Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/430

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364 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1079. 1902. tofore appro riated for the im rovement of the Chicago River, making the totalpsum five hundred thousand dollars, may be used in the improvement of said river by constructing turning basins of proper size in said river, said turning basins to be located bv, and said money ex ended under the direction of, the Secretary of War. mk R*"°'·I"· Improving Rock River, Illinois: The construction of a lock at the _ head of the feeder, in— connection with the dam already provided for, §,f‘,,',';· ,,,,,1 mm, is hereby authorized: Provided, That said lock may be constructed ¤i1>vi0¤¤¤1 f¤¤d- from funds already appro riated or authorized to be appropriated for the construction of e Illinois and Mississippi Canal, e said lock to be constructed in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and twenty-six, Fifty-sixth Congress, second session, and to be included in and constitute a part of the _ prpject of the Illinois and Mississippi Canal.

 ox River, Illinois: Permission is hereby given to the Fox River

Navigable Waterway Association to construct a dam across said river in the northwest quarter of section thirt —six, in township forty-five, ¤>¢·*¤<>¤· in rangle eight east of the third principal meridian same being about three t ou.sand feet below the hig way ridgle at Mcfienry, in McHenry mm mend County, Illinois: Provided, however, That the right is hereby reserved ew., alter, amend, or repeal this provision, at the pleasure of Congress: aglélinbmw *0* <*·¤¤· Andprmddedfurthw, That nothing contained in thisgparagraph shall ` be construed as relieving the Fox River Navigable aterway Association from liability for any damage indicted upon (private property ‘ by reason of the construction of the dam as aforesai . wg•’·",f§;Q}{m mw; The sum of two hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as semi mum, uh. " may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for making such surveys, ]°'°"""“’ °°°‘ examinations, and investigations as may be required to determine the feasibility of, and to' prepare and report (plans and estimates of cost of, a navigable waterway fourteen feet in epth from Lockport, Illinois, by way of the Des Plaines and Illinois rivers, to the mouth of said Illinois River, and from the mouth of the Illinois River by way §r1•·;v*¤:;>;-em of the Mississippi River, to Saint Louis, Mimouri: Provided, That ’twenty-five thousand dollars of said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended by the Mississippi River Commission in making surveys, examinations, and investigations herein required from the mouth of the Illinois River to Saint Louis: Provided jizrt/am-, m§<>¤¤* ¢·¤· ¤¤•¤¤i¤•=· That the Secretary of War shall appoint a board of three engineers ' to make the surveys, examinations. and investigations hereinbefore required from Lockport, Illinois, through the Des Plaines River and Illinois River, to the mouth of said Illinois River, and that all such surveys, examinations, and investigations shall be made to determine the feasibility of, and to prepare and report plans and estimates of cost of, a navigable waterway fourteen feet in depth from Lockport, Cnigxjlgggltc ,*5;;: Illinois, to Saint Louis, Missouri. The said Mississippi River Comes wmrwsy, swim, mission shall make said reiport covering such pro se im rovement m" “’°"““'°’ m from the mouth of the llinois River to Saint Lguis, and, the said board of engineers shall make such report from Lockport, Illinois, to P,f;;,é'gm_'° *“°¤“ the mouth of the Illinois River: Andprvwzided fiu·t}ze#r, That the said ' board of engineers shall also make such surveys, examinations, and investigations as may be required to determine the feasibility of, and to prepare a report and plans and estimates of cot of, a navigable waterway seven feet in depth and of a navigable waterway eight feet in depth from the head of navigation of the Illinois River at Lasalle, Illinois, through said Illinois River to Ottawa, Illinois and said board of engineers shall make such report of said nax*i?ble waterways of stgigntgnd engnht feet, respectively, of said Illinois iver from Lasalle wa, ino1s. R*S°"°*¤·. .h¢¤d· Reservoirs at headwaters of the Mississi iRiver, and Mississi i K55E Mmmm River between Brainerd and Grand Rapid}; Minnesota: Continuiiig