Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2074

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2022 mnnx. Bills of Lading, H86- Blades, William, l’¤·S¤· Butt? $1 W- E --·---------..·-..- » ·-.. 945 return tp Senate requested of pension bili\ · ar ‘ 0 ... 1995 Bgépropriatioii to pay judgment in favor of 1573 Blair, Frank, 1%, W _ pension increased ...,,.,,,_, 1696 terms of the circuit court to be held at .. . 165 Blair, Nebr., Bbridge authorized across Back Bay ... 172 Bfmpprgpriatgan fog public building 589 i ism air iver . .'st t , DOYJ PI'6C§Ud€dtcby Mbit ilXll1g standard of Bpayiment to .,. I"} if fl, ,__,________ 1573 va ue e 49 lair Statue, - Bingham, I Ill, _ proceedings on accepting, ordered printed. 1996 reimbursement for lost internarrevenuc Blair, Thomas P., deceased, _ _ stamps ... 1553 payment to administrator ,.,,,,_,_,_ 1573 Bmmx, SarahJ. (widow), Blaisdell, Marie JC (nurse), peHS10n 1738 pension increased .,,,,,,,_______ 1565 Bznns,_Charles E.,· B ke, John W,‘ pension 1803 gension increased .,.._,,_,,_____ 1559

Survey, Divirabn cj, Department of " lake," Steamer,
 3   re· deficiency appro riation for repairs .. 11

appropriation for’bio1ogist, clerks, etc,. 192;; Blanchard, John, eg 0l‘ expenses 9 pension increas . . ,,,_,_,,_ 1601 B_ dim pI`6S€!'V1Dg game, etc ... 7 932 Blgng, R. P., late a, Represengatire Congress, ir _ ‘ B e ciency appropriation or wi ow .. 311 pregefvation Of, etc . 187 eulogies on, ordered printed ..,,. 1996 publication otégfprmation, etc .. 188 Blind, s rxnits requi or importing wil .. 188 census of ..,.,,...,_,._.____,_,_____ 4 Puilportation cg: 11;o1%céo1se, English spar- 8 Bitpprpplriagon for instruction, etc., D. C. . - 577 rows, e ., or i en .. 18 iss o n . . transportation of certain, forbidden .. 188 peiision inciieased .,...,__,_,_,______ ,_ _ _ 1757 bodies of, subject to State laws, etc ... 188 Bliss, Nettie L. (widow), importation of certain plumage permitted 189 pension ...,..., - *39 act for protection and preservation in Dis- Bloodgood, Francis, _ strict of Columbia, amended. . . .. - . . 1091` deficiency appropriation for ..,...,., 1046 Bin Alaillpa; provisions for protecting .. 332 Bloom, Arnold, irming m pension increased .,. 1543 appropriation for consul". . 66,889 Bluefield, W Va., ( or clerk hire 69, 893 terms of court at 738 Bishop, Joshua, Blythe Island, Ga., claim of, referred to Court of Claims .. 1612 boundary line to be established, etc .. 1120 Bismarck, N Dak., ‘ report to be made as to condition and exappropriaticin for water and sewer system tcgit of Governcrnent property, etc . . 1120 at mi itary post ... 624 Board o arities, D. ., D for Weather Bureau building made avail- l establishment of, duties, etc . 664 able, etc . e . . .t . . . . -; .. ... 925 I appropriation for salaries . 575, 840, 1019 xo deficiency appropriation for reproducing deficiency appropriation for salaries, etc. . 1019 \..F Mland"1/;ec§rds .. .;- s. 22 I Board ofC(;lhig2lren’sDGi£.;arBdians, D. C'. (see also urlay, aj. . . il ren, . ., ° `tin certain sicconmts authorized .. 284 t appropriation for expenses 576, 842 Cornelia De Peyster (widow), ior care eff children . 576, 843 'on increased . L . 1510or buria s 843 evt Agency, deficiency appropriation for .. 290, 1021 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with In- i to have custody fpf certain children comdians at .. 227 { mitting o enses, etc .. 1095 for Indian agent at . . ... 221, 1058 l probation officer; duty, etc. . 1095 for sipaport, etc., of Indians at . 1064 to care for children in case of nonsupport, Btaekfcet ndicm Reservation Mont., etc .. 1095 deficiency appropriation ior surveying. - 301, 321 i penalty for failing to contribute to main- ’ Black, john, I _ tenance, etc _ . . 1096 pension .. . . 1770 \ disbursing officerg duties, etc 1096 Black, Lewis, Board of Examiners Steam Engineers; D. ( C., pension increased . .s 1794 appropriation for ... 1 ... 557 Black, Mary (widow), for overseers, etc . 825 pension 1686 payment of temporary employees, etc- 557 Black River, Ohio, estimate of regular employees to be subappropriation for improvement of harbor. 627 B d fngtted YL; - - . .. 825 Black Robert oar 0 inera ind ommissioners, BlpZ¤is§pnkmI<gre?)n;;·dN. Y .. 1510 Bdetiici§ern6:£#dappropri(:i>.t};on tpr pay . 299 oc ar , . ., oar 0 nance an arti cation, appropriation for improvement of Buffalo appropriation foié tests, etc 186, 875 entrance to. . .- 626 or pure ase 0 guns, etc .. 186 preliminary examination of, to be made. - 582 Eor pay of civilian member .. 186, $$2 Blackson Henry ,H., . or expenses 186 8 pensioii increased ... 1580 for Gathmann torpedo test ’ 876 Black Warrior River, Ala., right to use inventions to be ascertained. 186, 875 appropriation for improvementof ‘ 627 purchases to be of American manufacture. 186 gn improvement of lock and dam above Board of Pension Appeals, Y Tuscaloosa .. . 1170 appropriation for members of ... 120