Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/769

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Manila, on May first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight (the said officer being now in the sixty-third year of his age, and having served continuously for thirty-seven years as an officer of the Revenue-Cutter Service), he be placed on the permanent waiting orders or retired list of the Revenue-Cutter Service, on the duty pay of his grade.

Appropriation.That the sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same hereby is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the medals above specified.

Approved, May 3, 1900.

[No. 25.] Joint Resolution For chargge in location of aids to navigation on Sim- may 8,1900. mons Reef and Lansing Shoal, in Lake ichigan. —·—;—;- Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatioes og the United States of America in Congress assembled That the Light- ouse Board h3¢¤§¤v¤1 of lishvbe authorized and directed to remove the light-ship, numbered fifty- §§$n,°$tS°t° musing five, now on Simmons Reef, in Lake Mich1gan, near the Straits of Mackinac, to Lansing Shoal. And furthe1·, that the s buoy on Lansing Shoal be removed, so as to take the place of said%ight-ship to be removed from Simmons Reef. Approved, May 3, 1900. [No. 26.] Joint Resolution Providing for the pfinting and distribution of the gen- May 14, 1900. eral report of the expedition of th_e steamer Fish awk to Puerto Rico, includinglrthe """'_“""""" chapter relating to_t e fish and hsheries of Puerto Rico, as contained in the 1Sh Commission Bu letm for nmeteen hundred. _ Resolved by the Senate and House 025 Re esentatioes of the bbzited States ofzlmerica in Congress assemb d, Tliat there be printed and iR¢33¤;i*;mg=<v§<§§¤<;¤ bound, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, seven gorto niet. W ° thousand five hundred copies of the general report of the expedition ‘“‘““‘“g °'d°""’· of the steamer Fishhawk to Puerto Rico, inoluding the chapter relating to the fish and Hsheries of Puerto Rico, as contained in the'Fish Commission Bulletin for nineteen hundred; four thousand five hundred for the use of the House, one thousand five hundred for the use of the Senate, and one thousand five hundred for the use of the United States Fish Commission. Approved, May 14, 1900.I Q? 7* [No. 27.] Joint Resolution To print the annual reports of the Americar}Historioal May 25_;ggg_ Association. · _ ·····;····~··—- Resolved by the Senate and House olQlR'elE»r·esentatv}ves of the United States of America in Congress assemb , hat there be printed of the American Historical annual reports of the American Historical Association, beginning with A’§$§°J_{§E{{’,§`,;l ,,0 ie, the report of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, two thousand ;{,{1*{gg*'°¤ °*· °¤£>*°d five hundred copies in addition to those provided for under existing ` law, of which five hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, one thousand copies for the use of the House of Re resentatives, and one thousand copies for the use of the American Igistorical Associa tion. Approved, May 25, 1900.