Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1561

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FlFTY—SlXTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Cris. 217-2-19. 1900. ] DOQ To Vilillizun P. Vllalker, one hundred and twenty dollars and six cents; To A. S. Rogers, three hundred and forty-one dollars and fifty-five cents; To Tyson G. Maness, five hundred and sixty-one dollars and two cents; To 1Villia1n H. Bond, one hundred and twenty dollars and six cents; To F. M. Ballard, two hundred and forty dollars and four cents;. To Stephen Massengill, one hundred and twenty dollars and six cents; To livilliam Swink, four hundred and forty dollars and eighty cents; To Keton M. Jones, three hundred and sixty-one dollars and fifteen cents; In all, twenty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-one dollars and twenty—Six cents. Approved, April 18, 1900. CHAP. 248.-An Act For the relief of the heirs and assignees of Philip McLos- April 1g_ 1g00_ key and John Hagan. ·—————T— Be it enacted by the Senate and [[0use of Representata'v,•es of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the title of the heirs of M§,fg;§£€‘;}°;é’(§ Pggg Philip McLoskey and John Hagan, late of Mobile, Alabama, deceased, Hiqau. _ or of such person or persons as by assignment, transfer, or conveyance ,,,,r;§§£`§f§,f$§?“1f1 md from, through, or under the said Philip McLoskey and John Hagan may have claims thereto, to that certain property in the city of Mobile, Alabama, particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Royal and Conti Streets and running north seventy- four degrees and thirty minutes east a distance of one hundred and twelve feet eight inches to a fence, thence north eighteen degrees west a distance of one hundred and thirteen feet six inches to a stake, thence south seventy-four degrees thirty minutes west a distance of one hundred and eight feet nine inches to the east side of Royal street, thence South sixteen degrees twenty minutes east a distance of one hundred and thirteen feet six inches to the place of beginnin · be, and the same is hereby, confirmed, respectively, to the heirs of tie said Philip Mc- Loskey and John Hagan, or to their assignees or grantees to whom they may have conveyed the same or any part thereof during their lives, · according to the rights which the said heirs, assignees, transferees, or grantees may have thereto from, through, or under the said Philip McLoskey andJohn Hagan: Provided, That this coniirmation shall only Prana. extend to the relinquishment of any title which the United States mav ‘“X“’“°·€‘°· have to said land. Approved, April 18, 1900. CHAP. 249.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Ruthven W. Houghton April 18,1900. Be it enacted by t/te Senate and House of Re resentatvnyes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, {hat the Secretary of the Ru¤hve¤W.H¤ugh· Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the mfémslou mei-eased. ension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Ruthven W. Houghton, late captain of Company I, Third Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer lnfantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, April 18, 1900.