Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/3

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iv LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. RESOLUTIONS. Mileage and stationery, Senators, ctc. Joint resolution making immediately available the appropriations for mileage and stationery of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates of the House of Representatives. March 24, 1897 .. . .--·- --_- · ·-----·----------.-- 216 Session employees, House of Representatives. Joint resolution making immediately available approriations for the payment of session emplgfees of the House of Representatives during the hrst session of the Fifty-fifth Congress. arch 24, 1897 .. . . .. . ... 216 Mississippi Rirerjlooda. Joint resolution directing Secretary of War to furnish tents to the sufferers from the Hoods in the Mississippi River. March 24, 1897 . ... 216 Public documents. Joint resolution regulating the distribution of public documents. March 25, 217 1897. . . . .. ..--.. ... . . . .-.-..:... .. . . - Alcohol in the arts, commiasion. Joint resolution amending a joint resolution continuing in force · section two of the act approved June third, eighteeen hundred and ninety-six, entitled "An -· act torepeal section sixty-one of ‘An set to reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes} " which became a law August twenty»eighth, eighteen hundred and niuety-four. glareh 26, lm .}.-.2 . h..'. .6 . . . . .. . .. . 217 · Hiuissi iRiver in remnant, an a ‘¢ s or e ciencies. oin reso ution me ·in a ro- ' pizttion for tghnimprovement gwglmiuippi River from the Head of the Passgs tglihe mouth of the Ohio River, and to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and uinetyeeveu. March 31, 1897 .. . 217 District of Columbia, patrol system. Joint resolution making the appropriation for renewal of the patrol system of the District of Columbia immediate y available. April 7, 1897 ... 219 Famine, I ndia. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to transport contributions for the relief of the suffering poor in ndia. April 7, 1897 .. . ... . ...,. 219 Mississippi River flood. Joint resolution authoriépg the Secretary of War to use mtious for the relief of destitute persons in the district ov owed by the Mississippi River and its tributaries and by the Red River of the North, and making an appropriation to relieve the sufferers by said overflow. April 7, 1897 .. . ... ..· ..,..,,, 219 Universal Postal Union, Congress. Joint remlution providing for the expenses of the Congress of - the Universal Postal Union. May 7, 1897. . ... . ‘. . . $20 Cuba, relief of destitute Americans. Joint resolution appropriating fifty thousand dollars for the relief of destitute citizens of the United States in the island of Cuba. May 24, 1897. -. 220_ Famine in India, ressel gfany nationality to convey relief Joint resolution in amendment of the . joint resolution o April seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, authorizing the Sem rotary of the Navy to transport contributions for the relief of the fsmishing poor of India. Juno1,189'l'.-.Eé- .. ...5;;--3 i.. .. . -. .. . 220 Public 'nting an Ma ing, e cicncy a pro t . oint reeo ntion mn n an appropriation to l mpply a deficiency in thie appropiriatigirs for public printing and binding fogtheliiscal year · eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. June 1, 1891 -. . . . ... . . . . 220 Rio Grande Rim jood. Joint resolution reaplpropriating the sum of ten thousand dollars not expended for the relief of suferers by the Hoods o the Mississippi River. June 9, 1897. . . 221 Consular salaries, etc. Joint resolution relating to the payment of salaries in the consular service. June 15, 1897 . . . . . . . .. .. .. 221 Gutierrez, Carlos. Authorizing the Secretary of \Var to receive for instruction at the Military Academy at West Poim:. jlune 18. 1897 .. 221 dock, 1 'o. 3, ctc., repair o . oiut reso ution to vide for the immediate re air of Docli Dry Numbered Three, at the New York Navy-Yar¢iimJune 26, 1897 ., - ,,,_ B_ ____ __ ____ 223 Omaha Exposition, admission of foreign laborers. Joint resolution authorizin foreign exhibitors at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, to be held in the city of Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, during the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, to bring to the United States foreign laborers from their countries, respectively, for the purpose of preparin for and making exhibits. June 30, 1897 .. . ...,. . . .-.. ,,,, 222 Statue {Gam! Sherman, erection of temporary studio. Joint resolution granting permission for t e erection of u temporary studio in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, for use in the construction and completion of the statue of General Sherman. July‘ 15, 1897 ..., _, 223 Grand Army Encampnent, Leavenworth, Kass., tenlsfor use of. Joint resolution directing the Seerotary of War to issue tents for the use of the Grand Army Encampment at Leavenworth Kansas. July 19, 1891 . ,,..,,.,. 224 Rcgir contract system, investigation of. Joint resolution requesting the President to make invogtigation into the “Regis contract" system. July 24, 1897 ______ _ _________ _ ___________ _ ____ 24 Congressional employees, July salaries, 1897. _Joint resolution to pay the officers und employee, gf the Senate and House of Representatives on the day following aelyourmnent. July 24, ]_8Q7_ gg; STATUTES II.—]S97-1898. Appropriations, dg/icienciea. An act making appropriations to rovide for certain deiici ‘ B · me appropriations for the service of the Government Pfor the fiscal rem- end;?; 13,,;: thin-tieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. December 16, 1897. .,._,___________ f ·;25 Yukon River country, relief ofyeruom, etc. An act authorizing the Secretary of Wm-, in his (ig},}};,; d tion, to purchase subsistence stores, supplies, and materials for the relief of people who are in the Yukon River country, to provide means for their transportation and distrihugjn spd lmekzng an appropriation therefor. December 18, 1897 ,_,,,_ _ _ _______ _ ____ __ _ _ °’ 226 Fw wi n, `orl . aoific Ucean. u act robibitiu the killin of fur seals i q · N `````` North Paciiic Ocean. December gi), 1897. ,,,,______ E _____ __ _____ __? tb W um °f nm .,26 mg}.; of omy, Arizona. An act to amend an act granting to the Gila Vallev, Glo-beand.l€oi;£1{Q{·Q - 5*:.:1:;:; :.·:*::st>i1ft%Pf.*3€.‘f?Xf¥f?i*i%*_f‘1?.??:S#i%?é I*3·?t#·é.¥$·i*r *v** i ..2- Pawo lands. An act to confirm certain cash entries of public lands. Jonno§§`f§,`i§§§r::1 ii iiji Q2}