Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1349

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111 mnnx. Foley, Jane R., Page- Forestry Bureau, Department of Agriculture, P¤S€· payment to 490 j appropriation for salaries . 295, 1156 Fond du Lac Indians, Jlfinn., { for general expenses ,_,___,___,,___ 295, 1157 appropriation for supplies furnished to, by } Forked Deer Rirer, Tenn., H1€1'Ch8J1iS ... 269 appropriation for improvement of 358 Fond du Lac, PWS., ; preliminary examination of, to be made. . 382 construction of public building authorized Fort Apache Agency, Ariz., 3t . I . _ .. 320 appropriation for Indian agent at 245 _ approprismon for .. 427, 1085 Fort Belknap Agency, Mont., l1m1t of cost increased, public building- . - 1206 appropriation for Indian agent at .. 245, 982 Food Prodncts, Fort Berthold Agency, N. Dak., appropriation for investigating preserva- i appropriation for Indian agent at .. 245, 982 · tives; foreign tests, etc . 296, 1158 or support, etc., of Indians of ... 256, 992 penalty for labeling with false place of Fort Brady, Meh., origin 632 _ deficiency appropriation for rebuilding Foot and Mouth Disease of Animals, i banaekg __________________,______ 1045 appropriation for eradicating 1165 Fort Bridger Reservation, Wyo., power to suppress, transferred to Secre- i homesteaders may enter pasture lands on tary of Agficllltiue 791 abandoned; conditions 283 Forage Plante, _ Fort Buford Military Reservation, _ appropriation for investigations, etc. . - 292, 1154 deficiency appropriation for survey of Foreign Commerce, · · abandoned .,..,.. 574 mvestigation, etc., of corporations engaged Fort Constitution, N. H., . 111 ... . ... 828 appropriation for additional land 458 Foreign Commerce, Bureau of, Y Fort Oraugford, Wis., transferred to Department of Commerce 4 appropriation for military cemetery... 465, 1128 _ and Labor; consolidation . 827 Fort Des Moines, Iowa, Foreign Oorporatioras, D. C., appropriation for land, target range .. 465 injunction against, for not complying with Fort Erie, Canada,

  • law .,,__,_,,, , ,,,,.,,.,,,,.,. 534 appropriation for consul at . 84, 816

service on, having no officer nor place of Fort Gibson, Ind. T, business in District ..., 544 bridge authorized across the Arkansas Foreign Intercourse (eee Diplomatic and Con- River, near ... 37 sular Service). Fort Griswold, Conn., . Foreign Judgments, D. C., donated to Connecticut for public park. - . 306 bar of limitations to coincide with 542 Fort Hall Agency, Idaho, Foreign Mails, appropriation for Indian agent at .. 245, 982 appropriation for superintendent ... 165, 900 Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho, im transportation . ...,. 116, 1173 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians for mails to Tahiti; Oceanic Steamship on . 256, 992 Company . 116, 1173 deficiency appropriation for support of Infor pier transfers, New York and San dians of .. 1058 Francisco .,.,.,... 116, 1174 Fort Hall Indians, for balance due foreign countries 116,1174 appro riation for fulfilling treaty with . 250, 986 for delegate to Posta Congress 1174 Fort Lajlayette, N. K, deficiency appropriation for balance due appropriation for public works, naval foreign countries . 1061 magazine 677 Foreign Markets for Agricultural Products, Mm Laramie Reservations, Wyo., appropriation for expenses, extending- 300, 1162 homesteaders may enter pasture lands on Fm-eign Markets Division, Department of Agri- abandoned; conditions 283 culture, Fort Leavenworth, Kane., appropriation for salaries . 300, 1162 apipropriation for lands for drills . 465 ion- general expenses . , . 300, 1162 or penitentiary, construction .. 473, 1139 Foreign Mrlwiona (eee Diplomatic and Consular subsistence .. 476, 1142 Service). , clothing, transportation, etc ... 477, 1142 Foreign Patents, miscellaneous expenses .. 477, 1142 time extended in which applications must hospital supplies 477, 1143 be made in this country ... 1225 salaries . 477, 1143 Foreign Steam Vessels, for army general service and staff coldeficiency appropriation for special in- lege .. . . ... 507, 928 spectors ,.,,.. 1072, 1076 deficiency appropriation for penitentiary . 579 Forest Reserve Lands, Fort McKinney Reservation, Wyo., selections on ceded Blackfeet Reservation, land on abandoned, granted Buffalo, Wyo. 908 Mont., in lieu of, confirmed .,. 955 Fort Mijftin, Pa., Forest Reserves, , appropriation for public works, naval magappropriation for-expenses, protecting. . 452, 1115 g azine 677 En- survey of ,,,.. 1118 [ Fort Megane, Ariz., deficiency appropriation for protecting . . - 1074 Q appropriation for Indian school .. 270, 1003 bona fide settlers on, allowed two years to * deficiency appropriation for Indian file claims, etc .. - ...,. 106‘ school ... 575 selection and duties of agents, etc 1115 Fort Monroe, Va., agents, etc., to assist in enforcing State appropriation for wharf; repair, etc- - . 465, 1130 and Territorial game laws . 1115 or roads, lights, etc 465, 1130 Forester, Department of Agriculture, for SQNYBY system .. 465, 1130 appropriation for, amistants, etc .. 294, 1156 for artillery school .. 507, 928