Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/756

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690 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1368. 1902. hundred dollars; for the erection of light frame buildings for the accommodation and protection of officers and enlisted men of the Marine Co stationed on the island of Culebra, Porto Rico, Eve thousand dmrs; in all, public works under Marine Corps, one hun- 00 Mmmm CH dimland fortygseyetrinthplusand doélars. C L d h f ¤ . · con rac 0 e arne ie tee om an imite ereto ore n°si°Sm°w°mWly` made between it and the United States, shall bg completed by its successor, the Carnegie Steel Company,_or its lawful successor, which has acquired and assumed, or may acquire and assume, all of its assets and all of its liabilities under the said contracts. And the said Carnegie Steel Company, or its lawful successor, upon giving security in roper form and_ amount, conditioned for the performance by it of the said contracts according to the true intent and meaning thereof, shall be substituted therein for the said Carnegie Steel Company, Limited, and be entitled to exercise all rights thereunder which the said Carnegie Steel Company, Limited, had or would have had if it had continued in existence.

 °’ “‘° . monmsn or tum Navy. _

,,Q`m’p:""°*"' "°*" That for the Spurpose of further increasing the naval establishment of the United tates, the President is hereby authorized to have constructed by contract two first-class battle ships carrying the heaviest armor and most powerful ordnance for vessels of their class upon a trial dispiacement of not more than sixteen thousand tons, and to have the —hig est practicable speed and great radius of action, and to cost, exclum2`,';,? ,,$,‘Q,'Q°,l,”"' "` sive of armor and armament, not exceedin four million two hundred and twelve thousand dollars each; two first-class armored cruisers of not more than fourteen thousand five hundred tons trial displacement, cantiying the heaviest armor and most powerful armament for vessels of eir class, and to have the highest practicable speed and great radius of action, and to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not T"° ¤““"°'*°*‘~ exceeding four million six hundred and fifty-nine thousand dollars each; two gunboats of about one thousand tons trial dis lacement, to cost °°‘“'°°"~ when bui t, exclusive of armament, not exceeding three hundred and eighty-two thousand dollars each, and the contract for the coristruction of each of said vessels shall be awarded, b the Secretary _ of the Navy, to the lowest best responsible bidder, having in view “°¤°“’“°“°”· the best results and most expeditious delivery; and in the construc- V¤*· 2* P- **5 tion of all of said vessels the provisions of the Act of August third, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, entitled "An Act to increase the naval establishment," as to materials for said vessels, their en `nes, boilers, and machinery, the contracts under which they are buigt the notice of any proposals for the same, the plans, drawings, specifications therefor, an the method of executing said contracts shall be observed and followed, and, subject to the provisions of this Act, all said vessels shall be built in compliance with the terms of said Act, and in all their (parts shall be of domestic machinery· and the steel material shall be of omestic manufacture, and of the quality and characteristics best adapted to the various purposes for which it may be used, in accordance wit specifications approved by the Secretarv of the Navy; and busy; *0* ·*¤¤ not more than two of the six battle shi s, armored cruisers, and gun boats provided for in this Act shall be huilt by one contracting partv. Wyse of ¤¤¤¤¢r¤¤- One battle ship or one armored cruiser herein provided for shall be “ built on or near the coast of the Pacific Ocean or the waters connecting therewith; but if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the President from the bidding for such contracts that said vessel can not be con

 M W i’¤· strncted on or near the coast ;f the Pacihc Ocean at a cost not exceeding four per centum above the cwest accepted bid for the correspondin

vessel provided for in this Ac , he shall authorize the construction of