Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/14

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XIV LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Automobiles. An act to amend section forty-four hundred and seventy-two of the Revised Statutes so as to lpermit the transportation by steam vessels of gasoline and other products of petroleum w en carried by motor vehicles (commonly known as automobiles) when used as. source of motive power. February 20, 1901 799 District of Columbia. ’ An act regulating assessments for water mains in the Di trict of Columbia. _ February 21, 1901 .. ; ..,., 799 Light-house. An act for the establishment of a light-house and fogb signal at Point No Point, in Chesapeake Bay, between Cove Point and Smiths Point. Fe ruary 23, 1901 . 800 . “Lbiterp9r6iie."An act to provide an American register for the steamer Enterprise. February 23, 1 . ... . 800 Steam tow vessels. An act to amend section forty-four hundred and twengr-seven, title fifty-two, of the Revised Statutes, relating to inspectors of hulls and boilers. ebruary 23, 1901 .. .. . 800 Census. An act to authorize the Director of the Census to make payments for information concerning cotton gins, and for other lpurposes. February 23, 1901 - .1 ,.. 801 " Chippewa scrip. An act condrming two ocations of Chippewa half-breed scrip in the State (then Territory) of Utah. February 23, 1901 ..., 80E Bridge. An act to authorize the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge acrossthe Choctawhatchee River at Geneva, Alabama. February 23, 1901 .  ; 802 Statue. An act for the preparation of plans or designs for the memorial or statue of General Ulysses S. Grant on ground belonging to the United States Government in the city of Washington,`District of Columbia. February 23, 1901 Q . 803 West Channel, Mississippi River. An act to declare a branch of the Mississippi River op osite the city of La Crosse, Wisconsin, and known as West Channel, to be unnavigable, and) that the said city be relieved of necessity of maintaining a draw or pontoon bridge over said West Channel. February 23, 1901; . . 1.,%.,;. . 804 Incorporation. An act to incorporate the National Society of the United States Daughters of Eighteen Hundred and Twelve. February 25, 1901 ..,, 804 Bridge. An act granting authority to Alana, Manatee and Gulf Coast Railroad Company to build railroad bridges across the Manatee River and Gasparilla Sound and to lay railroad tracks thereon. February 25, 1901 . . 804 Indians. An act for the relief of the Medawakanton band of Sioux Indians, residing in Redwood County, Minnesota. February. 25, 1901 ...,.. r . 805 Bridge. An act to authorize the Mobile and West Alabama Railroad Com$my to construct and maintain a bridge across the Warrior River, between the counties of al er and Jefferson, in section thirty-five, township seventeen, range seven west, Alabama. February 25, 1901. . 806 Bridge. An act to authorize the Mobile and West. Alabama Railroad Company to construct and maintain a bridge across the Torirbigbee River between the counties of Marengo and Choctaw, below Demopolis, Alabama. February>25, 1901 ... 807 Bridge. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across Little River, at or near mouth of Big Lake, State of Arkansas. February 25,1901 . ° ... 8 08 District of Columbia. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Reform School for Girls of the District of Columbia," approved July ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. ‘ February 25, 1901 ... . .. 809 Retired Army and Navy officers. An act to amend section twelve hundred and twenty-tive of Revised Statutes so as to provide for detail of retired officers of the Army and Navy to assist in military instruction in schools. February 26, 1901 . . ... . . 810 Bridge. An act to authorize the Carolina Northern Railroad Comfpany to construct and maintain a bridge across the Lumber River in or near the town o Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina. February 26, 1901 811 Bridge. An act amending an act entitled "An act authorizing the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi River to the city of Saint Louis, in the State of Mi ouri, from some suitable point between the north line o Saint Clair County, Illinois, and the southwest line of said county," approved March third, anno Domini eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. February 27, 1901 s 812 Public lands. An act to amend an act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States, approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. February 27, 1901 .. _ ... s .., 815 ‘Dougla;% -An act for the establishment of a subport of entry at Douglas, Arizona. February _, 1 . , -L ... L. . 816 Indians. An act to confirm a lease withthe Seneca Nation of Indians. February 27, 1901 .. 816 District of Cblumbia. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to sell a certain lot in the District of Columbia at public auction. February 28,1901 . . .. .. 816 Refund, Utah. An act to provide for the refunding of certain moneys illegally assessed and collected in the district of Utah. February 28, 1901 .. 817 Georgia northern judicial distr’ict. An act to create the eastern division of the northern Federal judicial district of Georgia, and for other (purposes. February 28,1901 ... 818 Indums. An act to rggulate the collection and isbursement of moneys arising from leases made __ by the Seneca ation of New York Indians, and for other purposes. February 28, 1901. .- 819 District of Cogizémlpgogl An act_relating to the Metropolitan police o the—»District of Columbia. Februa , - -.. . ... ., , . .. 819 District oflgolumbia. _ An act to permit certain burials of the dead in the lands of the Protestant {Bligsgppal Cathedral Foundation of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. March , . . . 821