Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/911

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. C11. 675. 1901. 859 tribe, and an itemized report thereof shall be made to the Secretary of the Interior and to the principal chief. 67. All funds of the tribe and all moneys accruing under the pro- ,€§§§,'°§g'Ym‘jfkQ,h°p,§_§£j visions of this agreement, when needed for the purpose of equalizing mentsfer tube. eve allotments, or for any other purpose herein prescribed, shall be paid out under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and when · required for per capita pa rments, if any, shall be paid out directly to each individual by a bonded officer of the United States, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, without unnecessary delay; and moneys paid to citizens shall not be liable for the payment of any previously contracted obligation. _ _ 68. The Methodist Ep1scopal Church South may, within twelve C§‘{§§{‘,°d§§,fi£,"°§§’§} months after the ratification of this agreement, pay five dollars per ¤°<1¤i*<=°€¤¤i¤l¤¤d· acre for the one hundred and sixty acres of land adjacent to the town of Vinita, and heretofore set a art by act of the Cherokee national council for the use of said church for missionary and educational purposes, and now occupied by lVillie Halsell College (formerly Galloway College), and shall thereupon receive title thereto; but if said church fail so to do, it may continue to occupy said one hundred and sixty acres of land as long as it uses same for the purposes aforesaid. 69. Cherokee citizens may rent their allotments, when selected, for eggejgezf g};¤*m¤¤¤¤¤ a term not exceeding one year, and after receiving title to their allot- P` ments may rent them without 1'€Sl]1'lCblOI1; and cattle grazed on such allotments shall not be liable to any tribal tax. No cattle shall here- Grazing ofcattle. after be introduced into the Cherokee Nation and grazed on lands not selected by citizens as allotments unless permission therefor has been granted by the principal chief and approved by the Secretary of the nterior, in which case the Secretary is authorized to collect from Pensmy for driving the owners of such cattle a reasonable grazing tax for the benefit of the?{§§,ki§§d;?°`l °" I“' tribe. Section twenty-one hundred and seventeen, Revised Statutes P-*;;,0 Qgmfggh 2117- of the United States, shall not hereafter apply to Cherokee lands.' ' 70. All deferred payments under the rovisions of this a reemeut Deferred payurems shall constitute a lien in favor of the tribe on the property fir which em °° pr°p°"" the debt was contracted, and if default in any annual payment is made the lien fO1’ the payment of all {purchase money remaining unpaid may thereu on be enforced in the nited States court in the same manner —e¤f<>reemen¢cf1ien. as ·9end)ors’ liens are enforced, suit therefor to be brought in the name of the principal chief for the benefit of the tribe, or, on his failure for any cause, in the name of some erson appointed therefor by the court. All other liens herein created)mav be lll like manner enforced after the expiration of two years from the date when the amount secured thereby becomes a charge upon the property. 7 71. The rovisions of section thirteen of the Act of Congress m1?em11¤¤s¤s. approved Jidne twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, 50.X°3°’ pp' m' m' entitled "An Act for the protection of the people of the Indian Territory, and for other purposes," shall not apply to or in any manner affect the lands or other property of said tribe, and no Act of Congress or treaty provision inconsistent with this agreement shall be in force in said nation except sections fourteen and twenty-seven of said lastmentioned Act, which shall continue in force `as if this agreement had not been made. 72. Nothing contained in this agreement, however, shall be construed ab$,§g*;',j§j,°° °°“ 'ts to revive or reestablish the Cherokee courts abolished by said last- ` mentioned Act of Congress, or the authority of any officer, at any time, in any manner connected with said courts. _ _ _ _ 73. The Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be paid-all just dQ§§,_§§§,‘g§Q,,f,“,}g“,§,}§: indebtedness of said tribe existing at the date of ratification of this agreement which may have lawfully been contracted and warrants therefor regularly issued upon the several funds of the tribe, as also warrants drawn by authority of law after the ratification of this