Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/882

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844 `FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 177, 178. 1899. for exportation from the United States. And there shall be charged for each of said packages or cases for the expense of providing and aiiixing stamps, five cents instead of ten cents as now required by law.” Approved, February 21, 1899. , bnnry H . 8.- a a he visions of an Act entitled

 "g1 Aizftolglrantdlrelgthibfovfhylgo the K::;:: Dklglrrdnra Central and Southwestern Railway Company through the Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory, and

ibr other purposes/’ approve December twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and mnety- three, and also to extend and amend the provisions of a supplemental Act approved February fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled "An Act to extend and amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to grant the right of way to the Kansas, Oklahoma Central and Southwestern Railway Company through the Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory, and for other purposes.’” Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representives of the United Right Bf vw States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of an Act E§,'§,,,"§l 2,:2 entitled “An Act to grant the right of way to the Kansas, Oklahoma §_:_¤*!R¤r::¤*: {3; Central and Southwestern Itailway Company through the Indian Terand onnngm rms. ritory and Oklahoma Territory, and for other purposes," approved

  • °$g*{·,*;,f°°';'}_°‘·°°°· December twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and also to

v¤1Z2o,¥Is2•. extend and amend the provisions of an Act approved February iif- 'teenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled ‘·An Act to extend and amend an Act entitled *An Act to grant the right of way to the Kansas, Oklahoma Central and Southwestern Railway Company through the Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory, and for other purposes,"’ be, and the same are hereby, extended for a period of three years from and after December twenty-ilrst, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, so that said Kansas,'0klahoma Central and Southwestern Railway Company shall have until December twenty-tirst, nineteen hundred and one, to build the first one hundred miles of its said railway line in said Territories and a described in said above-mentioned Act approved December twenty-tirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and two years thereafter to complete the same. Tgewb ¤¤¤·I¤*¤•¤ Sec. 2. That section three of said above-mentioned Act approved my` February fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: *•That the said railway company shall have the power to construct, equip, and operate a branch or extension from its main line, starting at or near Bartlesville, in the Indian Territory, and extending thence in a south or southeasterly direction through the Cherokee Indian Nation and through the Creek, Seminole. and Chickasaw Indian nations to a point on the Texas State line and on Red River, on the north boundary of said State and the south boundary of the said Chickasaw Indian Nation, to Sherman, in the State of Texas, by way of Collinsville, Okmulgee, Wewoka, and Tishomingo, in the said Indian Territory; and for such purposes the said railway company is hereby empowered to acquire and occupy a right of way of the same dimensions, by the same methods, and for the same compensation as provided for in the original Act approved _ December twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. b@J=rr};:;;_ 0**** Sec. 3. That the said railway company be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to construct, equip, and operate a branch line or extension from its main line, starting from a point at or near Stillwater, Payne County, Oklahoma Territory, and extending thence in a south or southwesterly direction through the organized counties of Lincoln, Pottawatomie, and Cleveland, in said Oklahoma Territory, to a point on the south line of said Oklahoma Territory and on the Canadian River, and on the north boundary line of the Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, and extending thence south or southwesterly through the Chickasaw Indian Nation to a point on the north boundary line of the State of Texas and on Red River, and thence to the city of Henrietta, Clay County, in said State of Texas, by way of Chandler and Shawnee, in Oklahoma Territory, and PaulsValley, in the Indian Territory; and