I 606 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 509—51l. 1903. MMQ- . eighteen hundred and ninet -oue: ·Prm:i0led That no statute of limitajiiiesmdtnlgggtrlingidi titlins shall be pleaded in bail of the recovery of said claim: Anelprom‘°°°d‘ #vided_]‘in·the7·, That in determining the question of the liability of the United States the said court shall consider the testimony submitted to it in the investigation of said Congressional case numbered one thousand and forty-nine, together with all aihdavits. and documents; also the reports of officers of the State and Treasury departments of the United States in the settlements of accounts of the officers of the United States in connection with the said claim. . m§,*;{°‘°“'· °’ l“"g‘ And furthermore, that if the judgment shall be rendered against the , » United States for the amount found and fixed by said court in Said sixth finding of fact, to wit, the sum of sixty thousand one hundred dollars, the same shall be paid, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, to the legal representatives of the said Aaron Van Camp, deceased, and the said Vir 'nius P. Chapin, deceased,as their res ective interests may appear, andlthe new action to be brou ht under the provisions of this Act shall be in the name of said legal representativesl Approved, February 6, 1903. February 6 1903- CHAP. 510.-An Act For the relief of M. L. Cobb, administrator of W. W. Cobb, [Private, N0. 448.] deceased _ A Be it enacted by the Senate andHm»se0fRri:}€v·ese1atatéves of the United Yriksfgggbg mmm States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the rsumr 0:. Treasury be, and is hereb , authorized and directed to pay to M. L. ’ Cobb, administrator of W. Cobb, deceased, the sum of one thou- ‘ sand seven hundred and fifty-five dollars and forty-nine cents, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same being the amount of salary for the unexpired part of the current year in which the said W. W. Cobb, who was consul of the United States at Colon, Colombia, departed this life. Approved, February 6, 1903. February 6, 1903. CHAP. 511.-An Act For the relief of the heirs of Mary Clark and Francis or
Jenny Clark, deceased, and for other purposes. I
Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0'fRepresentattves of the [/lzitecl Mm Cmrk ¤¤¤ States {Ammca in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- Francns or Jenny . . - . . . . crm. rnor is ereby authorized and directed to issue a tent rn fee simple ,m§:;°g}° ff; IQ? fj} to the heirs of Mary Clark and Francis or Jenny Clark, deceased, late prior mxés. of Oklahoma Territory, for the northwest quarter of section seventeen in township thirteen north, of range eight west, of the Indian meridian, in said Territory, and the northeast quarter of section twenty-six in township eleven north, of range eight west, of the Indian meridian, in said Territory, said patent to issue in lieu of a tent issued to said Francis or Jenny Clark May twentieth, eighteen Kimdred and ninety- two, for said first-described tract, and a lpatent issued to said Mary Clark on the sixth day of May, eighteen undred and ninety-two, for the last-described tract; each of said patents bein trust in their charv¤1.24,p. 388- acter and issued under the provisions of the Act og Congress approved February iighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, as amended bv V°*· “°·P- *°°"· the Act of arch thrrd, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, said allottees being members of the Cheyenne or Arapahoe tribe of Indians. T¤¤¤°¤· Sec. 2. That said lands when so patented shall be subject to taxaation under the laws of the Territory of Oklahoma. ” Approved, February 6, 1903.