Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1975

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INDEX. 1945 Qaurfeojmaatefs Deparjmqu t, Army—C0ut’d. P¤g¤- Raft; (see Navi anon) P*¤Z°· g I dchcncucy approprmtwn for purchase of regulations to prevent collisions on inland l horses ... . ... 394, 701, 777 waters, ctc . ... 98 tor barracks aud q uartmjs, ctc .- . 394, 700, 1223 Baij] Benjamin F., uct to cove,. commummm im. fuel, atc_ gg; payment to ____________ _ _________________ um f¤¤‘ ¢¤¤¤¤1><>r¤¤1¤i¤¤ <>f $31 :;1§1£¤?6;¤vg;_;7 :245 Jmzmaa Routes, {08tdl smm, _ , _ , , y appropriation or . , 442 964 purchase and lure ofpack ammals, etc . dggcigacy ¤.ppru}»31éi¤f§gn1i&r t·1;aus¥?rtation 7 Gxxvfgsz, drgs, Ships, ¤v¤ - ---- - --·- 394, gg; p¤¤a1¤y;}Z»}`£{£¤a¤1L¤m1§1¤é§£éi€.gG;I2?§;t4' . . . ···· ···· ······ - ~·-·- -~ 0 mails . .,,.., 442 Mr2¤g8_P¤{¤B¤t:?¤:z0m ·-·- -- ---—- 394, 777 Railroads (acc Labor) gn faux5D5f::; r gs i; · ·g£(;· -··~ $»;;77 udjustuiant of gi&crencos between em- .' · v. ···· z > s a . . . . 4.24 f'"' T¤;1¤¤¤z, °*'-UP and S°m¤°¤ °g;gPé02 _78 opcratguzygz Qsdign Territory may lease for c g tz · ····· : ···· · ······· ·· ···· » 39 · ‘ connocting hpcs, atc ... 431 for c?;l;;§°:;£)&ééA· ····-····-··-·· ,5» tamyataxhou emits m palace or parlor nm-. 464 . . ···‘···· : •········ 11 S `I .. 464 {3; ;:;::lvt{_·:1*~I;·£¤•:;·z;I:~¤l:i__s;¤¤d¤¤ -·---- $32 togsui m£{£¤°;°5°$'})'€1¥ZrF1¤da¤g to mpv ° ----—~--- - - por, o c . .-. , ..,.. . ...,,,,,_ 4,59 f°' h°?“°° 10** ······· : ···-··--·- - ----· - 1249 general rights of way to, through Indian to furmsh tg·unspo{·tut10u requests over hmdé ______ _ _______________________ 990 dm_i¤gb;¤d‘22::1a;*‘;*;l!“‘gi:--- $21, 1068 rcappggyzriaticn RK Expenses] arbitration • " 8 m °¤° s o .. without aavmasemm - - 433, mo M,,m° 1§'°Q“2 ff; Sfm°fm'}j§v:’Q;" ‘°°° limit to amoznt for civilian employees may cab service y ’ 747 °uSP°°d° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 434* 1351 when ma construct ¢0l1D£|;£{l;-· N xi- 1}.; 490 limit ns to number of horses ctc 433, 1351 , y , , g mm m ‘ appointment of military storékccpoxguu- R“'z'°“d'>.G'{"”‘”8‘“"”' °f• thorimd ____ ____" ____ ____ ____ _ ____ 571 _ apyropmatxop for, bookkoeper, etc ...,.. 308, 881 digtributiou of duties, etc., during war mr °X“mim”g b°°k°¤ °t° · ····· ··_ ···· · 308v 881 with gpm __________ _ _____ _ _______ 714 Railway Pgat:Opi¢·e Cara, Postal $e•·vi¤a, _ quartgrmasters of volunteers, appoint- ¤££?9P¤¤*·|¤¤ f°¤' ·_--; ----·--- · -·-·- ---- 442,964 ment, I-mk, atc __________ _ _________ 715 d cumcy approprnatnou for ... 134,678, 1240 number of post quartermastcr-scrgcauts Railway Post-Ojce Clerks, increased ,... -, ..., ..-. .-.. 728 apipmgriation for free transpyrtatinn of . . 442 printing of manual for, authorized. .. 740 or adgos .. . . . . . . . 963 ccmpoggtiuu of _.,,.. . . . .. 919 annual vacation of .. .--. .. ...'. . 964 nsigumant of ce;-min omcers repealed 979 dniicisncy appropriation for . . 1240 office of storckocper abolished afbur pres- 977 Rain, Johtntf., . · 1168 nt incumbent .-·- - POYHWII ---·--·- -·-- ---- -· ---·-----.-- gym-ger: 4qy, _ _ I Rainy Lalcg ffiver, Minn., gppmpnatnon for constructnm, mpmr:33 1070 cousupcgou of dam across, etc., author- 398 g|;q_____,_______ _,__ ,, .___ .,,,,.. 126 ..-.. . - .. . . for hospital stewards .. .-.. . 324; 1070 I Ralston, Robert, _ _ deficiency appropriation fm-, , 143, 894, 1223, 1246 I Bpaymug to agunnxstratcr of . 1191 Quebec, a umaay, run ., 8 m rigtiqm for consul .. . .. .. 268, 829 payment to .. .; . . . ... 1182

