Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/85

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 24-26. 1900. 33 master’s Department and an inspection by such department, all under the direction and authority of the Secretary of War.’ "And the words: " "‘P1·0vided, That not more than one million dollars of the sums Fciyilien employees; appropriated by this Act shall be paid out for the Services of civilian um` employees in the Quartermaster’s Department, including those heretofore paid out of the funds appropriated for regular supplies, incidental expenses, barracks and quarters, army transportation, clothing, camp an garrison eiipipage; that no employee (paid therefrom shall receive a salary more t an one hundred and fifty ollars per month unless the same be specially fixed by 1aw.’ » · " Third. So much of the Act approved March fifteenth, eighteen hun- mg{Q¤¤¤¤€ D spur ‘ dred and ninety-eight, entitled ‘An Act making appropriations for the _Civi1ian e 1 e r k S: support of the Army for the fiscal {year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hmm hundred and ninety-nine,’ under the heading ‘Ordnance_Department,’ as provides that not more than sixty-five thousand dollars of the money appropriated for the Ordnance Department in all its branches shall be ap- lied to the payment of civilian clerks in said department." - Sec. 2. That during the time the o eration of the foregoing provi- d&d¤}iS¤i<>¤ fgee, pf sions of law shall remain so suspended) pursuant to this Act, materials y° wanna me S` required by the War Department may, in the discretion of the Secretar of War, be purchased abroad and shall be admitted free of duty. _ Sync. 3. That during the same time the Bureau of Ordnance of the ,,d*;‘g',§§*;$.§§,u,f”"h°“‘ War Department is authorized to purchase, without advertisement, such ordnance and ordnance stores as are needed for immediate use; and when such ordnance and ordnance stores are to be manufactured, then to make coritracts without advertisement for such stores, to be · delivered as rapidly as manufactured. Approved, Februarv 24, 1900. CHAP. 25.-An Act For the relief of claimants having suits against the United February 26,1900. States pending in the circuit and district courts of the United States affected by the "‘—*"_` Act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, amending the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty—Seven. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in O rece assembled, That no suit shall abate or be Spiis pending iu aifecte by the Act ofwgune twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ii? 1iigveSri°i$;¤€°ii$ ninety-eight, entitled "An Act to amend sections one and two of the §§,’§,;°e§*@;’,Q’;'g;g§é°g§j>' Act of M%.rch third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven," which was transfer of nmsdic}; ppnding in any circuit court of appeals, circuit or district court of the §w?°°rl °f nited States at the time of the passage of said Act; and all Such suits g- which have been dismissed by reason of said Act shall be restored to'` their places in Such courts and proceeded with as if the same had not been enacted; and time within which an appeal or writ of error may be taken or prosecuted in any case affected by this Act is hereby extended six months from the passage hereof. Approved, February 26, 1900. CHAP. 26.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Grand February27,1900. Rapids Water Power and Boom Company, of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, to construct "j"— a dam and bridge across the Mississippi River," approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 f the United States of America in Ocngress assembled, That section three of an Act Ggg*,° R*;X¥$,¤d${} ,*0 entitle "An Act to authorize the Grand Rapids Water Power and Powera¤diii¤dmci>¤;(ii Boom Company, of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, to construct a dam and §°§§{,t§’;°€§.'§‘;§§‘};,l§i,§$; bridge across the Mississippi River,” approved February twenty- *“*P“l}¤»·Mi¤¤· von xxx1——3 ·