Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/636

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570 F1FTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1351. 1902. Act approved April seventeenth, nineteen hundred, for the connected and se rate United States and other maps prepared in the General Land (ggce of the United States, which appropriation was made available for expenditure during! the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two Vo1.81,p.1W. by the Act approved Marc third, nineteen hundred and one, be, and the same is hereby, made available for expenditure during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three; and that the fourteen thousand eight undred and forty dollars appropriated by Act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, for the connected an sxa- ` rate United States and other maaps prepared in the General Land O ce be, and the same is hereby, m e avai able for expenditure during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three. ggjgh mmm Fon rim CArrroL: For work at Capitol, and for general repairs gheifeof, including wages of mechanics and laborers, eight thousand o ars. For reconstruction of carpenter shop and tool shops on the south side of the Ca itol grounds, to continue available during the fiscal year gineteen hundred and three, four thousand four hun red and thirty ollars. For refitting document room of the House of Representatives, includ; ing steel shelving, wooden shelving in space under new roof over the library section of the building, an for ocument carrier and communication, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars. For metallic book shelving in Library of House of Representatives, to continue available duri-gg the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, 5 E wwdbddg tw; tb0US§D(§Ifo`I¥'0l;\5l;)d dgcagd fifty élollarsl h tl d · · °· o y . . ri or ro essiona services as ea `ug an hmmm)` ventilgldn expert in connection with House of Re resentatives Report Numbered Twenty-two hundred and six, Fifty-Efth Congress, t ird session, and for services following, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three dollars and fifty-six cents. w£gl§m;g¤*&wF·$ For extra compensation to Dallas Jones, Edward Minor, Edward roauusxiera me Poindexter, and Joshua W. Barkley for the period from July first, ’°§§“Q,K;m°,‘{,Y,’§,§{'{0n nineteen hundred and one, to December first, nineteen hundred and W one in connection with the reconstruction of the roof, central portion of the Capitol, to be determined by the Superintendent of the Capitol · Building and Grounds, one thousand dollars. mgigjgggg °*P“°‘ Lrouriuo run Cariroi. AND enoimns: For lighting the Capitol and lgrounds about the same, including the Botanic (xarden, Senate and ouse stables, and engine house, Maltby Building, and folding and storage rooms of the House of Representatives; for gas and electric lighting; pay of su rintendent of meters, lamplighters, gas fifters, and for materials and Hbor for gas and electric lighting, and for general repairs, three thousand eight hundred dollars. n{;;2n¤gj*¤¢ °*P*°°* uraovixo rua Carrroi. onourmsc For continuing the work of the improvement of the Capitol grounds and for care of the grounds, one thousand nine hundred dollars. 'f,f"_'ff§§‘,_‘,E§,}‘;{'· Twntrru Curses: The accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby °,<>r¤¤i¤ in ~=¤¤¤¤¤ authorized and directed to credit in the accounts of H. A. Barrows ‘ disbursing clerk of the Census Office, the sum of one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents, being amount expended by him fx; crayon portraits and frames disallowed by the said accounting o cers. B“'""°°" The Director of the Census is hereb authorized to pay the sum of thirty-three dollars and fifty cents fhr one Burr index purchased through error, and which has been in constant use in the Census Office for over two years. ‘,E_Pgg,f'{0f’•*°'· The Director of the Census is hereby authorized to pay to Charles W. Parker the sum of eighty-one dollars for money expended by him