Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/694

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642 FlFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 791. 1900.

    • d‘“E‘°*2“l 9****%% For the payment of the salaries of an additional district 'udge in the

iiiii. lm aim a State offN§w York andh the Uépgeg States district judge for the Ter- ` ritory 0 awaii ten thousand dollars. 11;,1:,9,;*1,; and r¤r><>¤¤r· U Foillthéa payrqpht of the salaiéies oi th'; clerk and Ehpi reporter otilthe ' United States istrict court or the erritory o awaii at t ree pho usalpd dolgrs ang onle tgqpslqnd two hundred dollars, respectively, ourthousand two un re dollars. _ wggjgirgt d§;,°g¤°g, FEES or DISTRICT ATTORNEY, SOUTHERN 1>1sTR1oT or New YORK} New rm. For fees of district attorney for the southern district of New York, R·S··“°°·'”5·*"“"*‘ under section eight hundre and twenty-five, Revised Statutes, one hundred dollars. · L¢si¤1¤¤*‘<+- UNDER LEGISLATIVE. sm->¤=¤¤¢¤f¤z>x>r<> STATEMENT or Arrnornmrrons: For preparation, under the direc- P"u°°S' tion of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the statements showing appropriations made, new offices created, offices the salaries of which have een omitted, increased, or reduced, indenite appropriations, and contracts authorized, together with a chronological history of the regular appropriation bills passed during the first session of the Fifty-sixth Congress, as required v<>1.25.p. 581. y the Act approved October nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty- eight, two thousandd dollars, to be pgid tql the persons designated by the chairmen of said committees to o said wor . B¤1>¤nicG¤r<1¢¤- h BOTANIC GAREEN: Fordreco1ie1st3·ulpting roofs of egtra gpopicatllplant ' ouse numbere one an orc i ouse numbere eig t wi iron rafters and fpurlins, and for repairs to roofs of packing and potting sheds, and or reconstructing roofs of two plant houses, numbere one and two, south side of Maryland avenue, and for painting, glazing, and general repairs to buildings, heating apparatus, and foot walks, under thehdirgction of the Joint Committee on the Library, five thou- · sand Eve un red dollars.·. muse <>fR¤1>r¢¤¤¤- F11.1·;s, Housn or Rnrnnsmrrnrivnsz The Clerk of the House of taiiilelliéwsuou, em., Representatives is hereby authorized and difected to deliver to the °* me L,brarian of Corégress all tboqpsd voéumes of original papers,hgeneral etitions printe matter oo an manuscripts now in, or t at may hereafter come into, the files Jr the House, which in his judgment are not required to be retained in the immediate custody of the file clerk ;hand it shall (pq the diuty f the Igbrarian of Colansgpgssi to cggse all suc matter so e ivere to im to e proper y c ° e by n- gress and arranged for preservation and readv reference. All of such matter tc`; be he d as ai part off the files of the House of Representatives, su ject to its or ers an ru es. ` -¤pp¤>pri¤¤i¤n- hFpii tie pugpolsp of execuglng tgt; requirqments olf qhis paragrap}; t e ‘ er of the ouse is an oriz to cmp oy wit the approva o the Committee on Accounts, necessary laborers hud cartage at a total costhnot to exceed pnedthpusiancgi five undred dollars, to e paid out . of the contingent un o the ouse. si1n¤_gg§i:{le<é¤mmi¤· INDUSTRIAL CoMM1ss1oN: That the Industrial Commission authorized iiiloi. ec, pp.4i6,111B. by "i*}n Actfauthorizing (the appoirgmentgf a nonpartigan commission to co ate in ormation an to consi er an recommen legislation to meet the problems presented by labor, agriculture, and capital," approved une eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and amended by "An Act making appropriations for the sun ry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, is hereby continued until Decembe1· _ fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one, with all the Cpowers and duties {.’;{’,§{§{’,g 0, ,,,,,,,,,,,_in11posed upon it by said Acts: Homlded further, hat nine thousand ew- copies of the reports and digests prepared by the Industrial Commis-