Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1197

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1 132 FLFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sms. 11. Gu. 1007. 1903. bilities, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of War, _ two thousand dollars. p,§,;j“’*°‘°”°° H°”‘ Surronr AND mnnrcan rnnarmmzr or nmsrrrurn urmivrsz For the ' Desrimw r•¤¤¤¤¢¤» support and medical treatment of ninet -’dve medical and surgical patients who are destitute, in the city of llashington, under a contract to be made with the Providence Hospital by the Surgeon-General of 0}f,‘{§°§,§§f§f{*;”*°”·· the Army, nlinettizgnlthousand dogllars; for the reconsttriuction and completion of the o rovidence ospital building an renovation and rearrangement of grades and approaches to the hospital and the fitting `

f*“f;m mmm up sipd equippipgtpf a énodern morgue, ong lliupdred thogsandfdolkzig;

,, _ in a one un re an nineteen t onsan dollars one- alf o w ic me uu sum shall be paid from the revenues of the Distriht of Columbia and Garfield Mmmm the other half from the Tlrpasury of the United States. , _ Gnmmto Mnmomn, osmrar.: For maintenance to enable it to Hm m provide medical and surgical treatment to persons unable to pay thereor, under a contract to be made with the Board of Charities of the ,;,§,?,§',,,f’“u°j¥" "` District of Columbia, nineteen thousand dollars; for the erection of a " building on the Garfield Memorial Hospital grounds for heating, cooking, laundry, and electric-elevator purposes and furnishing the same for use, and for the erection and furnishing of new surgical rooms with modern appliances, one hundred thousand dollars, to be immediately available, and to be expended under the direction of the trustees of Garfield Memorial Hospita ; in all, one hundred and nineteen thou- ,§§,{{,,,§T°'“ °l‘°"°* sand dollars, one-half of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of the lygict of Columbia and the other half rom the Treasury of the _ Unit tates. ‘

 °°°"” COCALIFOBNIA Dumas Connusgrox: Iior delfrayipg lthe Expxnsespfgthe

V°l *-1*- W'- mmission in carryin on the wor authoriz y the ct o ongfess approtipd March Ent, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, fifteen thousand dollars. N" Y"" H”b°" Hsmaon or Nhmw Eoxbgor plreagention of obstrpeitlive pndgrgnrious epositswi in the ran jacent waters o ew or ity: "'”’°°“"'· °‘°· For pay of inspectors, deputy inspectors, office force, and expenses C of office, ten thousand two hun red and sixty dollars; M"' For pay of crews and maintenance of five steam tugs and three Sum mg! launches, sixty thousand dollars; ’ thFor gpx5e1H ly overhauling and repairing steam tug Lamont, tive onsan dollars; For purchase or construction of one steam tug to replace the launches Active and Alert and the tug Argus, forty-five thousand dollars; d all, one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and sixty o ars. ,,,*""“°“‘l §§“‘° ’°' NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. sabIedSo ers. d_ For th; gppport of the National Home for Disabled Volnmteer Soliers, as o ows: ”*Y¤•*·· 0**0- Ar rm: Cniwrmm Bannon, AT Darrow Omo: For current e nses Cu"m°xp€nm` namely: Pay of officers and noncommissioned officers of thdxllomei with such eziceptions as are herginaifter noteid, and their clerks and or er ies· a so payments for c ap ains an religious instruction printers,,bookbinders, librarians, musicians, telczgraph and telephone operators, guards, policemen, watchmen, and re company; for all property and materials purchased for their use, includin repairs not one by the Home; for necessary expenditures for articdes of amusement, boats, library books, magazines, papers, pictures, and musical instruments, and for repairs not done bg the Home; and for stationery, _ advertising, legal advice, for payments ue heirs of deceased members: {,,’{;’gg{,?,;,de,_,m€m_ Provided, That all receipts on account of the effects of deceased membe bed'gthiiscal hllbel `lblf hpy , r=- rs umn e year s a a so avai a e or suc a ments·