Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/618

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 545. 1898. 579 seventy-seven, including subsistence and civilization of Northern Chey- ennes removed from Pine Ridge Agency to Tongue River, Montana, ninety thousand dollars; , For last of thirty installments, for purchase of clothing, as per sixth C1<>¤hi¤z- article of treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, includ- VM- 16»1•-657- ing clothing for above Indians, seventeen thousand dollars: Provided, *’¤·¤i*¤- That the amount in this and the preceding paragraph shall be expended Divi¤i¤¤- pro rata, as near as may be, for the Northern Cheycnnes and Arapahoes in Wyoming and on the Tongue River in Montana; For pay of physician, two teachers, two carpenters, one miller, two farmers, a blacksmith, and engineer, per seventh article of same treaty, Vol.15,p.668. nine thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and sixteen thousand dollars. ‘ OSAGES. 0¤¤z¤¤ For interest on sixty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty dollars, 1¤¤>r¤¤¤ at ilve per centum per annum, being value of fifty-four sections of land V¤>l·7,p·242· set apart by treaty of June second, eighteen hundred and twenty-nve, for educational purposes, per Senate resolution of January ninth eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, three thousand four hundred and fifty-six dollars. ‘ PAWNEES. P¤v¤¤¤¤ For perpetual annuity, at least one·half of which is to be paid in *¤’*°”¥- goods and such articles as may be deemed necessary for them, per second article of treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred v°l·“·“"°‘ . and nfty-seven, thirty thousand dollars; For support of two manual-labor schools, per third article of same treaty, ten thousand dollars; . For pay of two farmers, two blacksmiths and two apprentices, one miller and apprentice, two teachers, one shoemaker, and one carpenter, five thousand four hundred dollars; For pay of phy ician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two hundred dollars; , For purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops, as Vol. 11.P·'T80· per fourth article of treaty of September twentyfourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, ilve hundred dollars; in al , forty-seven thousand one hundred dollars. rormawaromns. P¤*¢•w•~¢¤¤¤1••- For permanent annuity, in silver, per fourth article of treaty of August A¤¤¤*°*¤•· third, seventeen hundred and ninetydive, three hundred and ilfty-seven V¤l·7-1>·¤1- dollars and eighty cents; For permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of Sep- V°L "· P- m- tember thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, one hundred and seventy- eight dollars and ninety cents; . For permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of October v°*· '· P· m second, eighteen hundred and eighteen, eight hundred and ninety-four dollars and fifty cents; For permanent annuity, in money, per second article of treaty of WL ’· P- 3**- September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, seven hundred and fifteen dollars and sixty cents; For permanent annuity, in specie, per second article of treaty of July Vvl-7.r-M twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and second article of von. mrm treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, live thousand seven hundred and twenty-fo1u· dollars and seventy-seven . cents- Fox: permanent provision for payment of money in lieu of tobacco, V°’·’·P-3**- iron, and steel, per second article of treaty of September twentieth, _ eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and tenth article of treaties of V¤l· °·P·85°· June {mh and seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, one hundred and seven dollars and thirty-four cents;