Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/308

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256 EIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 613. 1900. ··¤°$`2·°°°· Forty-nine superintendents money-order division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of stations, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, and cashiers, at two thousand dollars eac , ninety-eight thousand dollars; 4 ·°°m°°- Six superintendents money-order division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of delivery, and superintendents of mails, at ” 3w§&thousand,.one hundred dollars each, twelve thousand six hundred on rs; - g _ · . ·°° *’·’°°· A Twenty-seven superintendents money-order division, superintendents of registry,superintendents of stations, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, and cashiers, at two thousand two hundred do lars Bach, fifty-nine thousand four hundred dollars;

            • 2-"°°· Twenty assistant superintendents money-order division, assistant

superintendents of registry, superintendents money-order division, .. superintendents of registry, superintendents of delivery, sulperintendents of mails, and cashiers, at two thousand four hundred ollars each, forty -oight thousand dollars; . ··°*$’·5°°· Seven superintendents of stations, superintendents of delivery, and superinten, ents of mails, at two thousand five hundred dollars each, sevB¤t66!1 thousand five hundred dollars; ” , ·°°**·6°°· Thirteen superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, and cashiers, at two thousand six hundred dollars each, thirty-three thou-

and eight hundred dollars;

·°*”·’°°· Nine superintendents of delivery and superintendents of mails, at two thousand seven hundred dollars each, twenty-four thousand three · e hundred dollars; » _ » ‘ A“f“"°’- MW Y°'k· One auditor, New York? three thousand dollars; "°‘“¥’°g°· One auditor, Chicago, three thousand dollars; ,,t§l“§,°§'§§{'§);'{d°”t“’ OBB Supofiutoudont moneymrder division, one superintendent of l'‘ registry, one superintendent of mails, and one superintendent of deliv- , ery, at three thousand two hundred dollars each, twelve thousand eight hundred dollars; _ c,§rg§g;§8*;;ggD_*°' or compensation to substitutes for clerks of first and second class post-offices on vacation, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars; S¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤s mms For separating mails at third and fourth class post·offices,`nine hundred thousand dollars; te T · hifgmrowrr ·=l¢*k For temporary clerk hire, one hundred thousand dollars; ruimm. In all, for clerk hire in post-offices, twelve million eight hundred

 and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred dollars; Plmvicid, That the

d,§.$p§{,§;Yh0§,1.§‘k“ Postmaster-General may, in the disbursement of this appropriation, allow postmasters at iirst-class offices to empioy temporary clerks at ttge gate of twenty·live cents an hour during the rush or busy hours of e . e R°“'·_“gh‘·““d ml- Forjient, light, and fuel for iirst, second, and third class post-offices, _§$}'j’°§_.,,,, ,h,,d_ one million nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars; Provided, That classofiice-. there shall not be allowed for the use of any third-class ost-office for rent a sum in excess of four hundred dollars, nor more than sixty dol- ·l°¤S°S· lars for fuel and light in any one year: And provided furtlier, That the Postmaster-General may, in the disbursement of this appropriation, apply a part thereof to the purpose of leasin premises_ for the use of post-offices of the first, second, and third gasses at a reasonable annual rental, to be paid quarterly fora term not exceeding ten ' ears. s Mi¤¤¢11¤¤¤¤¤¤- yi For necessary miscellaneous and incidental items directly connected · with first and second class post-offices, includin furniture, cleaning, _ and all other matters not specifically provided gw in other a . ro ri- §;‘g;f,’{;,m,,s Wim ations, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Providped, 'lphat our written consent- the Postmaster-General, in his discretion, under such regulations as he shall prescribe, may authorize any of the postmasters of said offices