Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/213

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Firrr-sixri-1 ooncnsss. Sess. 1. on. 330. 1000. 161 Sec. 98. That all vessels carrvinv Hawaiian re isters on the twelfth *°·’R"“‘?’*" ;°glSt€' day of August, eighteen hundredband ninet -ei§ht, and which were for Mmmm all owned bona fide by citizens of the United States, or the citizens of Hawaii, together with the followin -named vessels claiming Hawaiian re ister, Star of France, Euterpe, Star of Russia, Falls of Clyde, and Wdlscott, shall be entitled to be registered as American vessels, with the benefits and privileges appertainin g thereto, and the coastin trade between the islands aforesaid and any other portion of the Ilnited States, shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of law I applicable to such trade between any two reat coasting districts. Sec. 99. That the-portion of the public gomain heretofore known as Crown iam me Crown land is hereby declared to have been, on the twelfth day of f’°m"“S”*"‘°‘ August, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and prior thereto, the property of the Hawaiian government, and to be free and clear from any trust of or concerning the same, and from all claim of any nature whatsoever, upon the rents,_issues, and profits thereof. It shall be subject to alienation and other uses as may be provided by·law. Sec. 100. That for the purposes of naturalization .under the laws of N¤*¤*¤li¤¤*i°¤· the United States residence in the Hawaiian Islands prior to the taking eHect of this Act shall be deemed equivalent to residence in the United States and in the Territory of Hawaii, and the requirement of a previous declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States _ t' and to renounce former allegiance shall not apply to persons who have resided in said islands at least five years prior to the taking effect of this Act; but all other provisions of the laws of the United States relating to naturalization shall, so far as applicable, apply to ·persons in the said islands. Sec. 101. That Chinese in the Hawaiian Islands when this Act takes dEQg;ifgg¤g§gngg€*¤¤· effect may within one year thereafter obtain certificates of residence ' as rerapireda by "An Act to prohibit the coming of Chinese persons V<>l-27·P~25- into the United States,” approved May fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as amended by an Act approved November third, eighteen V<>]·28»P·7· hundred and ninety-three, entitled ‘An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to prohibit the comin of Chinese persons into the United States,’ approved May fifth, eigiteen hundred and ninety-two," and until the expiration of said year shall not be deemed to be unlawfully in the United States if found therein without such certificates: Pro- §,q<{y1ig_gé,ab0remd€_ vided, however, That no Chinese laborer, whether he shall hold such niegi entrance mw certificate or not, shall be allowed to enter any State, Territory, or Umm S"“°" District of the United States from the Hawaiian Islands. Sec. 102. That the laws of Hawaii relating to the establishment and 0§%yi§ggu1¤W§:;;g conduct of any postal savings bank or institution are hereby abolished. §t¤nSnSu. gs And the Secretary of the Treasury, in the execution of the agreement S&§§lW¤£;¤;kP¤¤*¤i of the United States as expressed in an Act entitled "Joint Resolution rayilmtsré deposito provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States," *°§,S(‘;l‘§,%f’,{{€§§j E"` approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall pay- t e amounts on deposit in the Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank to the persons entitled thereto, according to their respective rights, and he shall make all needful orders, rules, and regulations for Saying such persons and for notifying such persons to present their emands for payment. So much money as is necessary to pay said demands is ereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be available on and after the first day of July, nineteen hundred, when such payments shall begin, and none of said demands shall bear interest after said date, and no deposit shall be made in said bank after said date. Said demands of such persons shall be certified to by the chief executive of Hawaii as being genuine and due to the persons presenting the same, and his certiiicate shall be sealed with the Official seal of the Territory, and countersigned by its secretary, and shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, who shall draw his v01. xxx1———11