 Crack .[rrigutio·n Project, _ _ I Rancocaa Rivgr, ,\. JI, _

SPP]-opl-japan fm- ______ _ _______.. .. ,. a>94 approfintnoxn for 1mprovcx11cnt of ... . 113:1 Queenatoym Harbor, Mia I Randolp Fanny B., prglimmgry ggguunqtxurx of, to be IDM1G.. 1157 I ]J8y¤l0Df ---··-------·----··--····-·· ·· 1]-70 Qual-teh-me Indiana, H aah., _ · Randolph, W‘6¤•>r•. _ _ _ appx-op;·i}ti3n for grgpgort, ¤tc.,·0f... 78, M6, 938 | milctzcigxxzrypproprmtnon fur .. . ... 682 i-a`- t n'an au. · **9 ’*r Qzpizrzgirintiok fg} supp¢;rt, ctc., of.. . 78. 586,938 I dsficiomgy qbpmpristicn for .. 705 0,,;,,,;,,,.0, Kamq · _ apprupgnatwu for, const defense .- 125l bridge authorized across Mnssourx River. . 471 { “Ranger, _S¤{wm•m-, __ Qu;"") Wgmam y,, 1190 _ appr0gput1¢;n_ for puying In-nch spalm- 1198 Payment t,, ______ _ _____ _ _____ , , . . I • lwn c mms ... . gm, ;7·mu,; L_ Rapod Cdy S. Dal:. Q;,°¤;i0¤I_ ____ _ _ _{ ____ _ _________ , ., --.- 1545 ¥ approprihtiou ih!] Indian school .. 82, 589, 944 - G 1V_ for erection of stable, hospital, etc .. 82 _ Qumtard, eorge , , , . payment to; _ _ _ ____ , ___,, . .,,. . . . 12lb for salary of suponntendm-nt of construc- ' tion ... 82 ` for new buildings, ludiau school .. . 945 R' 5 Rappahannock River, Va., Ra,.,,,,,,, gfuk, N_ ,]_, appr priution for improvcmeut of 1136 preliminary examination uf, to be made,. 1158 Raritan Bay, N. J., Raccy Samuel, appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1124 gmémd honorable discharge .. . .. 1522 * Raritan River} N. J., I _ Rad", Wn_ ‘ approprmtmu for hghtxug . 16, 602,1080 ,“b,Qm,ti§¤ of stone in public building ilgr xmprovcgucut of ----·---------·----- 113% authorized ________ _ _ __,_,.,... . 12 Ruwlwgo, Carolmc R., balance of gppypprigtioyg for public build- 112 RpB{HlCDf&fo;hildN¤ of- —--- ·--· ·----- ---- 1011 i r how used . ..· · --·-·--- aw UWM - -» app,-0pg$:;|0¤ for improvement of harbor, [ payment fo .-.- ------------------- --- 1011 contracts ______ ____ ____ _ _,__,, , .,.. 1131 1 Rawlings, Aicholas, __ 8,,,.,,,,), M-dm-ed fm- hm-1m-impmvemouu- 1385 T payment to .. - ----·---.-· - --··- - ·--·- 1164