7 -.. .. . . 1182 for housing torpedo bouts 9.. . 372, 373, 378"Ncllic Cotton," Sloan Tag, ‘ doticioncy appropriation for repairing deficiency appropriation for refund of finc 655 building, New York . -.. 238 Nelson, Mrs. Susan Mui-phy, for repairing dry dock No. 3 o - 221, 238 payment to .. ... . 1208 for labor in general torshousc and pay- Neosho, Mo., mastcrs’ offices, etc .. ..-- .. 439 Bppropriation for fish-culture station emfor mols at Brooklyn, ctc .. .-. .. 670 ployces - .. , .. 24, 610, 1088 for yards and docks .. - . G35'; ‘ N6ih0TZ¢Nd8,t { for maintenance .. . . ... 7 , nppropria 1011 or minister . 263 823 for repairs and preservation .. . . 781 BTCMSG Rtvttl', 1V. C., ’ for contingent expenses 781appropriation for improvement of 1137 for pay of laborers, ctc., for overtime . . . 1389 , Neutraf Flay, t h S 0 Na lor, Henry,-Jr. , proc axnzmon as o, in war wit J ain 177 dggfjcigncy gpyyrgprigticn for ,. . . - . 116 I Zvvlllflll Goods, P Nazareth Benevolent lnatitution, Nelson Co., pnoclamu;>io11 as to, in wm- with Spain ,... 1770 K1. ;,`vuraify.¢·, Vpayment to .,... . .. . . 1168 N ;p1:rop1;ia1tignhfor oxponscs under ... 265, 826 . azro, Charles A., . W W4 i N, _ 0 00Mf, _ _ _ X pensipnk . .- --·-.. . . . . 1399 1•ppropriat1o11mfpr paying I· ranch spolia- 1202 1 'eace ac mm, H E ’ mn c a ... . r -. . pension increased ..-· . ·---- · - ·---~· · -·-·- 10**8 · ·\¤Vad°» _ _ _ _ Neah Bay cdgcucy, Wa8h._, T l _ , Gppwplilution for Illcldélltlll expenses, In: ,,pPmp;·mmm for Indian agent at , . b3, 572, 1920 _ _ dmn sorvnrc, in .,. 79, 586, 939 Neal; Bay, Wash., _ _ 10X' tfavollug cxpcnscs, volnntosrs 143, 149 preliminary examination of} to be made .. 1161 I tg>r_survcy0r-goncrag, clcrilcs, ct¢i...t; 310, 883 Neal Rhoda 1 s cxcncy approprxa 10D or vo un rs, 1»·§·¤»·»¤ €·» . . .. . . uw I gm R- ii 6 .- we vw, 1246 Neal, William · c aim or ro c ion expenses, to c investipayment myudministrator of . 1202 _ gated .. . . . . . . . . 1206 Aka: Cattle, _ bcvada Agency, Nev., importation of, and biules y·rol1il11icd 210 vappropriation for Indian agent at . . . 63, 572, 925 gugpixglcd when D0 (I311g0I` 0I conta- 210 . 1555 pouulty for violation .. - . ... 210 Xew¤rk,1\§·Q, f my I I d f t cbraaka appropnu 1on or au 1 xona an or Sl c Nnppropriation for surveying Grant and 7 of public building: cost increased .- 12 Hooker counties . ..·-·-- - ; - 1098 New Bedford, Jldlv-, _ deficiency appropriation for expenses in zappropriatioulfor xmprovcment of hurbor. 112 repclhng invasion by Indians, ctc. . 146 for cornplcting channel cast oi Fish Isgougent to compact bctwovu South D3k0$€\ f _ lfilld ·--·--—- _ · ··;· - ··-—— - -----·-·--- 1122 and establishing boundary line . 214 j prchmnnnry cxammatnon of harbor to bs Nebraska Pity, Ncbr., _ _ _ mods -·-· -··- ---- - --~··--------—·-- 1157 appropriation for Missoun R1v0r, to pro- g Aewberry allege, Newberry, S. C;, met works, ctc , 48 . appropnatron to pay war claim of . ., . 1400