Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1365

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lxviii INDEX. ’ Indian :Departn1en0—C0ntinued. P¤8°· j Indian R0.sermtion.s—C0ntinued. Pagedciicxcuqy appropriation for commission, , general provisions for right of way, in Iu- Mxssion Indians, Cal .. 1059 u dian Territory ,.,...,_. . .. 47 for George S. Redman ..._,,.. 1059 4 in Oklahoma ,__________,_____________ 50 for ggmeut to Sioux, depredations 1074 jurisdiction of United States courts for for rge T. Wilson . 1074 Z crimes on, South Dakota ., 793 for Indian monczs .. . . 1077 5 · Kansas, Okla., to be allotted and sold 636 for Robert Cut c ubby 1077 2 Navajo, Ariz., rights of prior settlers confor A. B. Johnson 1077 Y ih-med .,,..,__,.,..,..__,._,,,___ 657 for Aggy Darcu ... 1077 { Omaha and Winnebago, Ncbr., time exfor Ho par kin tubby . 1077 * tended for right of wa through . . . 183 Indian Degreda/Hon Claims, permission to trade on, may ge granted. - - 1009 appropriation for clerks, transferring, to sale of lands on Red Lake, Minn . 1009

  C?urt of Claims  262, 893 · Spokane, Wash., unallotted lands to be

or e ense in . 474. 1140 r opened to minin entries ,. 744 deficiency appropriation for judgments. . 27, Umatilla, Oreg., sale oiguusold portion . - - 730

   584, 1070 I Uintahé Utah, grazing lands for Indians to

0I' e11H6in 25, 577 . 0 set apart ., 744 Indian Farmers, allotments to Un ·0mpah cs confined to appropriation for . 248, 984 irrigablc lamtis; area? ,,__________ 744 Indian Hegd, Md., Naval Proving Ground, _ Walker, River, Nev., relinquished lands

 appr<Tnat10u for public works ... 67 7, 1189   opeuedfy settlement ,,,,,_,,,_ 261

ndurn' napegtora j grazing an s for Indians to be set apart. 744 apfmgnxahou ioripay . 247,983 g Indian River, Fl?., 0I', m nd} erribory ... 247 T np ro riation or improvement of ...,..,, 353 for traveling expenses, ctc ... 247, 983 I Bar Rghtiug .., 433, 1094 deicmncy appropriation for ... 31, 1058 ‘ ‘ Indian Schod, I .f‘;:`}'“V°k“g “P°m“ ------·-·-- 22, 575» 1076 apfrogriatiuh for support of .. 269, 1002 "dw "“.’7’."“"’» or uildings and sites . 269 1002 B:£{:°£;:$°§g3;h--N-6 ---------—·---- 2*3983 I for sup£0rt, efc., of pupils .. 269; 1002 . . . ·. ·> f ad 'ti t, I1;r<=1¤;;¤¤ry ¤¤=¤m{¤¤¤<>¤ of, *0 be m¤d¤- - 381 or ctc 273 " ia"' “!"`°7'·’» for transporting pupils . 273 1006

§g;'g£;:l“;: f?g;; ··--·- Eg- mam % deiicieuézy appropriation for Lawrence, Y

¤¤ - · - I me 23 MM" QIFM sm- Phoenix Ariz .._.. 23 “PPmI;Tgé°¤;€;` C°mm*¤$l°D°*`» assismmbs S93 * for x and Fox Reservation, Iowa 23 Sv ······ ··• ·•·········· - • f ,()l'6g .. . . ..,... ---. ,3]. for clarkson work of Dawes Commision- 259 [ fg; mpgn ______________ ____________ 23 31 for clerks allotting lands in scvcmlty- - - 893 f for Genoa Neb, 31 • · 3 """"""•""•••·•'

£;:;:}5;;s on depmdshon clsums ... 893 ; $0, ganspogatign _________________ 5·;5  1058

_ ,¤ , or aywu , 'is 1058

:·£5;0; 3';;5;Ou for -·--·--- · ·--·-·-·-··- 248, 984   {or gxqansgg, superintendent of ________ 1058

,· or m ing, Pipestone, Minn . 1059 ¤PH;°g:•h*;:::%' s:¥g°“» 6*** ·-—·---· gig limit of expense per capita; exceptions. 273, 1006 °.‘# ---------·----·dt!':'. ~ill·,.":

r···¤···· &·m¤·~···,   ’ i.?¤€’rH.IZI£H‘3{‘iI§£1?fi5&`¤E§`.$v 21-HST"?- $1 “LW

¤PPY°P;;;1°? §(;u;‘;"°Y¤ ctc-: for 8H0g6D gw superintendents maym·ta.¤¤; bond- 247, 983 , , . S ·-··-···--·-··-· · is' f , d't , .. 2"'3 1006 for xmgatmn expenses : . 261, 997 11;;;:: rgrhggxo qjxgin I ; Twilf I ’ for survey and completing allotments. 262,997 r‘ . ti {uf P r " e "t'Y' ’ ’ 247 984 for survey and allotment of lands .. 262 app oprm _° °r pay' ° ° ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘·‘ * for survey, etc., Pine Ridge and Stand- I¤<’•¤*¢ ·$'W}Pl{¢·*· ing Rock, $_ Dak _________________ 997 apyropnatxou for purchzsxng .. 248, 985 for agotting, etc., lands, Walker River, d EH t*'$¤ P°Yt*m°P F--E --··--- H -·_--- 2*8»%g5 gv __________________________ gg; 0 cxency approprm ron or purc asing . . , Spokane, wash _____________________ 99;- $1,587,1058 for gllgtting buds on Sioux ___________ 999 fi)!` TNHSPOITBCIOD · J ---... - . 31 587 1074, 1076 for paying settlers on Northern Che)y_ to be purchased aft»eradver$1seing;1t--i 273, 1006 uma, Mom ______________________ 1000 oppnymarkct purchases; cxngcucxes --- 274,1006 de6cicnc·y appropriation for surveying and lmgation °XP°m€9 ---·- ; -··--·--—- 2]*, 1006 gllgngng _________________________ 1074, etc.! from Ind1ans... .,,, 2i-}, 1006 for surveying Cheyenne River, Pine d1yer§10n of qubmstence funds; report- 244,1007 Rid?, and Smuding R0ck ________ 1074 rayectxou of bnqs; temporary purchases- 274, 1007 actual Set; an Om {nay exchange lands fo,. amounr for, xmmedmtely available; dcvacant land in State or Territory, - - 1000 hV€T}’ -------------- · -----.---. 274, 1007 allotting lands on Pottawatomie and Kick- Indian Territory, ap00, Kaus-- -: .. . - --- 1007 appropriation for Indian inspector in -__,, 247 OI! Lac C0\1l’t8 Oreille, WIS -. - - 795 for incidental expenses, Indian Service on Lac du Flarubeau, Was. . - . -- 795 in -------.-..-.---..--, 257, 993 ‘ Chgbrckee, qppmgsang and allotting of . 717 for jails in; location ,..,,_.,,__________ 276 Ch1ppcwa, m Mumesota, sale of pmc tim- I copdqruuatiou proceedings fdr acquir-

 ber .. 400 _ of sxtes .. 2 76

¤$¤0¤l!¤¥‘l\U8{1dS¤0 beopened to h0mc~ for judges, courts in ,.,___.,,,_______ 169, 905 _ · 8¢¤1d¤¤t¤€S; . 403 { for courfofficials .. 476, 1142 allotment ho Iudums Hm .. 404 tm- survey, em., town sites .,,_,,__,,,, 996