Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/783

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744 F1FTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 35, 37, 38. 1898. sive than to wire the building and furnish lamps therefor; the expense thereof to be paid from the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the construction of said building. Approved, May 18, 1898. may 24.1898. [No. 37.] Joint Resolution Appointing four members of the Board of Managers of W the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. N mm H m Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of gte Unitedfihntes a °*i ""': °j of America in Congress assembled That William J. ewell o ew $*52 Y°‘“““’° *1 Jersey; Mmm cr.Mc1ua1m¤, of New York; John L. Miucimi, of wss- Jm j},§'§,‘{§§; consin, and William H. Bonsall, of California, be, and they hereby are, gba L»Mgcbg_l.=¤<} appointed members of the Board of Managers of the National Home , §§}1‘,",§,d .,,3 B.,.,':,;'?; for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers of the United States for the term of ¤¥¤¤=s¤¢¤· six years commencing April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, and until their successors are elected; the said William J. Sewell to succtneddhimgelf, his present tlirm expiring April twenty-first, eighteen hun re an ninety-eight- artin T. McMahon to succeed himself, his present term expiring April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and_rnin;ty{eightt§v·;rnhn Mitchghgtéo snccefnd (himsgli, histpresen: term exprr n pri y- rs eig n un re an nine y-eig an William H. Bonsall to succeed A. W. Barrett, whose term of office will expire April twenty-nrst eighteen hundred and nine -eight. i 8* S Approved, May 24, 1898. _ May 26, 1393. U [Ngh3€gtcJtgnt lliesolritionllimviding for the organization and enrollment of the ‘—";*· ni s uxi ary 'av ‘0rce. ' Resoloed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States lgnvéwgizmonm ofAme·rwa in Congress assembled, That a United States Auxiliary Naval poruiysunnmynaiigi Force is hereby authorized to be established, to be enrolled in such ··r¢•- numbers as the President may deem necessary, not exceeding three thousand enlisted men, for the exigencies of the present war with Spain, and to serve for a period of one year, or less, and shall be disbanded by the President at the conclusion of the war. cum: Sec. 2. That the chief of the United States Auxiliary Naval Force shall be detailed by the Secretary of the Navy from the active or retired list of the line officers of the Navy not below the grade of captain, who shall receive the highest pay of his grade while so employed. Enlmment Sec. 3. That enlistment into the United States Auxiliary Naval Force shall be made by such officer or officers as the Navy Department . cme.-i-s. may detail for the purpose, who shall also select from merchant vessels and other available sources such volunteers as may be deemed best iitted for service as officers in said force, and shall report to the Secretary of the }<avy,lfn;· his action, their names and the grade for which each is recommene e . ‘ m£i;j;_i'*·5¤is;»rf;__;·:¤st Sec. 4. That for the purposes of this organization the coast line shalltbednvichad nnto districts, each of which shall be in charge of an assis ant_ 0 the c ief of the United States Auxiliary Naval Force- and such assistant chiefs may be detailed by the Secretary of the Navy from the officers of the active or retired list of the line of the Navy, or appointed by him from civil life, not above the rank of lieutenantcommant er. Pay. _ Sec. 53. That the officers and men comprising the United States Aux- ' M iliary ZN aval_Force shall receive the same pay and emoluments as those N;‘_·;_¤r;;;ig3g§8¤*;_{· holding similar rank or rate in the Regular Navy; and all matters `relating to the organization, discipline, and government of men in said mrc: shnll conform to the laws and regulations governing the United a es - avy.