Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1304

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INDEX. V1] Ao-my—Oontinued. Page. Army-Continued. Page. appropriation for support of the-—Cont’d. appropriation for support of-Continued. or pa]; . of gmff; Inspector-General’s gr incidental expenses ____,____,_ . ,, 514, 936 apartment; longevity ... 509,931 extra-duty pay; interments, etc 514,936 limitation of staff detail, etc ... 509 expenses of horses, etc 515, 937 Eptgineer Corps; longevity 510, 931 for purchase of horses; limit, etc . 515, 937 O nance Department; longevity . . 510, 931 purchases from officers when changing QIIHEIDBSRYB Department; l0ngev· stations .,. . ..,... 937 ity .. - ... 510, 931 for barracks and quarters ,... 515, 937 Subsistence Department; longevity- 510, 931 extra-duty pay .., 515, 937 Medical Department; longevity 510, 931 change of specified posts 515 Bay Department; longevity ... 510, 932 limit to civilian employees . 516, 937 J udge-Advocate-General’s De part- Omaha depot, additional ground . 937 ment; longevity 510, 932 for post exchanges .,. 516, 937 Signal Corps; longevity ... 510, 932 for shelter, etc., in Philippines 516, 938 ofiicers added; filling vacancies 932 for transportation ... 516, 938 ofiioer for Executive Office 932 sale of transports restricted . . 938 for officers, Record and Pension Office; on land—grant roads; basis . 516, 938 longevity ... 510, 932 — balance available for roads, etc., for mtired pay, gmcerg; longevity ____ 5]], 932 Alaska ____ _ _______________ _ ______ .517 military storekeeper on dutyat White continuance of transport service .. 939 House ... E ... 511 for clothing, and camp and garrison · rank of ordnance storekeeper when equipage ... 517, 939 retired ... 511 indemnity, destroyed clothing . 517, 939 detail for organized militia .. ; - - . 932 for poet hospitals, construction, repairs, longevity pay; restriction ____,__ _ , _ 511, 932 etc ,_,____,__________,,,,_,__,, 517, 939 for retired pay, enlisted men 511, 933 for uarters, hospital stewards ... 517, 939 double allowance for China service. . . 933 for ghootin ranges, etc . 517, 939 for hospital matrons, nurses . 511, 933 for generalghospitals .. 517 for veterinarians .. Q . 511, 933 for Medical De rtment, supplies, etc- 518, 939 for translator, etc., military informa- balance avai1l;>le for expenses ... 518 tion ... ; . . . 511, 933 preventing spread of epi emics ... 940 for dental surgeons . 511, 933 open-market purchases, etc 518, 940 for paymasters' clerks and messengers. 511, 933 for Medical Museum; library .. . . 518, 940 traveling expenses 511, 933 for Engineer Department, expenses, allowance for sea travel _______,,,___ 511 etc ,_,, _ ,__,,_,_ , ,___ , _,._,__ , , 518, 940 for courts-martial, etc., expenses . 511, 933 school, Washington, D. C . 519, 940 for officer in charge, public buildings completion of school building . 519, 941 and grounds, D. C .. 511, 933 equipment of troops .. 519, 941 for commutation of quarters, officers, 511, 933 services ,,__,__,__.,,_,_,_,,__,,,, 519, 941 for travel, undrawn clothing, interest on for Ordnance Department, expenses. - 519, 941 deposits, enlisted men .. 512, 933 annual medals, prizes, etc ... 941 for expert accountant ..,,... 512, 933 for ammunition for small arms, etc. . - 519, 941 for mileage, officers and contract sur- ] for repairing and preserving ordnance geous ,..,_,,,,,.,,_,,,,,,,, 512, 933 stores ,_,__,__ , .,_,,,_,,,,..,,,, 520, 942 for contract surgeons . ... 512, 933 , for ordnance stores . 520,* 942 transfer of pay, insular duty . 933 for infantry, etc., equipments ... . 520, 942 for 20 per cent, enlisted men . 512, 933 for preserving, etc., ordnance stores. . 520, 942 for 10 per cent, commissioned officers. 512, 933 for tirinfg morning and evening gun. . 520, 942 increase forservice beyond mainland. 512 for artil cry targets, etc . 520, 942 for computer, artillery board .. 933 for manufacture of arms . 520, 942 for Army War College ..,... 512, 927 purchases; stores transferred to Philbalance of war emergency available Q ippines .. 942 for buildings . . .. 512 details to tirstlieutenancies, etc., Ordfor Porto Rico Provisional Regiment - 512, 934 t nance Department ... .. ... 942 enlistment and serviceof PortoBicans- 934 Q acceptance of gift for memorial builddetail of Regular Army officcrs .. 934 q ing .. 943 for Philippine scouts 512, 934 ‘ for pensions . 62, 761 allowance for service of enlisted men i for fortifications .. . - ... 305, 1024 in volunteers, etc .., 512, 934 E for Military Academy ., 409, 1011 monthly rates of computation of Army for inspectors of supplies .. 150 salaries ,. 934 for armories and arsenals ... 458, 1121 for volunteer medical officers .. 513 for_ bringin home remains of officers all above to be accounted as pay of the and soldiers ... 464, 1128 Army ..,.,._...,...,... 513, 934 , of civilian employees. etc . 464, 1129 for Subsistence Department; supplies. 513, 934 E for military posts . . 464, 1129 ‘ extra-duty pay; civilian employees- 513, 935 , leases in Hawaii 465 commutation of rations, etc 513,935 Manila, Philippines 1 465 transport service; special diet rations, for target range, Fort Des Moines, Iowa. 465 ice, etc . 513, 935 for drill grounds, Fort Leavenworth, for Quartermastefs Department; regular Kans 465 supplies ,_,_,,., 514, 935 for Fort Crawford, Wis., cemetery . 465 post bakeries; ice machines; schools, for Fort Snelling, spur . 465 etc ._.,,.., 514, 935 , for Fort Myer, Va., roa way .. 465 forage; stationery, printing, etc 514, 935 ; for Fort Sheridan, Ill , 465 purchases; contracts .,.,.. 514, 935 for Fort Monroe, Va ..,,.._,.. 465 equipment of post schools .,,,,,, 936 Q for arrears of pay, war with Spain, etc- 1138