Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1917

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CONVENTION—GUATEMALA. DECEMBER 4;, 1899. 1865 laws. Once ratified, it shall take vez ratificada, comenzara a tener effect and operations thereunder efecto el dia primero de Enero de shall begin on the first day of Jan- mil novecientos, y continuara en uary, nineteen hundred; and shall vigor hasta que se termine por concontinue in force until terminated sentimiento Inutuo; p€1'0 odra by mutual a reement, but may be anularse, con la notiticacion dl; uno annulled at the desire of either De- de los Departamentos de Correos · partment, upon six months pre- hecha al otro, con seis meses de vious notice given to the other. anticipacion. - Done in dupllicate, and signed at Hecho por duplicado y iirmado slgmmes. Washington the 4th day of ecem- en Washin ton el dia cuarto de ber one thousand eight hundred Diciembre ge mil ochocientos y noand ninety nine. · venta y nueve. [L. s.] CHARLES EMoEY SMITH, Postmaster- General of the United States 0 f America. [L. s.] Antromo LAzo ARRIAGA, Ei:/viadc Emtra0ra'in0/reicy Mmzistrc Plemyyotenciario cle Guatemala. The foregoing Parcels-Post Convention between the United States of APP¤>V¤1- America and the Republic of Guatemala has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great }Seal of the United States to be hereunto aihxed; [Great Seal of U. S.] WILLIAM MCKINLEY. By the President: J ons HAY, Secretary of State. · WASHINGTON, D. C., December A; 189.9. PALACIO NACIONAL, Guatemala, 14 de Delctembre de 18.99. El Presidente Constitucional de la Republica acuerda aprobar los catorce articulos de que consta la Convencién de Paquetes Postales entre esta Republica y los Estados Unidos, celebrada en Washington el cuarto del corriente y firmada por el Representante de Guatemala y . el Dl1'GOl'.01' General de Correos. Comuniquese. . [L. s.] MANUEL ESTRADA. E1 Secretario de Estado: F. ANeNIANo. . [Translation.] NATIONAL PALACE, Guatemala, December 14, 1899. The Constitutional President of the Republic agrees to approve the fourteen articles of which the parcels-post convention between this Repub ic and the United States consists; whic convention was concluded at Washington on the 4th Instant, and was signed by the Re resentative of Guatemala and the Postmasmr-General. To be published. _