Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/259

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F IFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 586. 1900. 207 NONCOMMISSIONED STAFF _(UNATTACHED TO REGIMENTS). One hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Noucommissicned . Additional pay for length of service, twenty-two thousand eight mm hundred and forty-eight dollars. SIGNAL ooRPs. Two hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred dollars. sigma Corps. Additional pay for length of service, twenty-two thousand one hundred and forty dollars. ` HOSPITAL ooRPs. Nine hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred dollars. Hospasn Corps. Additional pay for length of service, forty-eight thousand five hundred and forty dollars. PAY TO oLERKs AND MESSENGERS AT · DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND AT HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY. Three clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each per annum, Clerks spa mossoo- S five thousand four hundred dollars; gm “‘ h°“‘dq““"°”" Six clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each per annum, nine thousand six hundred dollars; . Twenty-one clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each per annum, twenty-nine thousand four hundred dollars; _ Sixty clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum, seventy-two thousand dollars; _ . One hundred clerks, at one thousand dollars each per annum, one hundred thousand dollars; Sixty-eight messengers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each per annum, forty-eight thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars; In all, two hundred and sixty-five thousand three hundred and sixty # dollars. . And said clerks and messengers shall be employed and assigned by the Secretary of War to the offices and positions in which they are to serve.· FoR PAY OF THE GENERAL STAFF. Geueralstsif. ADJUTANT-GENERAL’s DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers in the Adjutant-Genera1’s Adjutant-General’s Department, seventy-seven thousand five hundred D°p“"m°“°‘ dollars. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid L°¤5*’=V“Y· with their current monthly pav, sixteen thousand and fifty dollars. In all., ninety-three thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. INsPEcToR-GENERAL’s DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers in the iospoozor-csooows Inspector-General`s Department, fifty-six thousand fire hundred dol- D°p“"m°“°‘ lars. · _ For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid L°¤€€“°Y- with their current monthly pay, nine thousand seven hundred and A fifty dollars. In all, sixty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. THE CoRPs OF ENG1NEERs: For pay of officers in the Corps of corps of Eusmzem. gngineers, two hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred D ol ars. . P _ · For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Dvuzeviry- with their current monthly pay, eighty-three thousand five hun red and twenty dollars. ` d Tn all, three hundred and sixty-one thousand nine hundred and twenty 0 lars. -