Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1982

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1 952 mnnx. . Sacaton Indian Reservation, Page- I St. George Island, Alaska, P4126- appropriation forirrigation investigation- 594 appropriation ior food, etc., for natives. . . 29, Sackelta Harbor, X. Y., Naval Station, 616, 1093 appropriation for ship keeper . 375, 1031 deticiency :.;_ppropriation for protecting Saco River, Mc., . seul li e on . ... 110 appropriation for improvement of .-. . 1133 St. Halma, Sacramento River, Cal., aigropriation for consul.-. --. .. 269, 830 aptpropriation for lighting . . . -. 16,603, 1080 y St. yacinth (Quebec), or restraining barriers, etc .. . . 631 i appropriation for consul 269, 830 for improvement of contracts . 1147 ; St. John (New Brunswick), acceptance from the State of usc of \ appropriation for consul -. .. 269, 829 . dredger authorized .. . . 1148 , St. John River, Me., contracts as to State's half of expenses g produce of iorosts nn, admitted free of for restraining barriers, etc ---. 1148 f dultly . . . . . . 209 Safcll, Annic‘(daughtur), 2 St. John8( gugforijzdland), 269 830 pension .. . ...,. . ... . . 144 appropria. ion or consul . .. Sajfold, Mary E., St. Johns (Quebec), , payment to . . - . . . 1163 i appropriation for consul . . . 269, 830 Sag Harbor, Long Island, M Z, E St. Johnsbury, Vt., preliminary examination ot] to be made-- 1159 é appropniution for fish-culture station, em- 08 · Saginaw Mich. I p oyees . .` , ... 23. 610 1 7 may nee certnin post-onice land for u park. 804 I denciency appropriation for building, Fish , Saginaw River, Mich., I Commission station --.. -.-. 236 appropriation for improvement of --.. 1144 { for additional water supply .. . . 236 Saginaw Southern Railroad Company, fordwelling house, fish-hatchery station. 115 granted right of way through San Fran- St. Johns River, Fla., cisco Mountains Forest Reserve 783 appropriation for lighting-- - , - . 16, 602, 1080 Sagua la Grande (Cuba), for improvement of . ... 1138 appropriation for consul . -.. . 269 Volusia Bar .. . ... - . . . 1138 Sailing Vessel (see Nnvigatioii Vessels), 1 Ortiéige Mills Flats __,__,,_,,,_ , ___,,, 1139 regulations to prevent co isions on inland * St. Jones irer Del. · waters, etc . . . . ---. 96 preliminar examination ot, to be made . . 1155 license of maste d to of 764 ’ y , , ” an ma-··· · -···· __ Sl. Joseph and Benton Harbor

Dt;:’; °,§,h“]-l' °f ---·-·•-··-•--···—-- 76*’ S r$port£n§ro·posed improvement requested 1796

