Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1187

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. 1135 For rent of old custom-house at New York, New York: For rental b(ff,‘;§*· °‘d °“S‘°m‘ of temporary quarters for the accommodation of certain Government ` Officials, from August twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety- nine, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, one hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and forty-seven dollars and twelve cents; from July first, nineteen hundred, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, one hundred and thirty thousand six hundred dollars; from July first, nineteen hundred and one, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, one hundred and thirty thousand six hundred dollars; in all, three hundred and seventy-one thousand and forty-seven dollars and twelve cents. · For custom—house and post-oflice at New Orleans, Louisiana: For N¤w0r1¤¤¤¤.L¤- new boilers and heating apparatus, and for new electric elevators and work incident thereto, sixty thousand dollars. For necessary alterations in the Newport, Rhode Island, post—office, N¤W¤¤¤»R-L. and to provide additional space for the money-order, registry, and stamp divisions, twenty thousand dollars, to be immediately available. For post-ofiice at Norwich, Connecticut: For completion of building N¤fWi¢h·C°¤¤— under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. For custom-house at Norfolk, Virginia: For alterations and repairs, N¤¤f¤1M’=¤- twenty thousand dollars. I For post—oiIice at Oakland, California: For completion of building 0¤kl¤¤d·C¤l· under present limit, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For the completion of the custom—house and post—office building at N€W¤k»N·J— Newark, New Jersey, by a one-story addition, with basement, heating and ventilating apparatus, as required for carriers’ room and storage, according to plans of the Secretary of the Treasury, eighty-tive thousand dollars: For court-house, custom-house, and post—oflice at Omaha, Nebraska: 0¤¤¤h¤·N¤¤r- For completion of the addition to the· building under present limit, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For post—office at Oskaloosa, Iowa: For completion of building under 0Sk¤l<><>S¤· Iowapresent limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. » . For post-oflice at Rome, New York: For completion of building under Rome N Y- present limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. For post-oflice at Salem, Oregon: For completion of building under S¤1¢¤¤»0r<+s· present limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. V For court-house and ost-office at Salt Lake City, Utah: For con- S¤M~¤k€Cl¤>’»V¤¤¤- tinuation of building und)er resent limit, seventy-five thousand dollars. For court-house, custom-house, and ost—ofiice at Seattle, Washing- $¤‘¤¤ls·“`¤S¤¤— ton: For continuation of building undier present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. - For post-oflice at Stockton, California: For completion of building S¥<>¤k¤>¤·<`¤l- under present limit, forty thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. For post—office and court—house at San Francisco, California: For Sun F“‘¤°l*°*’·C*‘l· completion of building under present limit, one million one hundred and fifty-five thousand and fifty-five dollars and four cents. V For -court-house, post-ofiice, and custom—house at Tampa, Florida: T**m¥’*‘·Fl**· golp completion of building under present limit, one hundred thousand o ars. For post-office at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania: For purchase of site —"`“k°‘*-‘*‘"°·P*‘· and completion of building under present limit, seventy-five thousand o lars. For the purchase of the property known as the Corcoran Art Gal- ,€§;€"gg§;§ct·*f)§ (*5*; lery. in the city of lVashington, District of Columbia, three hundred 1¤ui¤l»ia. _ thousand dollars, and the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, I ur°h°1S° mh°m°d` empowered and directed to acquire for and in the name of the United States, for the purpose hereinafter provided, the following-described real estate, with the improvements thereon. known and designated as original lots numbered five, six, seven, and eight, in square one hun-