Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1395

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 854. 1901. 1343 SEc. 948. ESTATE AcoU1aED BY 1’URCHASE.—If the estate was acquired p,§,§,*g§§€ ‘*°‘¤““°d by by the intestate by purchase, or descended to or vested in him in any ` other manner than as hereinbefore mentioned, and there be no child or descendant of a child of such intestate, then the estate shall descend to his brothers and sisters of the whole blood and their descendants in equal degree equally. · Sec. 949. HALF—BLOOD BROTHERS AND SISTERS.-—If there be no anggiggped brothers brother or sister of the whole blood, or descendant of such brother or `s` siste1·, then to the brothers and sisters of the half blood and their descendants in equal degree equally. SEU. 950. PATERNAL AND MATERNAL ANCESIORS ALTEnNATELY.—If tefgégfqglceggis 11:3; there be no brother or sister of the whole or the half blood, or any temmiy. descendant from such, the11 to the father, and if no father living, then to the mother, and if no mother living, then to the grandfather on the part of the father, and if no such grandfather living, then to the descendants of such grandfather in equal degree equally; and if no such grandfather or any descendant from him, then to the grandfather on the part of the mother, and if no Such grandfather, then to his descendants in equal degree equally; and so on without end, alternating the next male paternal ancestor and his descendants, and the next male maternal ancestor and his descendants, and giving preference to the paternal ancestor and his descendants. Sec. 951. HUSBAND AND WIFE.—-1f there be no descendants or kin- Huebmd mid Wifedred of the intestate, as aforesaid, to take the estate, then the same shall go to the husband or wife, if any, as the case may be; and if the husband or wife be dead, then to his or her kindred, in the like course as if such husband or wife had survived the intestate and had then died entitled to the estate by purchase; and if the intestate has had more husbands or wives than one, and all shall have died before such intestate, then the estate shall be equally divided among the kindred of the Several husbands or wives in equal degree equally. Sec. 952. TRUST ES'1‘ATES.——`7`rrl1BH€\'€P a trustee is seized of the Tfletesmteenaked legal estate in any lands, tenements, or hereditaments in fee simple and shall die intestate thereof, the said legal estate shall be deemed to have descended to such person or persons as would inherit the beneficial estate if the same were vested in him according to the `provisions aforesaid. ` Sec. 953. HEIR MUST BE SUo‘a ..·r TIME or DEATH or ANeEsToR.— a,H§,§§,€m(;gS‘d‘gj,§1“{)’g No right in the inheritance sha} racrue to or vest in any person other encestor. than the children of the intestate and their descendants, unless such person is in being and capable in law to take as heir at the time of the intestate’s death; but any child or descendant of the intestate born after the death of the intestate shall have the same right of inheritance as if born before his death. _ SEo. 954. WHEN WHOLE AND HALF BLOOD TAKE EQUALLr—'I`here 1, §',*}€¤b,‘g,*§,‘{§°,,{*{;‘,§ shall be no distinction between brothers and sisters of the whole and e<i¤e¤>‘. ` of the half blood, all being descendants of the same father, where the esta·.e descended on the part of the father, nor between the brothers ant. sisters of the whole and the half blood, all being descendants of the Same mother, where the estate descended on the part of the mother. Sec. 955. REPRESENTATION.—If in the descending or collateral line R°P'€S"““‘“°"· any father or mother shall be dead, leaving a child or children, such child or children shall, by representation, be considered in the same degree as the father or mother would have been if living, and shall have the same share of the estate as the father or mother if living would have been entitled to, and no more; and in such case, when there are more children than one, the share aforesaid shall be equally divided among such children. . Sec. 956. GO1`fARCENARY.—Th€I'€ shall be no estate in coparcenary C°P”°°¤*“>'· in the District, and where two or more persons inherit from an intes-