Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/361

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 985. 1902. 295 gated shall not be included in general distribution, but shall be used for experimental tests to be carried on with the cooperation of the agricultural experiment stations, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars, of which sum the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to use ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the erection of a suitable seed warehouse on the Department rounds for receiving, storing, cleaning, and properly preparing the seed handled by the Department. INVESTIGATING rnoouoriox or DOMESTIC sUoAR: For all expenses, dlf§,*j§,§,1€*°··*“¥°'P"> including the employment of labor in the city of lVashington or else- ` where, necessary to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to continue inquiry and ascertain the progress made in the production of domestic sugar from beets and sorghum, including the area of available lands adapted thereto by irrigation or otherwise, and to investigate all other matters concerning the same, five thousand dollars. Total for Bureau of Plant Industry, six hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars. BUREAU OF FORESTRY. _ Bureau ¤fF¤rwrs·· BUREAU or Fonnszmr, SALARIESZ One forester, who shall be Chief S*“““°”· of Bureau, three thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant forester, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant forester, two thousand dollars; one assistant forester, one thousand eight hundred dollars; · one stenographer, one thousand two hundred dollars; one field assistant, one thousand five hundred dollars; one Held assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; one field assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; one field assistant, one thousand dollars; one field assistant, seven hundred and twenty dollars; ten collaborators, at three hundred dollars each, three thousand dollars; one clerk class three, one thousand six hundred dollars; one photographer, one thousand two hundred dollars; one computer, one thousand dollars; three clerks class one, three thousand six hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each, two thousand dollars; four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars; seven clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, five thousand and forty dollars; in all, thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars. GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU or Foxnsrizrz To enable the Secre- §§${};Q“,;,§j§gf,Q°°j;,;, tary of Agriculture to experiment and to make and continue investi- reports. ations and report on forestry, forest reserves, forest fires, and lumhering; to advise the owners of woodlands as to the dproper care of the same; to investigate and test American timber an timber trees; to seek, through investigations and the planting of native and foreign species, suitable trees for the treeless regions; to collect and distribute valuable economic forest tree seeds and plants; for the employment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in practical forestry and in conducting experiments and investigations in the city of Was ington and elsew ere, and for collating, igesting, reporting, illustrating, and printing the results of such experiments and investigations; for the purchase of all necessary supplies, appara- Suvvlm <=¢¢· tus, and office fixtures; for freight and express charges, and traveling pef]§_g¤¤¤S· Mu-· ~>¤· and other necessary expenses, two hundred and ii ty-four thousand" dollars, of which sum not to exceed six thousand dollars may be used Remfor rent, and seven hundred dollars may be used in payment of rent for the months of March. April, May, and June, nineteen hundred and two. And the employees of the Bureau of Forestry outside of the L**"¤<>* ¤*>*¤¢¤· city of \Vashington may, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, without additional expense to the Government, be granted leaves of absence not to exceed fifteen days in any one year. Total for Bureau of Forestry, two hundred and ninety-one thousand _ eight hundred and sixty dollars.