Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1934

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1882 rRoToooL—srAIN. MARCH 29, 1900. The undersigned Plenipotentia— Los infrascritos, Plenipotenciaries, in virtue of their full powers, rios, en virtud· de sus plenos o· have agreed upon and concluded deres, han convenido y concliiithe following article: do el siguiente articulo: som: ARTIGLE. ARTICULO frmco. Tim €X“’Pd°d to The eriod fixed in Article IX El lazo ii'ado en el Articulo IX dggiigiilzsgxllbdiciiiizégi of the Pllreaty of Peace between del Tgatadojde Paz entre los Es- §§§§§,§‘§’{‘§}“ Spuush the United States and Spain, signed tados Unidos y Espana, firmado en at Paris on the tenth day of Decem— Paris el 10 de Diciembre de 1898, ber, 1898, during which Spanish durante el cual los sfibditos Espasubjects, natives of the Peninsula, noles, naturales de la Peninsula, may declare before a court of pueden declarar, ante una oiicina record their intention to retain de registro, su proposito de contheir Spanish nationality, is ex- servar - su nacionalidad Espanola, tended as to the Philippine Islands se extiende en cuanto a las Islas for six months beginning April 11, Filipinas por seis meses, empe- 1900. zando el 1.1 de Abril de 1900. In witness whereof, the respec- En fé de lo cual, los respectivos tive Plenipotentiaries have si ned Plenipotenciarios firman y sellan the same and have thereunto aéxed este articulo. their seals. _ Done in duplicate at Washing- Hecho por duplicado a Washton the 29th day of March, in the ington, al dia 29 de Martes, del year of Our Lord one thousand ano de Nuestro Senor, mil nueve nine hundred. cientos. Big“““'°¤· J 0HN HAY [SEAL.] ° Anoos [SEAL.] P’°°l”·m““°¤· And whereas the Senate of the United States, by its resolution of April 27, 1900, (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein,) did advise and consent to the proclamation of the said protocol of agreement: Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, have caused the said protocol of agreement to be made public to the end that every article and clause thereof may be observed 1n ood faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. fn testimony whereof, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto aflixed. A Done at the City of Washin ton this twenty-eighth day of [SEAL] April,“in the year of our Lou? one thousand nine hundred, ‘ and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fourth. _ WILLIAM MCKINLEY By the President: · J orm HAY . Secretary of State.