Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2218

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2166 INDEX. WM, A-, _ Pew- Wright, Arethusa (widow), Posed€flC1GI1Cy appropriation - for contested- onsion inoroagod ______________________ 1511 election expenses . 1. ... 311 Wi·)ight, Caroline Hi (widow), - Wire, R- S-, _ ‘ nsion 1757 deficiency appropriation for payment to Wpriéght, Eliza (widow), ·he11‘S 0 A- ---------- ~ .---.. 1049 pension increased . . ..,. 1546 lWswell, Charles A. D., Wright, Lucius A., WPBHSIOH 1H01‘08Sed ----- ,- - - .. 1668 credit in accounts of ..,,..., 240 amt?) D7`- A- H-, _ _ _ Wright, Pay Director H. P., deficiency appropriation for widow .. 23 deficiency appropriation for crediting ac- Wdnesses, count 1034 appropriation for fees, United States Wright, William B., 00\11‘tS_ ----·- - -------.- 138, 640, 1182 nsion increased .. 1741 for_ fees, District of Columbia .. 558 Wi;)€orning, deficiency appropriation for fees . 319, appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, 1021,1055, 1058 sto ,.,..,,_,,,,,,,,,___,______ 127, 1002 penaltyfor refusing toqualifybeforecourts- for incidental expenses, Indian service martial .. 950 in . .,,. 236, 1073 in_ Porto Rico, mileage, etc .. 954 for military road . 631 mileage, etc., of before Commissioner’s deficiency appropriation for rent, etc., for courts, Indmn Territory ___________ 1046 gu;·voyor.gonor3,l _________________ 1038 Wolfe, Frances S., on relinquishing certain public lands, to Wp6ng1o1r in(3reasod __,_,___,,,_______,,___ 1541 select others ______,______________ 139 olfe, William, printing of preliminary examination of Wpayment _ . . . 1617 reservoir sites in, authorized .. 715 olfley, Elizabeth E (widow), Wytheville, Va., Wpension 1589 appropriation for Hsh-culture station. . 604, 1149 omaek, Jane A. E. (daughter), deficiency appropriation for completing Wpenswn . . ._ T- ._ 1749 Hs -cu ture station 287 oman’s Christian Association, D. C., appropriation for maintenance . 576, 843 , Women’s Clinic, D. Cl, . ‘· appropriation for maintenance . 576, 842 " _ ' Wood and Bono, Yoiomo Agency, Wo-rh-, _ degciency ,,pp53p,-1,,6,,,, for _________.___ 1048 appropriation for Indian spent ot ----- 223, 1060 Wood, Annie D. . (widow), ‘ Yakima Indian_Reservation, ash., pension iucmasad _______________________ 1533 lease of certamlands, authorized 246 Wood, Emily Ii (widow), _ Yakima, etc.,_Indians, ,,60,, increased _______________________ 1615 appropriation for support, etc-, of ----- 235, 1072 Vggd, ,],;,,,6 W (fom? mother), de cienclyz appropriation for support, etc. . 302 Wps3s}§ . . 1773 Yolobvfho t_wer,f b d th _ ed oo o ine .ow cons ruc ion o ri ge au oriz across · nsioiiqj ... . )., .____,,___ _ _ 1626 Grenada County, Miss 789 Wgzdbridge, William E., Yankton Agency, S. Dak:, claim 0 ·for use of certain invention re- appropriation for Indian agent at . 223, 1060 ferred to the Court of Claims .. 1788 Y<1»'{¤l¤l0¤, S- DMG-, _ _ Woodman, Andrew J, time extended for constructing bridge nsion increased .,,..., 1713 ‘ _ across Missouri River ... 44, 1088 Wggdman Betsey L. (widow), Yaquina Bay, Oreg., _ _ _ ‘ _ ngion ___________________ _ __________ __ 17],6 d1v1g1on of approprlauon for, gmprovlng, Wggde Hole, Ma-ss., ctc .. 587 appropriation for iish culture station . . 604,1148 Yarmouth, _ deficiency appropriation for fish commis- appropriation for consul 68, 892 sion station .. 287, 1018 Yazoo River, _Miss., _ Woods, Moses E, j appropmation for improvement of mouth pension increased ... 1500 1 _ of _ ... 1170 Woodstock, 1 Yearbook, Department ey Agriculture, appropriation for consul ...,,,.. 68, 892 printingiof special ition, authorized ..,. 713 Woodward Evan lgi, ‘ 1625 Q Yeckley, .Ionathan_Rd, t _ t 157 ension increas ... appropria ion o pay u gmen ns .. . . Wgolson, Mira B. (widow), —Yellowstone and Muscle rdhell Riversfgm pension increased ,,,.,,_____,...,_____,. 1545 doficionop· gppropgigtion for congi;ru(eting‘° W Worcester, Mass., mx ntary post .. ... _ . 320 mgdo 3 por]; of dolivory _________________ 682 _ Ygllgwglgng Alqtggnal Bm-k, . immediate transportation privileges ex- Q appropriation for commissioner ... 133, 1008 tended to 682or maintenance, etc ...,.. 624 World’s Columbian Commission,i for wagon road .. _ . 624 certain reports of, ordered printed ... 2006 Q for survey ot boundaries, etc .. 1160 Worley, Rachel M, ‘ for comm1ssioners’ bmlding ___________ 1162 pension increas ,.,. . 1705 3 for improvement; forest reserves ,,__,, 1169 Worthington, William J, 1 for administration and fprotection .. 1169 nsion .. ,_. 1725 deEciency appropriation or improving. . ,_ 291 Wliigngell, Alaska,Yellowstone River, _ _ dedciency appropriation for transporting change m plans for construction of bridge destitute miners .. 1015 l across 629