Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1157

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1092 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1007. 1903. M$“‘°“ H’""°"· Broad Sound Channel light station, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts: Liéhtsrwcu. The provision in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year ""°“"43°*“"‘°"°"°‘ nineteen hundred and three for a first-order light and fog signal at the Northeast Grave, Boston Harbor, is hereby amended by striking out the words "the Northeast Grave" and inserting in lieu thereof the · Words "The Graves," so as to read as follows: Broad Sound Channel w119hg¤¤é¤¤v€;¤¤s¢d light station, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts: For constructing a first- ° morder light and fog signal at The Graves on a granite tower, to mark the entrance to the new Broad Sound Channel in Boston Harbor, seventy-five thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for the construction of said light station at a total cost not exceeding one hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars.

 iigm-muse _ Relieflight vessel for the Third light-house district: ·For constructaeiiéziigmvemi, ing, equipping, and outntting complete for service a first—class light

vessel, wit steam fo signal, for the Th1rdl1ght—house district, nmety thousand dollars; ant? the Light—House Board is authorized to employ temporarily at Washington three draftsmen, to be paid at current rates, to prepare the plans for said vessel when this appropriation is made, and to be ai therefrom, such employment to cease on or before the date wh)en, the plans for such vessel being finished, proposals for buildin same are invited by advertisement. N<>¤‘W¤1k· °°¤¤· Pecks Ledge li it and fog—signal station, Connecticut: For establishing a light and §>g-signal station at Pecks Ledge, Norwalk Harbor, Connecticut, twenty-nine thousand dollars, · sum mum light- Staten Island light-house de t, New York: For the erection of a “°““° °°P°"·N‘Y‘ lamp sho at the general lightdhbuse depot at Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Ngw York, fifty thousand dollars. rm Fathom mak, Five F athom Bank light vessel, New Jersey: For constructing, N' ‘l‘ equip ing, and outiitting, complete for service, a first-class steam lig t vessel? with a steam fog signal; and the Light-House Board is authorized to employ temporarily at Washington three draftsmen, to be paid at current rates, to prepare the plans for the light vessel for w ich appropriation may be made; such draftsmen to be paid from the appropriation for building said vessel: Such employment to cease and etermine on or before the date when, the plans for such vessel being finished, proposals for building said vessel are invited by advertisement, ninety thousand dollars. 8h(f,§§,‘i;_§_°°k°“° Cape Lookout Shoals light vessel, North Carolina: For constructing, equipping, and outfitting, complete for service, a first-class steam lig t vessel with a steam fog signal; and the Light-House Board is authorized to employ temporarily at Washington three draftsmen, to be paid at current rates, to prepare the lans for the light—house vessel for which appropriation may be madld; such draftsmen to be paid from the appropriation for buildin said vessel ; such employment to cease and etermine on or before tge date when, the plans for such vessel being finished, proposals for building said vessel are invited by advertisement, ninety thousand dollars. H““'°°‘° ““°"·F'“· Hillsboro Inlet light station, Florida: For continuing construction of a first-order light station at or near Hillsboro Inlet, east coast of Florida, twenty-five thousand doliars. - d,;P`,j’,}{,‘}$’· S°"°”"‘ Tender for the engineer of the Seventh light—house district: For completing a steam tender for construction and repair service, forty thousand dollars. Hwa B““k· T“‘· Heald Bank light vessel, Texas: For constructing, equipping. and outlitting, complete for service, a first-class steel steam light vessel with a steam fog signal; and the Light- House Board is authorized to employ temporarily at Washington three draftsmen, to be paid at current rates, to prepare the plans for the light-house vessel for which appropriation may be made; such draftsmen to be paid from the appropria-