Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1124

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 1006. 1903.· 1059 and investigation, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, twenty- six dollars and eighty-five cents. That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to use one hundred fg§,”§g’gl},{{d}g§jbm_ and seven dollars and ninety-six cents of the one hundred thousand mission. dollars appropriated for the removal and support of the Mission Indians A""` p' w' in California by the Act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian epartment for the Hscal year nineteen hundred and three, to pay the ex nses incurred by the Commission created by said Act, this being in addition to the one thousand dollars authorized for that purpose. For the payment to George S. Redmon for the construction and §,i,Q,€j,*jj)Q,f,;,M*¤¤- · completion of one warehouse at the Pi stone Indian School, Minne-' sota, for which two thousand five hundiied dollars was appropriated V01. 31. p. 1081. by the Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the lndian Department forthe fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, two thousand two hundred and forty-Eve dollars. TWELI'1'H CENSUS. Twelgtb Census The unexpended balance of the census appro riation, which by the tiglsggf b¤l¤¤°¢¤ ¤°¤· proviso in the Act approved June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred .4»a[p.4sc. • and two, entitled "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fisca year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purposes," which was reappropriated and made available for continuing the work of taking the welfth Census, and for all expenses arising under and authorize by the Act to provide for the permanent Census Office, approved -4****- P- 51- March sixth, nineteen hundred and two, be, and the same is hereby, made available for the purposes indicated in said proviso during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four; and that said balance, or so philippine w,,u,,_ much thereof as may be needed for the purpose, be, and the same is hereby, also made available for such expenditures as may become necessary in complying with the proclamation of the President, dated September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, pursuant to the provisions of section six of the Act to July first, nineteen hundred and A"’*·P·"°3· two, entitled “An Act temporarily to rovide for the administration of the affairs of civil government in fihe Philippine Islands, and for other pu1;poses," inclu ing the cost of temporarily employing such number o persons as may be necessary for the performance of said work, at a compensation not to exceed that which has heretofore been paid employees in the Census Office for doing similar work, such r- sons to be selected and employed by the Director at such dates andpfor such periods of time as he may deem proper. PENSIONS. Pensions. Fees and expenses of examining surgeons, pensions, for services fixnmminzsurseous. rendered within the fiscal year nineteen undre and two. And each m' member of each examinin board shall, as now authorized by law, receive the sum of two doliars for the examination of each applicant, whenever five or a less number shall be examined on any one day, and one dollar for the examination of each additional applicant on such day: 1’mz•ided, That if twenty or more applicants appear on one day pmws. _ no fewer than twenty shall, if practicable, be examined on said day, E““”“““°“’· and if fewer examinations be then made, twenty or more having a pearcd, then there shall be paid for the first examinations made on tile next examination day the fee of one dollar only until twenty Y f _ examinations shall have been made: Provided furtlwr, That no fee ,e}ji§§,§{“1€““m°°