Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/255

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Cus. 683, 684. 1902. 189 thirty-two in each township, and indemnity therefor, shall be administered and adjusted in accordance with the provisions of said Act, anything in the Act approved July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and V<>1·28.1>.109. ninety-four, providing fldr the admission of said State into the Union, to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 2. That wherever the words "sections sixteen and thirty-six" S¤¢¢i¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤- occur in said Act, the same as applicable to the State of Utah shall read: “ sections two, sixteen, thirty-two, and thirty-six," and wherever the words "sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections" occur the same shall read: "second, sixteenth, thirty-second, and thirty-sixth sections/’ and wherever the words " sections sixteen or thirty-six" occur the same shall read: "sections two, sixteen, thirty-two, or thirt -six,” and wherever the words " two sections " occur the same shall read " four sections." Approved, May 3, 1902. CHAI. 884.-An Act To grant a riglht of way to the Warrior Southern Railway May 3,1N2. Oomgany throughthe tract of m the_ State of Alabama reserved for the use of the mted States in connection with the improvement of the Black Warrior River ’ and known as Lock Four. Be it enacted by the Senate and ];D2use;f1Bey>v·esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That a right of way is hereby wf1·°rl?i‘,§r11`{;;;· Ejck grante to the Warrior Southern Railway Company, a corporation wmm séumém organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State §;J,1§°,¥,y §f}’§§§g of Alabama, for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the '°¤°“’°·“°°*°*· railroad contemplated by said company to be constructed from Searcy up the left bank of the Black WB17'l01' River, in the State of Alabama, through and across that certain tract of land situate, lying, and being upon the said Black Vfarrior River, in section two, township twenty- one south, range nine west, in the said State of Alabama, which has been reserved and appropriated to the use of the United States in connection with the improvement of the channel of the said Black Warrior River at the int known as Lock Numbered Four; and said company is hereby authlirized to locate, construct, operate, and maintain its said railroad through and across said tract of land 0VG1‘ so much of said tract of land as shall be included within lines drawn parallel to and eight feet distant on either side from the center line of the main track _ cfg said railroad as so located: Provided, lzowever, That the location and Q";,';?,',; ,0 be W all details of construction, such as retaining walls, culverts, spoil pmvea by smemy banks, and so forth, of said railroad through and across said tract of °‘ W"' land shall be first a proved by the Secretary of War and shall be such as not to unreasonab y interfere with the purposes for which said tract of land was reserved to the United States: And provided further, That mgs°’Qf;’·’ °* *’““"‘ the said company shall, at its own expense, but under the direction and ' with the approval of the Secretary of War, move any and all building or buildings and structure or structures heretofore erected by the United States upon said tract of land, and which may interfere with the construction and operation of said railroad as so located, to some other point or points upon said tract of land equally available and suitable for the use of the United States and the purposes for which such building or buildin s, structure or structures, were erected: And ovided jitrt/•e1·, That tie said company shall secure and grant to the T°*°P“°“°· United States full and free authority to construct, operate, and maintain a telephone line along the right of way of said railroad and connecting lines between Tuscaloosa and the junction of said railroad with the Ensley Southern Railway on the Locust Fork of the Black Warrior River: And providedjiwt/`ie1·, That the said com ny shall build and S“°°‘°*‘ permanently maintain, without cost to the Uniteci¤States,°a side track