Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1134

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1082 rirrr-sixrri oonennss. Sess. 11. GH. sez. 1901. ing as superintendent of this school, three hundred dollars; for increasing the capacity of the school lant from one hundred and- fifty pupils to three undred pupils, by tlhe erection of additional buildings and other improvements, seventy-Eve thousand dollars, to be- immediately available; for the purchase of one hundred acres of land, ten thousand dollars, or so muc thereof as may be necessary; in all, one hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred dollars. S“l€m·0"g· For support and education of five hundred pupils at the Indian school, Sa em, Oregon, eighty-three thousand five hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for erection and equipment of brick laundry, five thousand dollars, to be immediately available; for completion of electric-light and steam-heating plant, eleven thousand dollars, to be immediately available; for general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and six thousand three hundred dollars. Sec spd FOX R<=S¤r— For the support and education of seventy-five Indian pupils, Sac and ml°n’ mw" Fox Reservation, Iowa, twelve thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars; for pay of superintendent, one thousand dollars; for general repairs and improvements, six hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thou sand one hundred and twenty-five dollars.; Same F€·N·M€X- For suplport and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian sc ool at Santa Fe, New Mexico, fifty thousand one hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand seven hundred dollars; for water supply, one thousand five hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; for construction of industrial building, six thousand dollars; for construction of emp1loyees’ quarters, five thousand dollars; in all, sixty-seven thousand t ree hundred dollars. m§§°g,h°g¤¢ R€¤°"¤· For support and education of one hundred and seventy-five Indian ’ Ypupils at the Indian school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyoming, twenty- nine thousand two hundred and twenty-five dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand four hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, one thousand five hundred dollars; for construction ·of employees’ quarters, three thousand five hundred dollars; ‘ inall, thirty-ive thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars. T°m“h·Wl°· For the support and education of two hundred and twenty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Tomah, Wisconsin, thirty-seven thousand Eve hundred and seventy-five dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand six hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; in all, forty-two thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars. U,§;=,§°°l· .¤°¤*h¤m For su ort and education of fifty pupils at the Indian school in ` southern Iltah, eight thousand three hun red and fifty dollars; salary of superintendent, eight hundred and forty dollars; improvements, five hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. , T¥¤¤¤P<>m¤8P¤P¤¤· For collection and transportation of pupils to and from Indian schools, and also for the trans ortation of Indian pupils from all the Indian schools and placing of Siem, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of .such suitable white families as may in all respects be qualified to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training, under arrangements in which their proper care, supgopt, and education shall be in exchange for their labor, forty thousand o ars. · _Ex1>¢¤<1i¢¤¤*=¤¤¤d¤r That all ex enditure of mone appropriated for school ur oses in giiggiizicif mmmw this Act shallpbe at all times underpllie psupervision and diredlion of the Commissioner of Indian *Lfl`airs, and in all respects in conformity with such conditions, rules, and regulations as to the conduct and methods of instruction and expenditure of money as may be from time to time prescribed by him, subject to the supervision of the Secretary