Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/17

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XV1 LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Lighz-house, Burrows Islcmd, Wash. An act to establish a light.-house and fog-signal station on Burrows Island, State of Washington. February 24, 1903 ... 853 Keeper': dwelling, Grosse Isle, Jlabh. A11 act for the erection of a keepefs dwelling at Grosse Isle, North Channel Range, Detroit River, Michigan. February 24, 1903 . 853 Light-house depot, Boston, Mass. An act to establish a light-house depot for the Second light-house ` diqtrict, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. February 24, 1903 . 853 Invoices at consulates. An act to permit the Secretary of State to cause the destruction of invoices of merchandise exported to the United States, which have been on tile in the consular offices for more than five years. February 24, 1903 . 854 Appropnhtions, legislative, uemuive, and An act makin? appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial extpeuses of the Government or the fiscal year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred an four, and for other purposes. February 25, 1903 .,... 854 Oolorado Cooperative Colony. An act extending the time or makingoproof and payment for all lands taken under the desert-land laws by the members of the ‘ omdo Cooperative Colony . for a further Iperiod of three years. February 25, . . 907 Rnyhi of way, San ncnlsco Mountains Fmzst Reserve. An act granting the Central Arizona Railway Company a right of way for railroad pmiposa through the San Francisco Mountains Forest Reserve, in the Territory of Arizona. ebrujtg 25, 1903 .. 907 Dhtrict of Oolumbia, property of Daughters of Ame:-iéan Re ution. A11 act to exempt from taxation certain property of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Washington, District of Columbia. ebruary 27, 1903 ... . . 907 Marie Irene Donaldson. An acl: providing for the interment of the remains of Marie Irene Donaldson and her daughter, Marie Irene Donaldson. February 27, 1903 908 Statues, Pulaski and mn euben. An act to Erovide for the erection at Washington, District of Columbia, of statues to the memory of rigadier-General Count Pulaski and Maj0r—General Baron von Steuben, of the Continental Army. February 27, 1903 ... 908 Bagfalo, Wyo., land tent. An act authorizing the Secremrg of the Interior to issue a patent to the city of Bulfllilo, Wyoming, for certain tracts of lan . February 27, 1903 ..,.,. 908 District of Columbm, union rarlroad ataticm. An act to provide for a. union railroad station in the District. of Columbia, and for other purposes. ebruary 28, 1903 ... . ...,,... 909 Bridge, Missouri River. An act to authenze the construction of az bridge across the Mimouri River and to establish it as a post road. February 28, 1903 .,... 918 Penawrns, remarried widows. An act. to amend sn act entitled "An act amending section forty- seven hundred and eight of the Revised Statutes of the United States, in relation to pensions to remarried widows," approved March third, nineteen hundred and one. February 28, 1903 . . . . 920 Arkansas, Fort Smith lands. A11 alrt c0niirmin§ and ceding jurisdiction to the State of Arkansas over certain lands formerly in the Fort mith Reservation in nid State, and amerting sud retaining Federal jurisdiction over certain other lands in said reservation. February 28, 1903 ...,,_____ 921 Bridge, Tenneséee River. An act to authorize the building of a railroad bridge across the Tennessee River at a int between Lewis Bluff, in Morgan County, Alabama, and Guutersville, in Marshall Cgixnty, Alabama. February 28, 1903 921 1)istricl of Columbia, Jfaaonic Relief Association, An act to amend an act entitled "Au act to incorporate the Masonic Mutual Relief Association of the District of Columbia." March 2, 1903 ...,,..,,,___ _ 923 Bridge, Pearl River. An act to authorize the Pearl and Leaf Rivers Railroad Company to bridge Pearl River in the State of Mississippi. March 2, 1903 ..,., 924 Bridge, Cumberland River. An act to amend an act entitled "An act authorizing the construction of a. bridge across the Cumberland River at or near Carthage, Tennessee} approved March second, nineteen hundred and one. March 2, 1903 ...,..,. 925 Bridge, .-lrkmemn Rin-er. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Arkansas River at or near Moors Bork, in the State of Arkansas. March 2, 1903 ,..,, _ _,________ 926 lhiterl Smtes Courts, T was eeudern district. An act to create an new division of the eustem 'udiciul district of Texas, and to provide for terms of court at Texarkana, Texas, and for a clerk for said court, and for other purposes. March 2, 1903 ...,.,..,..,._,.,,___ _ ________ 925 Appropriations, A rm y. An act making appropriation for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four. M arch 2, 1903 . 927 Autmnatic rar couplers, ctr. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to promote the safety of employees and travelers u n railroads by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip their mrs with automatic couplers and continuous brakes and their locomotives with drivingwvheel brakes, and for other purposes/’ a proved Mm-eh second, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and amended April first, eiggteen hundred and ninety-six. March 2, 1903 .,.,.. , ..,.,_,,..,..,.,,_,_,,,,__.. . ... . _,., 943 Pemrimw, Inn! limbs. An act to increase the pensions of those who have lost limbs in the military or naval service of the United States. March 2, 1903 .._.. . ,__,________________ _ ____ 944 Alaska, Uiril (hda amendments. An act amending the Civil Code of Alaska, providing for the organization of private corporations, and for other pu llmmh 2, }9()3 ___________ __ 944 H'"/awa hhmzl, Jle. An act providing for the conveyance ofrllidovrs Island, Maine, to the State of ]\[giu4g_ March 2, 1903 ,____________,____ , ____,,____,________________ _ ___________,_, 952 Philippine coinage and mmrlard of mlue. An act to establish a standard of value and to provide for a coinage system in the Philippine Islands. March 2, 1903 ,,.,_.,,_.._.,,,,___,_,... 952 Public lumlx, Jlontana. An act to confirm certain forest lieu selections made under the aut approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, Liuyeh 2, 1903 ___________ __ _ 955 Immediate tr·anspm··fatimz, Niagara Pulls, JZ IZ An act to extend to the rtof Niagara Falls, New York, the privileges of the act approved June tenth, eighteen ligudred and eightv, governing the immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise without appraiéement. March 2, 1903 ...,.,,.,,... . .___________ , ____________ _ __________________ _ _ 955