Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2179

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mnnx. 2127 Publications, Dimkvion of, Department of Agri- Page- Public Buildings—Cox1tinued. Pagecullurc, 1 apipro riation for Oskaloosa, Iowa--. 1098, 1135 appropriation for editor, chief, etc ..,.. 191, 933 or Bhiladellphia, Pa .. 590 or ocument section ... 192, 933 for Rome, . Y .. 1098, 1135 for expenses 200, 933 for Salem, Orig 590, 1135 for farmers’ bulletins ... 200, 933 for Salt Lake ity, Utah .. 1098, 1135 notice to Congressmen of publicai for Saint Cloud, Minn .. 590, 1098 tions . . . . 200, 933 for Saint Paul, Minn .. 1098 disposition of uncalled-for publica- for San Francisco, Cal , . 1135 tions  ; .. 200, 933 for Seattle, Wash ... - . 1098, 1135 Publvb Bigldgigs (see Buildings and Grounds, §or gtogon, ($11 .. - -. . . , or t. uis, o . appropriation for Aberdeen, S. Dak .. 1097 for Streator, Ill ... 590 §>r Apilene, §e1_;: ... . . 1097, 1133 ger Fla ... 590, 1832, 1133:5 or A bany, . - 588 or i esbarre, Pa ·..- 1 ,1 for Altoona,_Pa . .. - 588, 1133 for Winston, N. C. . . . .. 591, 1098 for Annapolis, Md .. . . 1133 for Washmgton, 1). C., Corcoran Art Galfor Anniston, Ala . 1133 lery Building;-6 T .. 1135 for Baltimore, Md . . 588, 1133 for Treasury buil gs, Washington. . 591, 1136 f Brent tempoéary quarters. .. for repairs and pregervatiplngl. .} I 591, 1136 or eaumont, ex 1 construction un s av '· a e or e ec- - for Blair, Nebr 589 tric lighti , etc .. 591 for Boise, Idaho .. 1097 employ1§1enl1§>f superintendents. . . 591, 1136 for Boston, Mass .. . 588, 1133 for heating a paratus  : . 592, 1136 for Brooklyn, N. Y . --. 1133 for vaults, sales, and locks .. 592, 1136

 for Bristol, Tenn ... ;. . - 589, 1098 for plans, etc .. 592, 1136

for Brunswick, Ga . 589, 1097 for old building at Saint-Paul to be refor Butte, Mont 589, 1097 tained ... 1136 ior girrollton, VI%y 1338 for pay of assistant custodians and janf;59 1153 or eyenne, yo ... 7 tors. - .. 9. . . , for Chicago, Ill . . .. 589, 1133 for generali , ·tor of supplies . 609, 1154 for Cincinnati, Ohio .. . 589 for inspector ol furniture, etc ... 609, 1154 ior gleveland, Ohio 589, 11§4 §or gurpitiurg and ... 233, 1154 or inton, owa . 11 4 or ue , i ts, an water .. , 154 for Columbus, Ga. . . . . 1098 for pay of biiicer in charge 901 £or grest§:£I<;>3vaMd .. 1097, for repairs of, under Interior Departor um r , .. ment ... 1156 for Dubuque, Iowa . 589,1098 deficienc appropriation for assistant cusfor Eau Claire, Wis ... 1097 and janitors .. 9, 316, 1013 for Elgin, Ill . 589 for Kansas City, Mo .. 10 ior Ilglizalfegch gitlyl, C ... 103;, gor Helina, (]¥Iont.i ... 10 or . is san , . .. o , or wor at apito ... 56 for Elmira, N. Y .. 1097, 1134 for repairs, etc . 54, 316, 1016, 1056 for Fergps Falls, Minn ..· .. 1097, 1134 for heating a paratus . . 54, 282, 316, 1016, 1056 for Fitc burg, Mass ... 1097, 1134 for vaults, sayes, and locks 54, 282, 316 for Freeport, Ill ... 589, 1097 for furniture and repairs 282, 316 for Helena, Mont . 1097, 1134 for fuel, lights, etc ..., 1014, 1053 for Hot Springs, Ark .. 1098, 1134 rent of gas governors, etc .,.. 1014 for Indianapo is, Ind .. 589, 1098, 1134 for power, repairs, etc., pneumatic tube- 1014 for Jamestown, N. Y ... 590, 1097 for Asheville,_ N. C ,... 286 for Janesville, Wis . 590, 1097 for Camden, N. J. r ... 286 for Joliet, Ill .. 590, 1097 for Sioux City, Iowa ,. 286 for Joplin, Mo .. - .. 1098, 1134 for rent, Los. Angeles, Cal , ,, . . 286 for Kansa City, Kans .. 590, 1134 for rent, Indianapolis, Ind 286 for Lawrence, Mass ... 1098, 1134 for Washington, D. C., reimbursement for Leadville, Colo 1098, 1134 of W. S. Cox .. . .. 287 for Lockport, N. Y 1098, 1134 for Saint Albans, Vt ... , ..,,_, 1015 for Los Angeles, Cal 590,1134 for Philadelphia, Pa, .,,... . ,..,,,.,,__ 1015 for Macon, Ga . 590,1134 for Indianapolis, Ind., rental of tempofor Menominee, Mich . 590 rary quarters. .,.,...,,..,,.., 1016 for Monmouth, lll 590 for sanitarium, Fort Stanton, N. Mex . . 1016 for Newark, N. J .. . .. 1135 for inspector of furniture .,...,..., 1053 ior gew §righton,kP%. ... in rgaska, use Xi, etc ,,..,,,,,,_, 332 or ew runswic , . - .. at nniston la., authorit to roceed for New Iberia, La 1134 with cbnstruction ..,. ir . li ..,,,, 659 for New Orleans, La .. 1135 limit of costof building Government Printfor Newport News, Va . 590, 1098 ing Office increased ,.,,,,_,__, 110 ger llgewpog, gti .. 590, I purchase of lam? for, in Cherokee Nation or ewpo , . . 5 authorize ... 854 for New York . 590, 1134 1 purchase of land for, in Creek Nation 867 for Norfolk, Va . - .. 1135 uilding to be erected at Saint Louis Expofor Norwich, Conn 1098, 1135 sition, etc .,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,_,_. 1443 for Oakland, Cal ... 590, 1135 Public Exhibitions, for Omaha, Nebr . 1135 tax on ...,..,,_ 939