Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2147

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mnsx. 2095 Military Posts-Continued. Page- Milwaukee, Wia.—·Continued. · M P¤s:¤· right of way authorized through Fort On- _ preliminary examination to rbe Mmade of . tario . .. i .. 1086 harbor . . . - .,. 584 Miluary Road, Wyo., Mlne Inspectors, M M M M3ppro%ti<;;1 or completing, etc 631 Mapprpggiatgog for, per diems, etc ... 122, 997 ' ata oo inera n mnnzismbners, detaiil of retired army and navy officers as Mdeiicieiiézzdappropmnon for pay of Board. 299 instructors ... 810 inera ‘ . - - use of ordnance authorized .. 811 appropriatidn for completing examinatiion, Mboan oiséioaival equipment to, authorized. . . 1440 M etc., in Montana and Idaho 615, 1038 'itarjy es iners Miaippropriatidn for Marine Corps ... 705, 1130 deiidiegcy approfpriatigin gg; transporting Y _ 'itia estitute rom as M-,...·a 1015 anmial appropriation for arms, etc ... 662 Miner, Smith, ’ M . replacing of quartermastefs supplies, etc- 215 Mpension increased . .»,e-,.;:--... 1685 in Alaska, governor to be commander in ining Claims, Md Bb?} . 322 in1Alaska, iiliéigiof noticeof location, etc. . 327 'itia . . lawsexten to . 329 appropriation for explenses .. 577 Ministers Plenipotentiary, or pay of, other t an Government em- appropriation for salaries ... 60, 883 ployees . : 577 Minneapolis, Minn., members of guard not officers of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company may » United States . — .. 577, 844 dam Mississippi River 75 for incidental expenses 577 Minnesota,2

or rent, éatc., . ; ... appropriation £or‘siu·veyor-general, clerksé6

or pay 0 troo s .. etc .. .,; 1, ‘ 1001 moneys collectedpfor lost property ... 845 right of way xnted Minnesota and Mani- , s· for violating regulation ... 845 1 toba 'lroad Company through deficiency appropriation for printin§,9 1021 Chippewa Res%rv%§0nB . . . 4 . I. 134 etc ... 8 certain water-reserve an Msu ject to rai - reappropriation of unexpended. balance . . 11 _ way riirhts of way 815 members of, not officers of United States. 577 approval oMplans ,... ;-. .4. 815 detail of retired army officer as adjutant- Minnesota and anitoba Railroad Company. Ml 1%en;lral ... , .. 671 grantee} Eightlg Mwaytthroiiihp Chippewa iitia ~ av · , n ian serva ion inn . 134 appropriationfor arming and equip- Minnesota and Ontario Bridgi Company, M Mum d Iyng .. . 688, 1111 may lgidgg River at Oathearts 43 r , esse om mn .. pension indreased .. L ... · . 1786 Minnich, Samriel, _ Millard, Lewis M, pension increased  ; 1 ,. 1744 Mgpprrgnriationf for ... 1749 Minis an;ihAs§y 2[fices (see also Director of · er asper, r., e mt _ . pension increased ... 1512 appropriation iorbirector, examiners,etc 105, 980 Mdler, _Henry, M 1749 for reight ontbullion and coin .. 1%;, pension or contmgen expenses s . 1 p Jlhller, Leonhart, ,_ _, for examination of, expenses, etc . ..i 105; 980 Mpéansign increased ... 1698 gorbogksé pampmeggh etc ... 13;,988 ( i er, ouis, orco eciono sa' 'cs.. , 1-;-. 1 98 granted honorable discharge . 1484 for salaries and glpenses .. 110; 985 Miller, Lucinda (widow), for building Phi elphia mint t ... 608 Mpfnsigp 5 .. 1690 , denciency approlgriatigxi for contingent i er, artin ., expenses ew r eans ,.. 285 Mi};;2nsi<6§1_inc1i/zglased ... LT . . 1571 for ming az Simon . er wer ., ror mm a euver . pension increased ... 1708 for assay office at Helena , 286; 316 Miller, Sarah (widow), 1 59 ger (piiice at Boise . . . 286, 316, 1018,.1053 _ pension ... . 7 or s oors etc,. .. — 10 Miller, Susan A. (widow), for assay office, Seattle . 10, 286, 1017, 1018 Mrgfnsigfrél .. 1700ger freghttoéi bugger; .., 310,,1017 i er, i iam . or min a an ancisco .. 16 _1017 pension increased ... 1711 . for assay office, Charlotte . ’ 1018 Miller, lgilliam R., 1690 §g: <;i1%I:e, Pg? York M PGIISI I1 .--- · · -·-·- Q- -‘-‘= rs - Q ·‘l` ------ ID D 8 GW, I` 98.118 .. Milliken, Samuel, for assay office at Deadwood . ». 1053 ‘ Maipprgvporigtiog for estate of ... 1637 ger wgiges ag: Ilghiladelphia ,,_,, ; ,___,,__ 54 i s as . or 0 ce o irector ...1 .. 316 Mlgshsilgn i$reased ... 1620 Directcgr autligrized to exchangegold bars i wan ee is., K ; or o coin .,..,.,,,,,_, 1446 appropriation for expenses Volunteer Sol- A report og ordered printed .,.,,,,,,_,__ 2006= diers’ Home ... . ... 633, 1175 Mispillion River, Del., jurisdiction over site, ceded to State 1175 preliminary examination of, to be made. . 580 deficiency appropriation for expenses Vol· llhssion Agency, Cal., M unteer Soldiers’ Home . 293, 728, 1027 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians . granted immediate transportation privi- at ,,_.,__,,_,_,,,,,,__ 235, 1072 leges . 799 Jlvlssion Lidians, , · appropriation for improvement of bay 627 appropriation for counsel .,,...,.. i.639,1181