Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/853

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. CHS. 465-467. 1901. 801 licensing of vessels en a ed in towing to carry persons in addition to their crews," be amended; to read as follows: " That any steam vessel enga ed in the business of towing vessels, rafts, or water craft of an kmci also steam vessels engaged in oyster dredging and planting, and, fishing Steamers enga ed in food fishing on the wreat Lakes and all other inland waters of tge United States, and not carrying passen ers, may be authorized and licensed by the supervising inspector of tie district in which said steamer shall be employed to carry on board such number of persons, in addition to its crew, as the supervising inspector, in his judgment, shall deem necessar to carry on the legitimate business of such towing, oyster and fishing steamers, not exceeding, h0W€V81‘, one person to every net ton of measurement of said steamer: Provided, however, That the person so §§{**g°,5e bd { allowed to be carried shall not be carried for hire. mm. rm °r " Sec. 2. That every] steam vessel licensed under the foregoing sec- me p'°“°""”‘ tion shall carry and ave on board, in accessible places, one lifepreserver for every person allowed to be carried, in addition to those provided for the crew of such vessel." Approved, February 23, 1901. CHAP. 466.-An Act To authorize the Director of the Census to make payments February 23,1901. for information concerning cotton gins, and for other purposes. ’_“‘+‘i Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of t/ae Dbzited States of America in Congress assembled, That the Director of the Census. Census be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay, out of any money e,,]3r%f§r§°,Lr,m‘}§r P}; appropriated for census purposes, all enumerators who may have made itggngiggummiug °°°· returns concerning cotton gins, at a rate of five cents for each gin ` l reported: Provided, That the total amount which may be id to such Piqvievenumerators shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dolllilrs. 4 —um°' Sec. 2. That the Director of the Census be, and is hereby, author- igrats M re ized and directed to pay the accounts for the information relating to qui ’°t°' cotton gins without requiring gurats on said accounts, and shall make payment on the certificate of the chief Statistician for manufactures as to the correctness of the same. . - Sec. 3. That the mechanics and 0l3l1€1' persons employed in the mL¤g’§1s¤f,¤bwrir;<i?nw Census printin office whether employed by the piece or otherwise, oglle auiiilgiax. K shall be allowed annual leave of absence and sick leave with pay under · the same terms as now or hereafter may be prescribed in the Ciovernment Printing Ofliee, and the Director of the Census is hereby authorized to make payment for such annual leave and sick leave out of an money which may be appropriated for Census purposes: Provided; Pugvfogheu have That the Director of Census may designate the time when annual maybetaken. leave shall be taken. _ Approved, February 23, 1901. CHAP. 467.-An Act Confirming two locations of Chippewa half-breed scrip in February 23;1gm_ the State (then Territory) of Utah. Be it enacted by the Senate and [base of Representatives of tbe United States of America in Congress assembled, That the locations of the fol- C,};°°¤§};g¤¤,$;u°fg:g;g lowing scrip, namely, that known as Chippewa half-breed scrip num- seugplin umn ombered three hundred and seventeen for eighty acres, in the name °'m°d‘ of Antonie La Pierre, and that known as Chip ewa half-breed scrip numbered three hundred and twenty-two for eighty acres, in the name of Antonie Bagimge, issued by the Cbmmissioner of the General Land Ofiice under the Act of Congress approved December nineteenth, ven. 10, p. ass. eighteen hundred and Efty-four (ratifying and giving effect to the vox. xxx1—51