Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/293

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254 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 38. 1898. P<>¤·¤¤·¤•¤* wePERMANENT Esrnnnrsrrmmwr. llshmcns. _ 1’•y ·f v¤·f¤·¤¤¤· For pay of seven professors, twenty-three thousand dollars; For pay of one chaplain, two thousand dollars; , Igor pay of one associate professor of mathematics, two thousand dollars; cum. For pay of cadets, one hundred and seventy thousand dollars; In all, for permanent establishment, one hundred and ninety-seven thousand dollars. sum woman. For extra pay of officers of the Army on detached service at the Military Academy: ' For pay of one Superintendent of the United States Military Academy (colonel), in addition to pay as lieutenant-colonel of engineers, one thousand dollars; For one commandant of cadets (lieutenant-colonel), in addition to pay as captain, not mounted, one thousand two hundred dollars; For pay of one instructor of practical military engineering (major), in addition to pay as captain, mounted, five hundred dollars; For ay of one instructor of ordnance and science of gunnery (major), in addition to pay as captain, mounted, five hundred dollars; For pay of eight assistant professors (captains), in addition to pay as lirst lientenants, not mounted, four thousand dollars; For pay of live senior instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics, ordnance and gunnery, and practical military engineering (captains), in addition to pay as first lieutenants, not mounted, two thousand five hundred dollars; For pay of four assistant instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics (captains), in addition topay as first and second lientenants, not mounted, two thousand one hundred dollars; For pay of one treasurer, quartermaster, and commissary of cadets, in addition to pay as captain, not mounted, seven hundred dollars; For additional pay of librarian, one hundred and twenty dollars; I·¤¤s•vi¤r my- For additional pay of professors and officers (and officers on increased rank) for length of service, nine thousand one hundred and iorty-four dollars and fifty-one cents; In all, for extra pay of onicers of Army on detached service at the Military Academy, twenty-one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four dollars and fifty-one cents. baggy ¤f¤¤1l•¢¤<1¤··¤¤ For pay of the Military Academy Band, field musicians, general army ' service, cavalry detachment, and enlisted men on detached service, and extra pay for enlisted men on special duty: For pay of military band: Six enlisted musicians, at thirty-tour dollars per month, two thousand four hundred and forty-eight dollars; Six enlisted musicians, at twenty dollars per month, one thousand four hundred and torty dollars; Twelve enlisted musicians, at seventeen dollars per month, two thonsand four hundred and forty-eight dollars; Additional pay for length of service, one thousand two hundred and twenty-four dollars; ‘ Clothing on discharge, five hundred dollars; Retained pay on discharge, two hundred and ten dollars; Fi¤1d¤¤¤¤i¤l¤¤¤- d ger pay of Held musicians: One sergeant, two hundred and sixteen o ars; One corporal, one hundred and eighty dollars; Thirteen privates, drummers, and liters. two thousand and twenty- eight dollars; d additional pay for length of service, one hundred and forty-four o ars; Clothing on discharge, six hundred dollars; Retained pay on discharge, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars. m‘f°¤°’°l '¤¤Y ¤°"· d ger pay of general army service: One lirst sergeant, three hundred o ars;