Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1491

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I<`lI<`TY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. (Tris. 860-862. iw!. 1459 Mrs. George H. Noyes, Milwaukee. Wisconsin; Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter, Springiield, Ohio; Mrs. William J. Christie, Butte, Montana; Mrs. \Villiam T. Coad, Rapid City, South Dakota; Mrs. Laura Rock- - well Priddy, Wiehita, Kansas; Mrs. Frank Sherwin Streeter, Concord, New Ham shire; Mrs. Anna D. W'est, Somerville, Massachusetts; Mrs. Charles Vg. Fairbanks, Indiana: Mrs. Lucia E. Blount, \Vashington, ` District of Columbia; Mrs. Ralph Trautman, New York; Mrs. John L. McNeil, Colorado; Mrs. Mary S. Lockwood, X/Vashington, District of Columbia; Mrs. May W right Sewall, Indiana; Mrs. J. C. Croly, New York; Miss Mary V. Temple, Tennessee; Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, California; Mrs. Kate Tannett Woods, Massachusetts; Mrs. Julia Plato Harvey, Illinois; Mrs. Jane O. Cooper, Colorado: Mrs. Harriet H. Robinson, Massachusetts; Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin, Illinois; Mary E. Mumford, Pennsylvania; Mrs. C. P. Barnes, Kentucky; Philip N. Moore, Missouri; Mrs. Alice Ives Breed, Massachusetts; Mrs. Frank Trumbull, Colorado; Miss Annie Laws, Ohio; Mrs. Sarah S. Platt-Decker, Colorado; Mrs. J ._ C. Royle, Utah; Josephine Bates. Mary Rogers, Octavia W. Bates, Fanny Purdy Palmer, J ulia Ward Howe, Cordelia I. Sterling, Katherine Nobles, Mary D. Steele, and their associates and successors, are hereby created a body corporate and iolitic, of the District of Columbia, by the name, style, and title of the Creneral Federation of Women’s Clubs, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, for educational, industrial, philanthropic, liter- ··P¤FP°*€S· ary, artistic, and scientific culture, and to bring into communication with one another the various Women’s Clubs throughout the world, with power in said corporation to make and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure. Sec. 2. That said corporation is authorized to acquire, by devise, h(}(§‘§gS gg? °Sm° bequest, or otherwise, hold, purchase. and convey, such real and per-` . sonal estate as shall or may be required for the purposes of its incorporation, notexceeding two hundred thousand dollars, with authority in said corporation, should it be by it deemed necessary so to do, to mortgage or otherwise incumber the real estate which it may hereafter own or acquire, and may (give therefor such evidences of indebtedness as such corporation may ecide upon. Sec. 3. That said corporation shall have a constitution and may ado t Genml P°“°”· and make by-laws for the admission and qualifications of members, tiie 1nanagement of its property, and the regulation of its afairs, and shall have the power to amend said constitution and by-laws at pleasure. Said corporation shall have its headquarters at Washington, in the District of Columbia. Approved, March 3, 1901. CHAP. 861.-An Act To establish Lowelltown, Maine, a subport of entry. March 3, 1901. Be it enacted by t/le Senate and House (gf Representattres (fthe [batted States of 1-imefzlcti in Cen Tess assembled, That Lowelltown, Maine, be, H,f;§_{§'§l§,‘§Qf,Q‘;,fcQ£‘j,: and is hereby, established as a subport of entry in the customs collec— if tion district of Bangor, Maine. ` Approved, March 3, 1901. CHAP. 862.-An Act To amend chapter five hundred and fifty-nine of the Revised Mami 3· will- Statntes of the United States, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. F;-ly; Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives 0 f the United States 0 f America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of chapter Eyglggézgdzf t,m_ five hundred and fifty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, ber taking w citizens - approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, limiting the §{,$$§t° f°“““"’“hm use of timber taken from public lands to residents of the State in which &u};>,l;,€_§**· P· me such timber is found, for use within said State, shall not apply to the '