, , r ·¤ , _ , t. asap ic . ¥m¤°d;;·‘:*";°‘i;¥2¤P°”¤¤W PTW'l°8°¤ °¤· 30 uppropriatliongor improvement of harbor; 1 ·-·--- · -··---·-·-—·---·-·- c . . . .. . 1 m¤d° ¤¤bP¤1‘*= of ¤¤¤‘¥ ·--·---·-·---··--·- 30 se. J t0}.;;:: Li m s · Fl · ¤\¤¤¤z¤ i¤;h¤¤v¤°¢5¤¤¤¤¤ <>f 1»¤Mi¤ ¤>¤i1•1i¤z appicgpriation rei ¤¤¤;i:i£m»:é’¤r ... 601 S., 1.31 ;;,‘;$.',,.,,;· ······················ **2 S·- J»~»»¤·*e-· 4»»·l·;··, v- c-- , payment to eamiuimem or . 1170 °PP’°¥’"“"‘°“ °’ “““”"°““"°° -··· - -·---· ***1 St. Am•'a Infant Asylum, D. C., St- _L‘"""“"" C°'"‘*·V» M Y-: _ _ appropriation for maintenance. . . . 541, 1062 t““° °x°°“d°d f" °°“°t“`E°ting bmdgc gg_ Aug",;;,,,, Ha-, across Qt. Lawrence River . 366 exchange of otd clustom-house lot for mi. ·S¢%iF;;M:;·;;£*·;g,fr•;·5•g,::·v.S, La joining an s . . . . .. 1359 ° , 8 - "F°¤°° SL g],";,,, M,_ • R1ver,_St. Lawrence County N. Y . . 366 time extended for constructing bridge SL L“"""”E°"’ gz"`": N- Y-: _ , mm., Missouri River ____ _ _____ ____ 421 appropriation for cornpleting gas buoys .. 15 St. Charles and St.Louia County Bridge Com- f" *;’)Pé";;;m£::r°£_¤l;%*l» $1***1* 181***1*1 1134 · i -. .. time Bmghd for bridging Min,,"., mv", time extended for cgnstructing bridge Saint charlcs, M0 ____________ _ _____ 421 · across, St. Lawrence County, N, Y_, 366 St. C'loud,Mia•¢., SL ]·°'"”• {HON ‘ S agI,,0p;,tg°`B;·0, Public building ____ 1000, 10-,5 a.ppropli:;»rt1o:H§‘gr salaries, assistant treas—295 867 t. rom incr e. F 6 ·---·-· ;-· - --·~- - ·---- pmdm Orduml. mi, mmm free of duty mi for ¤¤*=·¤¤¤ ¤* ·¤2¤¤r <>¤·¤¤ -= ---------- 297:869 SL gym R5"", M;,,,," for wages; contingent expenses -- 297,869 preliminary examination oi, to be made, _ _ 1158 fm' I'°P}'·*'¤» P°Wd¤1‘ d6P0¢ --·-~- ·--. ---- 626 St. Croix River, Wis and Minn., ff“`_m***l ¢r¤¤¤f¤r §¤!'Yi¤¤» 6*0 ·--- r--- ---_-‘ 965 S apnropriatioii for improvement of 1145 d°h°‘°,{‘“Xl,‘;PP'°P¤“tl°¤ fm` ¤P°°i$·I mail 1240 t. .t came, *0* ¤ *88 --·- ;- ··---- - ··--·-.-...-- ' appi·oprir;tion for consul . .,___,____ 268, 329 ¤10¤¢{’¤ Pé=:¤¤d fgirbttrouszxrer, totbe 004 SL ,·a,,c;, _,,;,,, p ace o cre 1 o n ian ri es e e. " construction of bridge authorized across, Si. Louis and San I'W*anciaco Railroad, , Luke City, Ark .. . . .- ,.,,__ 474 deficiency appropriation for ,,,, ,__ _______ 678 St. Francis River, St. Louis Bay, ’ constrgctioncof bridg: gmtborized across, appropriation for lighting .. , , . _ 16, 603, 1080 {Wi! ounty F -~---·- - ----·- ... 354 St. Louis County Minn, St- Fr<¤•·=v5¤ Bridge and Piaqk Rvqd Gmnpany, time extended,for bridging st. Louis River. 720 Hwy lggggoty _%k F fa-MHS RWM', Green 354 Sl. Louis, Oklahoma and Southern Railway Com· . , v ······ · ··········· · ···· _ PM.'! SL F7'¢m¢‘0'_@ Ifwer, Afkn time extended to construct road through appropriation for improvement of . .. , 1142 Indjgu and Qkhhoma Ton-imriu __ 836 St. Frcncu Rover, Mo., _ St. Louie River, preliminary examination of} to be made. .. 1158 time extended for bridging between Con· SL GGU, _ _ ners Point, Wis., and Riees Point, ' aptpropriation for consul-general. .. .._, 267, 397 Mmm, ctc _ ____ _ _______ ____; _ ______ 104 0T °l°¥'k hi-F6 ·-~·~· · -·--· - ··-·-- · ·--- W1, 832 for bridging at Fond du Lac, Minn ,,,,.,.. 720