Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1038

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986 E1ETY-sixrH CONGRESS. sms. II. cn. s.2.0. 1901. thousand Eve hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; bookkeeper, two thousand five hundred dollars; abstract clerk, and weigh clerk, at two thousand dollars each; cashier’s clerk, warrant clerk, and register of deposits, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each; assistant weigh clerk, and assayer’s computation clexék, ag cérge thloiiisand six hundred dollars each; in all, forty-two thousan an t dollars. F(p1£l wiagesy of workmen and adj usters, four hundred and fifty thousan dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, includin new machinery and repairs, expenses annual assay commission, meier and refiner’s wastage, and loss on sale of sweeps arising from the manufacture of ingots for coinage and wastage and loss on sale of coiners’ sweeps, and purchase not exceeding five-hundred dollars in value of specimen coins and ores for the cabinet of the mint, one hundred thousand dollars. ` Sw F'°“°iS°°· CM- MINT AT SAN FRANCISCO, CA1.1EoEN1A: For superintendent, four thousand five hundred dollars; assayer, melter and refiner, and comer, at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk,.and cashier, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; bookkeeper, abstract clerk, weigh clerk, warrant clerk, assistant assayer, assistant melter and refiner, assistant coiner, and register of deposits, at two thousand dollars each; cashier’s clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assayer’s computation clerk, assistant weigh clerk, and superintendent’s calculating cglerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; in all, forty-one thousand one hundred dollars. - For wagies of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and seventy-five thousand ollars. . For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery, melter and reiiner’s wastage, and loss on sale of sweeps, arising from the manufacture of ingotshfor cogiaigpf and wastage of and loss on sale or coiners swee s, sixty thousand dollars. B°“€·Id“h°· ASSAY OFFIGEPAT BOISE, IDAHo: For assayer, who shall also erform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; in all, three thousand four hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, eight thousand three hundred dollars. d F(prigcEi<ifent§l1and contingent expenses, three thousand seven hunre an ty 0 lars. C“'"‘°“"·N·C· ASSAY oEE1oE AT CHARLOTTE, Norrrrr CAROLINAZ For assayer and melter, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant assayer, one thousarédéwo (liuridred and fifty dollars; in all, two thousand seven hundred an ty ol ars. For wages of workmen, one thousand and eighty dollars. d For incidental and contingent expenses, nine hundred and twenty o lars. D°*`*""°°d*S· D“k· ASSAY oEE1oE AT DEAnwoon, Sourm DAKorA: For assayer in charge, who shall also perform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, three thousand two hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, four thousand six hundred dollars. Forilincideéital and contingent expgnpps, including rent of building, two thousand two hundred and fiftv dollars. H€1¤¤¤·M°¤°· ASSAY OFFICE AT HELENA, MoNTANA: For assayer in charge, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; melter, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; pllerlg, oéie tgofpsanté fgur hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand two un re an ft dollars. For wages of lyvorkmen, fourteen thousand dollars. 0 For incidental and contingent ex enses, four thousand dollars. New Y°'k·N·Y· ASSAY OFFICE AT NEW 10RK: Fibr superintendent, four thousand five hundred dollars; assayer, and melter and refiner, at three thou-