Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/920

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868 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 676. 1901. chief with blank deeds necessary for all conveyances herein provided for, and the principal chief shall thereupon proceed to execute in due form and deliver to each citizen who has selected or may hereafter select his allotment, which is not contested, a deed conveyin to him all right, title, and interest of the Creek Nation and of all ogher citizens in and to the lands embraced in his allotment certificate, and such other lands as may have been selected by him for equalization eof his allotment. The principal chief shall, in like manner and with like effect, execute and deliver to (proper parties deeds of conveyance in all other cases herein provide for. All lands or town lots to be conveyed to any one gerson shall, so far as practicable, be included in one deed, and all eeds shall be executed ree of char e. Approval of deed: All conveyances shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, °“°°t‘ which shall serve as a relinquishment to the grantee of all the right, gtled anld interest of the United States in and to the lands embraced in is ee . . Acceptance; meet. Any allottee accepting such deed shall be deemed to assent to the allotment and conveyance of all the lands of the tribe, as provided herein, and as a relinquishment of all his right, title, and interest in and —f¤r miners. ere- to the same, except in the proceeds of lands reserved from allotment. The acceptance of deeds of minors and incompetents, by persons authorized to select their allotments for them, shall be deemed suiiicient to bind such minors and incompetents to allotment and convey- ance of all other lands of the tribe, as provided herein. ugrzspgiggiggividé The transfer of the title of the Creek tribe to individual allottees and inure to mmm of to other persons, as provided in this agreement, shall not inure to the "“"‘°*‘dS· benefit of any railroad company, nor vest in any railroad company, any right, title, or interest in or to any of the lands in the Creek Nation. idling deeds- ,1All deeds when so executed and approved shall be Bled in the office

 * ·"6f"the Dawes Commission, and there recorded without expense to the

? —. _ grantee, and such records shall have like effect as other pu lic records. rmsmnvyrrons. E,}})$;=;;*;fi°¤¤ dem h 24: The foélqiwgng lands shall be reserved from the general allotment erein 1‘OV1 e or: (a) Eli lands herein set apart for town sites. (b) All lands to which, at the date of the ratification of this agreement, any railroad company may, under any treaty or act of Congress, have a vested right for right of way, depots, station grounds, water stations, stock yards, or similar uses connected with the maintenance and operation of the railroad. (c Forty acres for the Eufaula High School. d Forty acres for the Wealaka Boarding School. e) Forty acres for the Newyaka Boarding School. f) Forty acres forthe Wetumka Boarding School. g) Forty acres for the Euchee Boarding chool. ( ) Forty acres for the Coweta Boardirig School. (i ) Forty acres for the Creek Orphan ome. (j ) Forty acres for the'Tallahassee Colored Boarding School. (k Forty acres for the Pecan Creek Colored Boarding School. l Forty acres for the Colored Creek Orphan Home. m All lands selected for town cemeteries, asherein provided. n ) The lands occupied by the university established by the American Baptist Home Mission Society, and located near the town of Muskogee, to the amount of forty acres, which shall be appraised, exclu ing improvements thereon, and said university shall ave the right to purchase the same by playing one-half the appraised value thereof, on terms and conditions erein provided. A l improvements made by