Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/120

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CON GRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 60&—608. 1902. 1 353 pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the ension aws, the name of Richmon L. Booker, late of Company G, llhirty- first Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that be is now receiving. Approved, April 28, 1902. CHAP. 605.-An Act Granting a pension to Christiana Steiger. April 28, 1902. Be it enacted by t/ae Senate and House ofRe esentatives of the United [Pnm°’ M` im`] States of America in Congress assembled, 'Fliat the Secretary of the §,g;gQg¤¤ Steiger- Interior be, and he is here y., authorized and directed to place on the ' pension roll, Subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of Christiana Steiger, widow of John Steiger, late of Battery B, First Regiment Michigan Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. Approved, April 28, 1902. CHAP. 606.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Thomas Findley. Aprilza, 1902. Be it enacted b y the Senate and House of}? esentatieves of the United [MWC N°'521`] States of America in Congress assembled, gat the Secretary of the 'glgfg lggféjgh Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the ` nsion roll, subject to the lprovisions and limitations of the pension lfws, the name of Thomas indley, late of Company K, Twenty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is DOW receiving. Approved, April 28, 1902. - CHAP. 607.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Eliza J. Noble. April 28, 1902. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re eseniatives of t/oe United [mlm` 'M. om`] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the §;f§,;,';,:f,f;’,]:é”d Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the ` · pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the nsion aws, the name of Eliza J. Noble, widow of James D. Nobllg, late assistant surgeon Fifty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and acting assistant surgeon, United States Navy, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. _ Approved, April 28, 1902. CHAP. 608.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to William B. Matney. APYU 2% Im · 1: . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [Flaine. 0 ml States of America in Con ress assembled, That the Secretary of the l.‘Q}§§,‘f,* £,Q§$§{· Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the nsion roll, Subject to the rovisious and limitations of the nsion lixews, the name of William Matney, late of Company C, Fifihelte i- ment \Vest Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and pav him a pension at ie rate of twenty ollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, April 28, 1902.