Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/821

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 353. 1901. 769 and the cost of such removal and rebuilding shall be defrayed by the -°xP°““° °‘; ““‘“· said Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company to an amount not exceeding forty thousand dollars: B·0vided, hat the expense of such _§'Q.‘{{Q’g·Sm€S Duble removal and rebuilding in excess of forty thousand do lars shall be for excess. paid by the United States. RETAINING WALLS. Sec. 6. That in elevating or depressing its tracks, as hereinbefore eu*}§8f;§g§¤';§,,‘;“gl f°' authorized, the said railroad company is hereby re uired to support ' the sides of all embankments and excavations mdhe in the streets wherein the same are located with suitable retaining walls of stone. These walls, in cases of excavation, shall be carried to a height of four feet above the revised grades of said streets, or shall be provided with suitable iron railings. The Space to be occupied and used by the said Mgggffngfgelggg °¤ railroad company where its tracks are de ressed on Marylandravenue ` shall not exceed fifty-eight feet between the inside faces of the parallel retaining walls, measured at the level of the said tracks, as shown on said plans and profiles. sriznms TO BE VACATED. Sec. 7. That to enable said Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Com- m§g*d°°'¤ °° b° W pany to effect the revision, change, and improvement in the alignment ` and grade of its railroad, and the relocation of parts thereof as authorized and contemplated b this Act. the following-named streets and crossings in said city of \%ashington shall be, upon the completion of the work herein authorized, completely vacated and aband)oned for public use, namely: Canal street, as located and shown on the city maps, between South Capitol street and New Jersey avenue. G street southeast and H street southeast, between South Capitol street and New Jersey avenue. I street southeast, between First and South Capitol streets. Vir °nia avenue, on the south side of the said railroad, between Secondlstreet and Four-and-a-half street southwest, and on the north side of the said railroad between Four-and-a·half street and Seventh street southwest. Maryland avenue, on the south side of said railroad, between Ninth and Tenth streets southwest. Maryland avenue, between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets southwest; and in consideration of, and in connection with,- the vacation of said portion of Maryland avenue between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets southwest, the said railroad company shall acquire and dedicate to the District of Columbia the necessary propertv to increase the present width of D street Southwest, between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets southwest, thirty feet on the south Side thereof. ‘ Thirteenth and Thirteen—and-a-half streets, between D and Water streets southwest, and E street southwest, between Twelfth street southwest and Water street. Thp following-named streets are hereby vacated and abandoned, name : · I; sdigpet southwest and E street southwest, where they cross the Said 1*8.1 roa ; D street southwest, between Four-and-a-half and Sixth streets southwest; C street southwest, between Sixth and Seventh streets southwest: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be construed m’*’·0f sewm to prohibit the public authorities from enterinig upon vacated and evcniuvacaredstreeu abandoned streets and avenues for the purpose 0 locating, construct- p°mm°d‘ voL xxx1——-49