Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1187

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1122 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 1007. 1903. ` For shed for cuttings., filings, and so forth, one thousand five hundred dollars; For iron girder bridge across canal in front of new shops, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, thirteen thousand dollars. yezgegpgbgx TESTING Macumns, WATERTOWN A11sr:NAL: For labor and materials ' in caring for, preserving, and operating the United States testing machines at Watertown Arsenal, including such new tools and appliances as may be required, fifteen thousand dollars. Lawgry. WATERTOWN A1zs1¤NA1., WArmz·rowN, Mnsaouusmtrrsz For lavatory and water·closet for shops, three thousand five hundred dollars. W¤¢¢rv1i¤¢.N. Y- WAr1¤1zw*L1Er ARSENAL, Warmnvmnr, NEW Yom:: For introducing steam heat in barracks and hospital building, five thousand dollars. MW"- _ Rnrams or ARsENALs: For repairs and improvements at arsenals and powder depots, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, one hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars. 駣’:1,i,;lgg;,c§“(§ BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS IN AND AROUND WASHINGTON. \ Impwvemeut ¤¤¤ For·improvement and care of public grounds, District of Columbia, °"°° as follows: . . ’ For improvement and maintenance of grounds south of Executive Mansion, four thousand dollars. For ordinary care of greenhouses and nursery, two thousand dollars. For ordinary care of Lafayette Park, one thousand dollars. . For ordinary care of Franklin Park, one thousand dollars. d {or improvement and ordinary care of Lincoln Park, two thousand o ars. ‘ J:·>¤¤¤¤¤¤Gr¤¤m¤¤· For care and improvement of Monument Grounds and annex (Poto mac Park) to Monument Grounds, seven thousand dollars. ch*;£§é§fg?c¤¤¤ fm The officer in charge of public buildings and grounds may hereafter ’authorize the temporar use of the Monument Grounds or rounds south of the Executive Mansion or other reservations in the l(l)istrict of Columbia for glaygrounds for children and adults, under regulations to be prescribed y him. 0*** °¤¤¤l· For continuing improvement of reservation numbered seventeen, and site of old canal northwest of same, two thousand five hundred {’x'£f,"d,mm_ dollars: l)7'O?7l·d€d, That no part thereof shall be expended upon other than property belonging to the United States. For construction and repair of post~and-chain fences, repair of high iron fences, constructing stone coping about reservations, painting watchmen’s lodges, iron fences, vases, lamps, and lamp-posts; manure, and hauling the same, and removing snow and ice; purchase and repair of seats and tools; trees, tree and plant stakes, labels, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, flower plots, twine, baskets, wire, splints, moss, and lycopodium, to be pure ased by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determine; care, construction, and repair of fountains; abatirig nuisances, cleaning statues, and repairing pedestals, sixteen thousan and fiftv dollars. For improvement care, and maintenance of various reservations, twenty thousand dollars. e For improvement, care, and maintenance of Smithsonian grounds. two thousand five hundred dollars. For improvement, care, and maintenance of Judiciary Park, two thousand five hundred dollars. d ger laying asphalt walks in various reservations, two thousand o ars. For broken—stone road covering for parks, two thousand dollars. d ger curbing and iiagging for park roads and walks, two thousand o ars.