1384 FHTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 760-764. 1902. laws, the name of Samuel L. Leflingwell, late of Company L, Second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, war with Mexico, and major Th1rty—iirst and Eighty-seventh Regiments Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and private, Company M, First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, May 5, 1902. May 5,1N2. CHAP. 761.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Elizabeth A. Capehart. [Pmm’ N0` Gm Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rr1%·esentato}ves of the United ,m*f,fi“b°*h A- °“P°‘ States of America in Congress assembled, t the Secretary of the rensinnxnmued. Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pensiopl roll, subjepgti to bthehgoiisiorp and lilmitatiori; of the peplsion ws, e name 0 iza t . ‘ape art, wi ow o en ape art, late colonel First Regiment West Virginia Volunteer 1Cava1ry and brevet major-general uited States Volunteers, and pay her a pension at the rate of forty dollars per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. Approved, May 5, 1902. M¤Y 5· CHAP. 762.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to James Scannell. 'va , JN. _ . a _ • Wn NND I Beote1•actedby theSe1mteandHouse0fR¥>v·esentatwes0ftbe United {,‘;"‘,,§'g,,,s°§,“,,§.‘§,l',;(,_ States af America yn Congress assembled, the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is here y, authorized and to place on pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension ws, the name of James Scannell, late of Company E, Fourt Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and Company K, Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ Approved, May 5, 1902. _ M¤!j_{9*_*§y#__ CHAP. 768.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Warren B. Nudd. 55mm` G;'] Be it enacted t/ie Senate and House cfR_l»{ressntaMes of tlae United ,,‘},'§,$,‘},§’,;g,§,,,;,_ States of America an Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the nsion aws, the name of Warren . Nudd, late of Companly A, Regiment New Hampshxre Volunteer Infantry, and pay un a pension at the rate of forty dollars per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. Approved, May 5, 1902. my 5. xm CHAP. 764.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Waity West. Pd n e.No. . _ im; Gm Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Rmesentatohzes of the United ,,m{mm}um_ States of Ama-aca an Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the nsion aws, the name of Waity West, widow of Isaac West, late of Czptain